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Not everything is a joke Woodrow.

CPLZ - I go back to the Army thread where people openly complained about Cadet's heading off to pro baseball in lieu of their military obligation. I don't recall you being real thrilled about the subject matter of those threads. I took your side in that one and you didn't seem to mind. It had nothing to do with a "love fest" for military academy players.

I can see I have lost this debate. Sorry for the decision to close the PG thread. I'll re-open it now.
My strong disagreement with those opinions in that thread in no way advocated the silencing of the dissent or the quelling of the argument.

You and I have stood shoulder to shoulder on some topics and nose to nose on others, as it has been with myself and a number of other HSBBWers. I think it's wonderful that posters here, including you and I, can have that relationship, where we can take a stance on an issue by issue basis and still have great respect and admiration for the people involved, regardless of where their opinions fall.

A friend of mind told me once that true friendship can withstand both the shortcomings of the other and the extreme disagreement that must sometimes accompany a close relationship.
Last edited by CPLZ
Can't we just be friends...OOps we are now.

I have stayed out of this mini-brawl and agree that dissent is healthy. It is healthy for this site, and it is healthy for PG. What better place for a CEO to hear about counter opinions about his business? Do you think someone is going to walk up to him at an event and say some of the things that are posted here? Most CEO’s that I know would love to have a vehicle like this for promotion and feedback purposes. By squashing dissent you are actually driving people away. People are not stupid and personally I don’t think moderators need to be the PG police. I had an absolutely brilliant piece (OK I thought it was brilliant) taken down so not to offend Jerry. It was silly IMO but did not make a big deal of it, but stuff like this cuts down on creativity and diversity of the site.

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