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I'm putting together a Google Form to gather information about JUCO programs. I know most of us are familiar or have experience with a program nearby that wouldn't mind sharing some information. Obviously, the information gathered may not be 100% accurate as it relies on the honesty/knowledge of the individual submitting the information. However, I think this might be a way to assist those of us who are trying to research schools/programs for the right "fit".

Here's what I have so far: Junior College / Community College Baseball Program Information Survey

The form is not currently turned on, but the results will automatically be posted to a spreadsheet here: Responses

What other questions would you like to see on this survey?

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I appreciate your initiative but I don’t think you will be able to get the information you need with this approach. Maybe you will on a few programs but I can’t imagine much beyond that. If I was in your shoes, and I have been twice before as a parent, I would go at this differently. Create a list of 10-20 JuCo programs that make sense for your son. Then go about gathering information about those programs. Assuming, of course, that those programs have interest in your son - or there is a reasonable expectation that interest can be created. I have gotten more PMs than I can count about JuCo programs over the years and I’m willing to say much more in a PM than in a general response. But regional differences in JuCo baseball are huge so broad generalizations often don’t hold up under closer scrutiny. I suggest you look for on campus camps this fall. A couple of social media accounts to follow are JucoRoute & JBB (JuCo Baseball Blog). Both those accounts promote JuCo baseball and are good about advertising events.

The West Virginian population is on a decline. The rise in expenses for baseball makes it difficult for many West Virginians to continue playing the sport up to the collegiate level. Additionally, because collegiate level baseball has limited scholarships, West Virginians may not be able or willing to incur significant debt to pay for college. Also West Virginia is not a state that coaches tend to recruit from because let's be honest with ourselves...the stereotypes about West Virginians and implicit bias toward West Virginians exists.

No surprise the number of WV playing collegiate baseball is shrinking.

@adbono trying to put together that list of 20, just finding it difficult to do. Thank you for the social media resources.

@Momball11 posted:

The West Virginian population is on a decline. The rise in expenses for baseball makes it difficult for many West Virginians to continue playing the sport up to the collegiate level. Additionally, because collegiate level baseball has limited scholarships, West Virginians may not be able or willing to incur significant debt to pay for college. Also West Virginia is not a state that coaches tend to recruit from because let's be honest with ourselves...the stereotypes about West Virginians and implicit bias toward West Virginians exists.

No surprise the number of WV playing collegiate baseball is shrinking.

@adbono trying to put together that list of 20, just finding it difficult to do. Thank you for the social media resources.

Is the goal to get an education or play baseball.  Have you considered other 4 year opportunities, eg NAIA.

Remember, there are a significant no. of transfers between the 4 yr divisions.

@Momball11 posted:

The West Virginian population is on a decline. The rise in expenses for baseball makes it difficult for many West Virginians to continue playing the sport up to the collegiate level. Additionally, because collegiate level baseball has limited scholarships, West Virginians may not be able or willing to incur significant debt to pay for college. Also West Virginia is not a state that coaches tend to recruit from because let's be honest with ourselves...the stereotypes about West Virginians and implicit bias toward West Virginians exists.

No surprise the number of WV playing collegiate baseball is shrinking.

@adbono trying to put together that list of 20, just finding it difficult to do. Thank you for the social media resources.

I recommend including Lackawanna College in Scranton, PA in your list of 20

Is the goal to get an education or play baseball.  Have you considered other 4 year opportunities, eg NAIA.

Remember, there are a significant no. of transfers between the 4 yr divisions.

The ultimate goal is to get a quality education without taking on significant debt. So it seems my son is primarily keeping his list to schools that would be no more then $20k/year in tuition expenses. He has the opportunity to get a quality education for about $5k/year, but that would be without baseball. So I suppose he's considering taking on $15k/year to play a sport he loves and see if it might lead to something more than something he's passionate about.

Yes, I'm using the JUCO pipeline feature and also the conference comparison feature to quickly gather some information. A filtering feature that is more in depth for the college search tool would have saved me time, but I just sucked it up and spent an entire day gathering data like coach tenure, tuition, on/off-campus housing, field location/surface data, distance from home and putting it all on a spreadsheet of my own. I also separated out roster size by Pitchers/Position players. Then for each school also put their current 2024 commits.

Now my son is going through them and better able to narrow down to 20-30 that he'll be reaching out to.

@Momball11 posted:

Yes, I'm using the JUCO pipeline feature and also the conference comparison feature to quickly gather some information. A filtering feature that is more in depth for the college search tool would have saved me time, but I just sucked it up and spent an entire day gathering data like coach tenure, tuition, on/off-campus housing, field location/surface data, distance from home and putting it all on a spreadsheet of my own. I also separated out roster size by Pitchers/Position players. Then for each school also put their current 2024 commits.

Now my son is going through them and better able to narrow down to 20-30 that he'll be reaching out to.

Excellent! I would include line items to compare team BA over the tenure of the current HC & position coach. That will give you an idea who may be better at developing hitters. When you have your list pulled together comb the rosters and look for any personal connections that can put you in contact with current/former players in those programs. Also see who consistently competes for conference championships vs who doesn’t. Playing on a winning team is much more fun - all things being equal.

@adbono posted:

Excellent! I would include line items to compare team BA over the tenure of the current HC & position coach. That will give you an idea who may be better at developing hitters. When you have your list pulled together comb the rosters and look for any personal connections that can put you in contact with current/former players in those programs. Also see who consistently competes for conference championships vs who doesn’t. Playing on a winning team is much more fun - all things being equal.

@Momball11 posted:

Yes, I'm using the JUCO pipeline feature and also the conference comparison feature to quickly gather some information. A filtering feature that is more in depth for the college search tool would have saved me time, but I just sucked it up and spent an entire day gathering data like coach tenure, tuition, on/off-campus housing, field location/surface data, distance from home and putting it all on a spreadsheet of my own. I also separated out roster size by Pitchers/Position players. Then for each school also put their current 2024 commits.

Now my son is going through them and better able to narrow down to 20-30 that he'll be reaching out to.

So it took you 1 day to collect to get need information, congrats.

How long would it have taken without JUCO Pipeline or conference comparison feature?

As for 2024 commits, there is no single  source of the truth, (e.g. PBR, PG or other), thus estimate a juco will bring between in a factor of 1.25 to 1.40 players in the fall.

Player Attrition tells you how any players transferred to 4yr school from previous yr.   Go back a couple of years to understand the trend


Outgoing by Position provides insights as to what positions had success in moving players along

JUCO details highlights who moves by position, thus you will understand where development occurred.


With respect to Head Coaching tenure  JUCO has a higher turnover


Here are the latest changes for 2023-24 season



Images (5)
  • Crowder_2023_Player_attrition_Outgoing_Player
  • Crowder_2023_Player_attrition_Outgoing_Players_by_position
  • Crowder_2023_Juco_Insights_JUCO_Pipeline_Details(1)
  • CBI-Head-Coach-Tenure-2023
  • CBI-Annual-Coaching-Changes-2023

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