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The three of you guys get the donkey's azz award for your reference to Da' Bears and the hot women with the hot wings.

So 3rdgenerationnation, CPLZ, and GA SC Diamond treat him nice. His nickname is SS. It's short for Stinky Scirocco. You might want to affix a license plate light on him. I wouldn't want you three amigos to get pulled over for no good reason!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
I agree, I thought it was a great game, even though I wasn't happy with the result. Good hitting from both teams, very intense back and forth game...unfortunately for the Ducks, they lost their intensity on one play that cost them the game...keep playing until you hear the whistle, you're taught that in Pop Warner boys!
It was actually a very exciting game. Didn't want to leave the room for fear of missing something and both teams were in it 'til the end. Could have been much much worse and been one of those early blow outs. I also don't think that they suffered from a long lay off but just the opposite, a lot of time to prepare and practice for a specific opponent. It showed in their defenses and play calling. The opening jitters were there at first along with a slippery as he-ll field all during the game but I thought all-in-all an edge of the chair type game.

Going back to preparations....As a Gamecock fan( )I just wish the ol' Ball Coach still had it in him to have a team as well prepared for a game as these two teams and especially Auburn were. Maybe he was watching and learned something.
Defense dominated the same way it does early in the year. Defense is reactionary, offense is timing. Sit out 5-6 weeks, and no way is your timing going to be on, no matter how much you practice.

On top of timing, you get rusty on your reads offensively.

I watched AU come back against Alabama. This wasn't close to the same team.

As long as they want to use this ridiculous system of bowl games 4-7 weeks after the last game, they will always be useless because they will not be representative of the same team that finished the season.

Originally posted by Jimmy03:

Oregon out coached.

Ever see the movie, Brians Song, The Brian Piccalo Story? There's a scene in there, where Pic is telling the story about how they caught the defense off guard and ran a misdirection to Sayers for a huge gain. Abe Gibron, Bears Coach, then calls a misdirection on the next play to go to Piccalo. Pic says that the last thing you want to do, is run the same play at a p'o'd defense that you just made look bad.

That's exactly what Oregon did on 4th and goal when they got stuffed. (although it was a jet sweep, not a misdirection) That's bad play calling.
Last edited by CPLZ
Some post-game mental notes:

1) Auburn's defensive line was the most impressive aspect of this game. Oregon's celebrated running game was non-existent against the Auburn front 4. They were men among boys.
2) My prediction was terrible. Off by 20 and picked the wrong team. I'm glad no money was involved. I'll keep the day job for sure.
3) Oregon had the absolute coolest football uniforms I've ever seen.
4) Auburn better hope that no academic or athletic violations come to light with their barely eligible QB.
Both defenses employed a sort of bend don't break philosophy, as the Ducks looked to contain Newton in the pocket and the Tigers took the middle completely away from James. Auburn had two goal line stands, and a safety in the game to go with a couple turnovers...the Ducks LB Mathews had the play of the game (until the big run) when he punched the ball out of Newton's hands from behind, and they ultimately tied the score. I know both teams gave up some yardage, but it was a fun to watch...JMO though. Would TCU have taken either team? We'll never know unless they implement a playoff system, and that probably won't happen.

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