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This time of year we always find ourselves having to talk about "other" things. Guilty as charged! Baseball hasn't started up and we've gotten burned out on all the bowl games and most of us don't participate in or understand most winter sports. There are some subjects we should be extremely careful of. These are the areas where we are very "different". Race, religion, politics etc. While we cannot avoid these topics completely we cannot tolerate the constant pounding of one person's opinion or one group's opinion on the whole HSBBW readers because we will all get frustrated.

I came to the HSBBW looking for baseball topics to help my son. Yes there are many things that have entered in to those discussions that have nothing to do with a bat, a ball and a glove yet the did impact his game. Academics, finances, where we live, his size, the economy, his attitude, my attitude, my priorities and his priorities. Baseball became a part of our lives. Our hobbies, vacations, our faith and sometimes our jobs become intertwined with baseball and we have all found a place on the HSBBW to share those things. But sharing is a two way street. If we share something on the HSBBW it should be something we both want to give and receive.
There is a way to handle this: I had a lady give me a bunt cake a few years back. I thanked her and I truly did appreciate her efforts but I threw the cake away -- and washed my hands afterwards Big Grin. The health department would concur with my action. She asked me later if I enjoyed the cake. I explained it was gone before I had a chance to eat any. Then I said --- PLEASE don't give me anymore cakes. That's the last thing I need. So, please don't give out any more of your cakes. The only way we can throw it away is to tell you I threw it away and that creates a problem. Ignore it sounds good but that doesn't work here. We didn't come here to ignore things --- we came here to get involved in things --- baseball things.
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i'd never throw away a cake

Yeah you would. This is a funny story (has nothing to do with baseball, race, religion -- but does have a little se* in it) My place of business was relative close to a reputable massage parlor --- or so we thought until it got busted for prostitution. Small town so it's difficult to segregate businesses. The lady that owned this massage parlor came to my office to make 1 or 2 copies a few times and I never charged her. I think it was one Christmas and she brought me a bunt cake. I thought about her professional activities. I asked everyone in my office if they wanted any of the cake. I explained it was "ho"made and everyone declined.
Originally posted by Fungo:
This time of year we always find ourselves having to talk about "other" things. Guilty as charged! --- we came here to get involved in things --- baseball things.

I take it with this rambling story that you're feeling a little remorseful about inciting the great "Tebow Eye-Black" debate, possibly better known as the "Forum for Religious Intolerance and National Podium for what We Believe In". NAAAHH!, you shouldn't feel the need to create call for more purist baseball talk after having incited that conversation. The debate was a great accomplishment (as the participants duly pointed out toward the end several times). I learned a lot, and would nominate it for a Golden Thread. In fact, I think its worthy of a top 10 list.

Top 10 things I found really amusing or enlightening about the great Tebow Eye-Black debate:

10) Eye-Black is apparently effective under night-lights as well
9) Big white letters on eye-black apparently don't reduce its effectiveness
8) Lots of people think the NCAA is responsible for carrying out the 1st amendment
7) In spite of our well-evolved self sense of enlightenment, most people truly have no desire to see, hear, explore, or understand anything that threatens their set of beliefs.
6) A few people actually think that the concept of Separation of Church and State is tied to the rules governing amateur collegiate athletics as well
5) Although most of us are mainstream Christians, we really think it took a lot of courage for a kid to display a mainstream Christian message on national TV
4) Apparently Atheists are led to such a drastic spritual conclusion with with no real belief in anything, and so they should be relegated to the back of the line with respect to what they get to express publicly - right behind Hitler and those nasty "Allah" people.
3) The best way to deliver a real zinger is to preface it with "Great post, but..."
2) You can never go wrong by extolling the virtues of a good, God-fearing Christian kid. Works every time.
1) The creator of a thought-provoking public forum on Free Speech and public expression can shut it down when he feels it has run its course (or gets uncomfortable?).

Yeah, let's talk Baseball now.
Last edited by wraggArm
Fungo and others---there are other sports besides baseball---yesterday I watched the #1 Ladies Hoops team, UCONN, # 5 Mens Hoops team, UCONN and numerous others---also had ladies college hockey, pro hoops and MLB TV not to mention two NFL Playoff games

Yes baseball is #1 for me, in fact we drove 30 minutes down and back in snow for a baseball meeting yesterday-- I really think some of you need to broaden your spectrum of sports

At 1 PM today is Giants and Eagles--you want drama here it is but then again if you dont live in this region you may never understand the impact of these two teams playing each other anytime not to mention on the road to the super bowl
wraggarm and Blue Dog - you both make good points imho. Why don't we let it go as you guys having the last word?

I supported all the decisions that were made about whether the original topic was a legitimate one for these forums (it was highly entertaining debate imho) and the decision to close it. I suppose that makes me a hypopcrite but I'll learn from that experience.

Look, I think someone expressing their view that they "Pray for some member (or player like Josh Hamilton) to get better" is fine. If it goes much further than that then we all ought to be our own moderators and try and minimize that here. I feel exactly the same about political posts - they don't belong here imho.

RE: Baseball

Blue Dog - do you have any recent Josh Hamilton swing clips that you could post - I have always appreciated your postings of great hitters Smile
Fungo, in all due respect to you, what you're doing is trying to manipulate posters

Shouldn't that sentence be separated with something more than a comma. Big Grin

Blue Dog, There are those of us that try to guide the HSBBW in what we feel is THE "right" direction (not MY direction). There are those of us that try to guide the HSBBW in "their" direction (which they vehemently claim is right). I don't moderate forums and threads to help people reach the Celestial Kingdom nor do I moderate forums and threads for the purpose of preventing anyone from gaining their eternal salvation. What I do try to do is reach a "middle of the road" approach to baseball, parenting, and life in general when it comes to the HSBBW. There are those that don't like that path. The HSBBW is NOT for everyone. We have to follow certain rules. I have a number of PM's right now telling me to delete your posts because you're not following the rules. YOU do need to make some adjustments so the HSBBW can serve the young pre-high school baseball player looking for answers. We all make mistakes you and I included. I am constantly looking for the best way to do things for the HSBBW --- not Fungo. I do read your posts just as I read those PM's that want me to delete your posts. Let's all make changes --- if you want to call that manipulating you --- so be it.
There are times that I don't necessarily agree with everything said on here (though I do a majority of the time). At my age I do understand that people come here from different backgrounds and beliefs, etc. Right, wrong, or indifferent that's just how it is. Personally, I have always liked the differing opinions on various topics here. It has always made me look at things from a different perspective and quite honestly opened my mind and heart. If I ever read something I didn't agree with or maybe even offended me, I would simply read it, mull it over, then move on. I may respond or not. That is my perogative here on hsbbw as it it all of ours. But when we begin to give our opinions no matter what they are and get censured, that is the day this board starts to lose it appeal. I think what bothers most on here is not necessarily WHAT people say, but how they come across saying it, i.e ranting & raving, accusatory, condescending, belittling, etc. etc. Unfortunately, not everyone gets a gold star for tact much to my chagrin. (that song comes to mind: it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way! lol)

I don't believe anyone would argue that Hamilton's interview on ESPN the other night included what God has done recently in his life to change his ways and life. Josh (not any of us) has chosen this "platform" if you will to include God in his interview, book, Sports Illustrated article, etc. It is part of who he is now, and personally am glad to see and hear it. With that being said, if Josh had chose to use the devil instead in his story I would not have liked it, but I could choose to ignore it. I would have not been offended.

This is a baseball site. I love it for that! The things I've learned here over the years are exponential. One of the many things I've learned to love is the loving support of encouragement and offers of prayer for those who really needed it. Not everyone has family or close friends and this may be the only source of encouragement they receive - at all!
Last edited by YoungGunDad
Good post.

Someone closed the thread but the discussion will continue in this one, but I understand your good intentions.
BTW, if someone doesn't like what Fungo does, let's see if those that complain about him or the subject matter can start a thought provoking topic instead of just posting some useless stuff.
I myself like these type of topics, lets people see (if they haven't already figured it out)who comes for trouble. For example, where does someone get off asking me what religion people are? I an not sure if you can blame one particular person for anything, it's been a combo of a lot of things,I think we should just move on here.

That's what Fungo is asking, in case no one read his post.
Not everyone has family or close friends and this may be the only source of encouragement they receive - at all!

This is true.

There are also thousands of faith-based web sites, on-line messages boards and blogs offering similar support.

If there are no other workable alternatives to this issue, I'd suggest a specialty sub-forum for religious threads.
Last edited by HaverDad

We threw away a perfectly good orange cake away.

It was a thank you gift from another baseball mom. The problem? Much to her family's chagrin, there were 15 cats living IN her home. (She was facing some challenges and rarely came to games.)

I wrote her a nice little thank you - complimenting her on the beautiful cake. Couldn't look her husband in the eye when he asked me how it tasted. Eek
Originally posted by Fungo:
What I do try to do is reach a "middle of the road" approach to baseball, parenting, and life in general when it comes to the HSBBW. Fungo

How is closing the Tebow thread "middle of the road"? As moderator, you have every right to make sure the rules are followed. But why choose to close a thread instead of reprimanding a rule breaking poster. How is closing the thread a better response to questionable posts than warning the poster or deleting his posts.

Can you imagine if every time a car speeded on the road the police closed the road instead of giving the speeder a ticket?

Originally posted by 55mom:
We threw away a perfectly good orange cake away.

You know some parts of the country kitty litter is considered the same as sprinkles...


Servings: 14 (or fewer depending on their gag reflexes). Always a Halloween favorite!

Author's Notes: This is a very good recipe for you men out there to surprise your loved ones. It's a quick and dirty recipe chock full of whatever it is that you can muster and/or comprehend.

This clever KITTY LITTER cake recipe, that actually is prepared using a well used kitty litter box, is quite delicious, despite its rather unappetizing, yet realistic, appearance. For the proper presentation, use a well broken-in plastic cat litter box and spoon the cake onto plates with a crusty old p00per scooper.

Be warned, generally this cake will not get eaten much except by people who are completely famished or those who have remarkably acquired a taste for it. Most people just can't seem to get past the grittiness or appearance, no matter how good it may taste...the exception, of course, being 20dad and myself. We both love cake! Cake, cake, cake...any kind of cake! You should see how we wrestle over these...

Usually they have to keep 'em locked up so wee don't fight.


Sorry...back to the recipe.

    1 German chocolate cake mix.

    1 white cake mix.

    2 large packages vanilla instant pudding mix, prepared.

    1 large package vanilla sandwich cookies.

    green food coloring.

    12 small Tootsie Rolls©...or use your imagination.

    1 fragrant plastic kitty litter pan.

    1 new kitty litter pan liner...really...why bother?

    1 p00per scooper.

    Prepare cake mixes and bake according to directions or as best as you can reasonably follow problem, right guys?

    Prepare pudding mix and then grab a beer and sit down and chill until you're ready for the next step.

    Crumble (smash) vanilla sandwich cookies in small batches in food processor (counter top using 3# mallet), scraping and swearing often.

    Set aside all but about 1/4 cup of those sorry mashed cookies (that includes the most of them which, like shrapnel, scattered all over the kitchen floor).

    To the 1/4 cup powerfully mashed cookie crumbs and floor sweepings, add a few drops green food coloring (or residue pried loose from your mower blade). Mix until completely colored or you get bored...whichever comes first.

    When this mess is cooled to room temperature, crumble or hurl into a large, large bowl. Use your wife's best bowl...she'll appreciate that. Long toss with half the remaining vanilla cookie crumbs and floor sweepings the chilled or perhaps frozen pudding. Important: mix in just enough of this concoction to moisten it. You don't want it too soggy...that would be completely disgusting! Combine gently. Yeah right.

    Line your kitty litter box. Put the cake/pudding/cookie mixture stuff into the litter box.

    Put 3 unwrapped Tootsie Rolls© or other imaginative item in a microwave safe dish (not the old empty tuna can that you unfortunately used last week) and heat until soft and pliable...kinda' the consistency of your mid-section. Shape ends so they are no longer blunt, curving know the look! Repeat with 3 more Tootsie Rolls©, or whatever, and bury them in the mixture. Don't look so've watched the cats do this dozens of times.

    Sprinkle the other half of cookie crumbs over top being careful not to lodge too much of them in the motor housing of the ceiling fan.

    Scatter the green cookie crumbs lightly on top of everything...including the range top. This is supposed to look like the chlorophyll in kitty litter...but it really looks more like the grass ball they hack up on the carpet every time they come in from the backyard.

    Heat 3 Tootsie Rolls© in the microwave until almost melted. Scrape them on top of the cake and then sprinkle them with cookie crumbs. Spread remaining Tootsie Rolls© over the top. Take your time to get it just right. Like the cat, 10 or 12 minutes should do.

    For the utmost in authenticity take one Tootsie Roll© and heat until pliable, hang it over the side of the kitty litter box, sprinkling it lightly with cookie crumbs. Have your cat help with this if you are having difficulty...they're experts at this. Place the box on a newspaper, preferably the editorial page, and sprinkle a few of the cookie crumbs around for a truly disgusting, yet realistic effect!

Further notes: I had a rather stuffed reader write in saying this recipe only needed half the amount of pudding. I personally liked the cake with the amount given in this recipe. But feel free to use this as a loose guideline, use more or less as you see the need. Also, since the layer of cookies (with the chlorophyll green specks), covers the top, you could really use any flavor or flavors or cakes underneath. That's what I've been trying to say all along!

Last, but not least, you can also opt not to crumble the cakes, but rather layer them in the pan with the layers of pudding in between (much like you would layer a trifle into a trifle dish), sprinkle the top layer of pudding with a heavy layer of crumbled cookies. Same effect, different texture entirely to the dessert.

Trifle? Trifle dish? Whoa! What...are you nuts? I'm drawing the line...don't trifle with me!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Quote by Dear old Dad:
"How is closing the Tebow thread "middle of the road"? As moderator, you have every right to make sure the rules are followed. But why choose to close a thread instead of reprimanding a rule breaking poster. How is closing the thread a better response to questionable posts than warning the poster or deleting his posts.

Can you imagine if every time a car speeded on the road the police closed the road instead of giving the speeder a ticket?"

Let me say that I respect Fungo and feel he is one of the most respected posters and moderators here.
I enjoying reading all his topics, replies, debates, etc.....but, I must say that although you have the power and right to start and close a thread at anytime, I'm a little confused on why you chose to close the Tebow thread. Didn't see any profanity, disrespect or hateful remarks directed toward anyone and actually thought it was a very interesting topic.
Just curious!
Last edited by Danny Boydston
Forums can be wonderful places for web friends to share opinions and ideas on topics everyone wants to partake in. I'm open to any discussion that does not judge my kids or my thoughts on religion, as one is from the heart and the other from the soul and that's no place for a stranger to go.

We teach our kids about respect, lets all respect the fact that there are some topics that should be left in other forums and leave this one to baseball and the plans for our kids to succeed in the sport we promote.

I don't think thats too much to ask
Last edited by rz1
.....32 days till my son's first college baseball game; cold weather high school parents and D-1'ers will have to wait longer, but it looks like we're all getting a bit chippy with cabin fever.

Lots of good and interesting comments in this thread and the one that was nailed shut but one struck a chord-religion is truly an area where most of us don't much care to hear too many contrary views, unlike many sports topics where you can enjoy debate all day-the DH, uniform college starting date, recruiting rules, salary cap, etc. I consider myself an open-minded Christian, but truth be known, I'm opened-minded about some aspects of Christianity, but not about the correctness of my faith.

Bottom line, I have strong beliefs, but it's not an area where I should wander into a free-ranging discussion without expecting to get getting my dander if I don't want the heat, I should stay out of the kitchen.

Opening day is coming folks, hang in there and play nice.
Didn't see any profanity, disrespect or hateful remarks directed toward anyone and actually thought it was a very interesting topic.

Personally, I find these statements disrepectful:

"You have no meaningful point, my friend...."

"Anyone saying he is promoting a Religion is wrong...."

Fungo tried at least four times to tactfully steer the discussion away from it's missionary vector.
Last edited by HaverDad
re: much worse in many threads..

Were it a thread on weighted balls, I'd be less bothered by it.

Were there not so many urgings to tone it down, it would be different as well.

Only Fungo knows, but I suspect the e-mails he mentioned reflected significant support for moderation.

Having moderated two successful international forums, I must add, from first hand expereince, that surgical deletion of posts, without the deletion of interwoven reactions, creates an incoherent thread.
Last edited by HaverDad
re: warning the poster

Were these not ignored warnings from Fungo?

"Let's back off the religious aspect of Tim Tebow and WHAT it says on his eye black...."

"Save those discussions for wherever you can find a receptive audience --- but not here."

"While we cannot avoid these topics completely we cannot tolerate the constant pounding of one person's opinion".
Were these not ignored warnings from Fungo?

For me, I'm refering to direct PM warnings not generic ones where it's not clear who the reference is to or what post it regards. If PM warnings were issued/ignored, I would think specific action should be taken up with that person. It's the author, not the pen and paper, that is the problem. The traffic ticket vs closing down the whole highway is a perfect illustration.

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