Alert to parents looking for Professinal pitching coach Inland Empire California. Coach is back after a 5 month layoff for personal reasons. Excellent communicator or the game
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Alert to parents looking for Professinal pitching coach Inland Empire California. Coach is back after a 5 month layoff for personal reasons. Excellent communicator or the game
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I also played big league baseball for a number of years and still am very active as an Personal coach. For all you who feel running for pitchers is a thing of the past, you are sadly mistaken. you need your legs and cardio vascular strength when it comes to those late innings. So baseball instructor 50 why try to convince the stubborn majority with knowledge intended to help a generation of future athletes. When a person tells me the game has changed and so have the techniques and mechanics I let them win. Although I have seen some of my former students recently get drafted into professional baseball. That's pretty good after teaching them a method that is outdated. Keep up the good work because with all of the travel teams and coaches pushing their philosophy this generation of kids will suffer the most. God bless you all for sharing both positive or negative
This was your second post.
You referred to some of us as the stubborn majority.
That right there gave me a challenge to challenge.
In a discussion with son who plays baseball, the scenario is much different for a starter vs reliever. I understand that most HS players train as starters, but let me ask you a question and here is your challenge, how do YOU train pitchers, what plan do you lay out for them to do each day? Long distance running, sprints, poles, swim, weight training, agility excercises, yoga, etc (ask me if you don't understand what etc means.
Nolan Ryan demonstrated that you can have a long pitching career by having a consistent work out regimen. In Nolan Ryan's Pitching Bible he talks about cardio part of his training and how it helped his stamina.
I added 4 pages from his book where he mentions running, for what it's worth.
I know what my first post was, I am new to the neighborhood and did jot know all of the website rules but once I found out, I will never make that mistake again Sir. TPM. With neighbors like you who would needs an enemy, do u always have to be right?
I've kind of stayed out of this latest round...part of the reason is because for some reason, anytime folks have differing experiences / opinions, it tends to get "chippy" in here, which I hope does not keep others from offering their valued opinions.
No doubt there are different ways to skin the cat, and not all sizes fit all.. In fact there are too many "gurus" out there that have put together a "one size fits all" program, and IMO especially for pitchers, there are too many robots out there trying to mimic certain "positions" that have been "scientifically" claimed to be the "proper" mechanics. I agree there are to some degree, a certain amount of physical training, and mechanical efficiencies that are pretty much given, however I have seen too many "ex college / ex professional" pitchers that really know very little about the complex sequence of events that occur in pitching. I have also seen many robotic / uncoordinated pitchers on the mound, where their " instructors" have coached the athleticism right out of them.
Full disclosure: my bio on this site references myself as a pitching coach. I am, however in college I was a position player. What makes me think I can coach pitching, without a resume of ever stepping foot on the rubber in a high level baseball game? I would venture a good guess, that I have spent more time, and much more money than most folks that ever read this site, to learn. I have trained / learned in person with the the best in the business, folks that are referenced on this site by many: Cressey, Nyman, Boddy, Mills, Wolforth, Wheeler,House... all of which I have the good fortune to have be introduced to, and spent time and resources to travel and learn.
Having had the ability to spend time with these folks, I would not go as far as to say that I agree 100% with all they teach, in fact with some of it, I do not. All this to say, that while none of us are arguing that the first edition of Windows is as good as the latest, we also know that technology / science as it relates to developing high level pitchers has also advanced, and to ignore that is cheating the pitchers that are being instructed. Are there better ways of getting cardio than hitting the pavement, YES. Are some constants the same as they were many years ago, YES. Does one have to have pitched at a high level to understand, and teach it...NO. There are some folks out there that are collecting $ from lessons that claim elite status as instructors, that are stealing from their clients....all behind the claim that they pitched in college, etc.....I think PG Staff has posted several times that some of the biggest thieves out there are the numerous claimed "Pitching Instructors" is really shameful.
I think discussions like this are beneficial, although unless someone asks specific questions, the more general ones tend to get off track, and lead to many disagreements. Hopefully folks can weed through the personality conflicts, and take the differing advice, and form their own opinions.
Not to infringe on your discussion(s) with TPM, but He is a She.
well said again, back foot slider, you make a lot of valid points. I thought I was getting into a discussion as well but I felt I got ambushed because I made the cardinal mistake of solicting myself. However I have heard some very educated remarks from this forum. At the end of the day, the road to the big leagues or even playing at a D1 college is very competitive
Well my apologies again, I just feel TPM attacks all that seem to opposE but this is a discussion site
I never claimed running will make you last longer, I said running should be apart of program whether it is treadmill or outside and I stand by it, you should and will do some running as a Professinal or collegiate player, so why not learn it and love it now.
I am starting to see why texting and discussion pages like this can become extinct. People seem to misinterpret your intentions. For all I have offended, my apologies, I will stick with race to face speaking. I am out of my element with this group. Again my apologies
No not long distance, sprints, dashes, 2 miles is good, if that is considered long then yes. As a starter, a couple of miles should be good