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By Brent Yarina
E-Mail Author | Read Blog Staff Writer
Saturday, May 12th 8:34pm

McKinney High had a sweet arrangement set up for next week's regional quarterfinals matchup against Mesquite Poteet. Poteet, however, wanted no part of it.

McKinney coach Jeremy Price said the Frisco RoughRiders were offering their state-of-the-art Dr Pepper Ballpark free of charge to both school districts for a best-of-3 series.

Well, McKinney got the best-of-3 series it wanted, but Poteet refused to agree to play the series at the Texas Rangers' Double-A affiliate's home.

"I wanted to do what was best for the kids," Price said. "They deserve to play at a place like that. [Poteet] didn't care about that.
McKinney vs. Mesquite Poteet
Game 1: 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Dr Pepper Ballpark or Al Alford Field
Game 2: 7:30 p.m. Friday at Poteet
Game 3: 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Poteet (if necessary)
"Not only are they taking away from our kids, they're taking away from their kids."

Price said the two teams would have only been responsible for umpires and travel had they agreed to play at Dr Pepper Ballpark.

McKinney knocked off Longview Pine Tree, 4-1, on Saturday to sweep its area series and advance to play Poteet, the state's No. 2-ranked Class 4A team, which beat Kilgore on Friday in a winner-take-all game.

Poteet's coaching staff met with Price in McKinney's dugout immediately following the Lions' victory at Bronco Field. Price said he asked Poteet's staff if they could meet Sunday to discuss all the details, since Price and his assistants had spent the past two days traveling to and from Tyler.

Poteet refused and the two sides met at 5 p.m. Saturday. Price said the meeting lasted an hour-and-a-half and that former Poteet coach Teddy Nowell, who was fired two years ago, did all the negotiating for Poteet. Nowell's son, Teddy Jr., is Poteet's ace pitcher.

Price said Nowell refused to play at Dr Pepper Ballpark because it's a grass field like Al Alford Field, which he thought would give the Lions an advantage. Poteet plays its home games on artificial surface. So because Poteet agreed to play a best-of-3 series and McKinney wanted to avoid a potential coin flip, according to Price, Poteet demanded to have two home games.

"We had it all set up," Price said of playing at Dr Pepper Ballpark. "It was perfect. Bottom line is, they want to get us over there, where they are rowdy, loud and obnoxious."

Game 1 will be played at 7:30 p.m. Thursday either at Dr Pepper Ballpark or Al Alford Field. Price said he wants to give his players the thrill of playing in a park as nice as the RoughRiders for at least one game. If the Lions can't get the field reserved, Price said, Game 1 will be played at Al Alford Field. Game 2 will be played at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Poteet; and Game 3, if necessary, will be played at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Poteet.
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It's all part of playoff baseball in Texas. As we have discussed before, the negotiations are intriguing. If McKinney was willing to flip a coin for the 3-game series, they could have flipped again for the location, and again to determine home team, etc. If a coach feels strongly about one point -- which may introduce a slight advantage to his team -- then he may negotiate for that point. In this case, it seems the Lions feel that a 3-game series is more important than the location. Say what you will about Poteet and their coaches or advisors, but they have alot of experience in this area. If I were the Lions, I would also want 3 games -- and not worry as much about the venue. (but I'm just a casual observer) Wink It should be a great series.
Looks like pretty good bulletin board material for our guys (Poteet).

I guess no one out on the north side realizes that Frisco is home field advantage for MHS it practically in their back yard. The coaches at MHS aren't concerned about whats best for all the players, they were trying to 3 home games. GET REAL. If Price is concerned for whats best for Poteet players also then lets do all 3 games at PHS. (rowdy, loud and obnoxious) I prefer being called passionate fans. How could anyone even attack Coach Nowell he has given all those years to his players, helped develop kids into successful players beyond high school. How many high school coaches in Texas have had a player they helped developed go on to be MLB rookie of the year ? (Jason Jennings). I think Ted deserves a little more respect than he was shown by a couple of people on this board.
"If Price is concerned for whats best for Poteet players also then lets do all 3 games at PHS."

In defense of Price, he is trying to do what's best for all the kids.

In the last series he selected a location for the games two hours away from McKinney, whereas it was about a one hour drive for Pinetree.

Price wants all the kids to experience different fields, b/c he feels that the playoffs are the chance to do so. If Rough Riders stadium were near Mesquite, Price wouldn't hesitate to have the games there simply b/c it's one of the nicer parks in the area.
See we get to play one game in Frisco at Rough Riders stadium and Poteet gets their home games. Everyone is happy. Right! Especially us rowdy, loud and obnoxious people at PHS. That article might help get even more of us to show up friday night so it could even be louder rowdier and obnoxiousier <<<(not a word) than normal. See yall there. Hopefully we wont need a saturday game.
I have noticed that most people posting either have not read the "Board Manners", did not understand the "Board Manners", or did not think the "Board Manners" applied to them. It's too bad this can't be a forum to celebrate the kids instead of berating their coaches and mentors. I'd say too many parents don't have enough to do!
Originally posted by Dtiger:
P1... I try to stay away from violence. My intimidating stature really keeps me out of it. Big Grin

I have many opinions on why Houston teams do better in the tournament historically... and really... history doesn't matter. It's what happens this year.

Care to share any of your opinions with us? I'd love to hear your theories.

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