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Posted May 14, 2007 07:20 PM Hide Post
Gloveman thats the same reason the the Dbats , Tiger
and all the other under achieving Dallas select teams avoid playing Houston select teams. They don't stand a chance when they wander out of Dallas. Shoot, they even have to go outside of Dallas to gather talent. SWAC

I guess he didn't realize our team went TO HOUSTON and run-ruled every HOUSTON team we played in winning the HOUSTON perfect game/BCS tournament last summer.
Wow, I am almost sorry I have been away and missed out on all the fun on this board.

I have mixed feelings about both of these teams/coaches (I know, who cares?). After witnessing the previous and current Poteet coaches with their on-field antics, I must say they are a different breed. As for the fans, I didn't have a real problem with the rowdiness. I had a bigger problem with the smack the players like to talk. One of their players told my son that he was sick of it and it makes them looks bad, but I think it is encouraged or ignored by the coaches. I give Poteet credit that they do produce winning teams, not the classiest bunch, but that must not matter to administrators.

As for McKinney, their fans can be rowdy too and that is fine. I don't have a lot of good things to say about coach Price after he spilled his guts to the Nacagodoches coaches about McKinney North. You would think the local teams could be a little nuetral in these situations. But, coming from a guy that had to be fearing for his job coming into this season.... now he seems to be a pro at all of this. I guess he will do anything to try to look like more of a coach than he is.

Good luck to both teams. Fireworks begin on Thursday.
I guess he will do anything to try to look like more of a coach than he is.

Everyone has their opinions about coaches so here's mine.

Price has done an amazing job "trying to look like a coach" this year and keeping the team together, focused and playing ball. From UIL suspensions, to one of our key players mother dying as the playoffs were beginning, to releasing a player from the team. We could have easily folded up our tents and gone home. But thanks to a coach who loves the game and loves the kids more we are still here and get another chance.

That's what a pro looks like to me.
Last edited by Sandy
What on the field antics? I see passionate coaches that want the best for their players. I know for a fact that both coaches PHS has had, care about the kids on and off the field. There are a lot of good coaches out there, I know That both Coach D and Coach N are top notch coaches. As far as on the field antics go to any high school game and sit next to each dugout so you can here whats going on in there and on the field. I assure you it goes on every where. As far as that goes the "in the stands antics" are way worse than whats going on , on the field.
I came away after having been swept by McKinney in two good games with nothing but respect for them and their coach. The McKinney coach had Pine Tree scouted to perfection - we have had trouble all season with off-speed and breaking pitches to the outside half of the plate. I don't know if we were scouted well or if our district coaches gave them all the information they needed, but the McKinney team was very well prepared and played great ball. Their pitchers were certainly not overpowering, but they stayed away from our hitters very well and our batters did not adjust to this type of pitching. If the RH batters on Poteet are not prepared to use Right Field, then they will suffer the same fate we did - over 20 outs from SS to 1B.

I think McKinney made one error in 14 innings. We made 6. To me the most impressive area defensively for McKinney was their outfield. Maybe the best I've seen this season.

Anyway, I don't know why anyone would not like the McKinney coach - I was very impressed by him. He seemed like he knew our weaknesses to perfection and his team performed on the field.

I am not going to pretend to know anything about Poteet, but I have to go with McKinney and I will be rooting for them to win. I just have too much respect for how they handled us and how they played the game. Yes, they have a couple of loud mouths on the team, but I believe that every team has a few of those - I think you are supposed to.

Good luck to McKinney the rest of the way (no disrespect intended to Poteet).
Thank you to Steve Shore (crawdad). What a class act! It's too bad many of you making comments on this site can't come close to matching up! Once again, re-read the "Board Manners" and measure up or pipe down! Site administrators, I thought you were to remove comments that were not positive or defamatory! Do your job! Or maybe the "Board Manners" were just a legal ploy because the lawyers said you have to have some. We'll see!
So tigers -- with the depth of experience of 2 posts -- if you want to talk about moderating, send me a private message. What's your agenda? If something that was said here offended you, let's discuss it in private and I'll review the post(s) and consider removing them or editing them appropriately. Where's your positive contribution?

Beast and JAFO -- just shut up. Big Grin
With all that's being said on this thread about home field advantage and such and how unfair this is...the last time I checked, the McKinney coach agreed to the terms of the series. Or did someone put a gun to his head and make him play 3 games (one in Frisco, 2 at Poteet)? He could have rolled the dice like most coaches and flipped a coin, but he chose to negotiate!!!!

Let the boys play baseball!!!!

P.S. I'm bringin' my empty gatorade bottle tonight! Big Grin
Last edited by Jewels4Baseball
Originally posted by tigers:
Thank you to Steve Shore (crawdad). What a class act! It's too bad many of you making comments on this site can't come close to matching up! Once again, re-read the "Board Manners" and measure up or pipe down! Site administrators, I thought you were to remove comments that were not positive or defamatory! Do your job! Or maybe the "Board Manners" were just a legal ploy because the lawyers said you have to have some. We'll see! what tigers is saying here, you should have removed his post.

Right tigers?

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