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Originally Posted by Tx-Husker:

Do you have to celebrate his announcement?  I think you can accept without celebrating.  I find it interesting Alphonso Smith is getting attacked for “I have the RIGHT to not give that behavior any applause; I love everyone-don't hate anyone; not praising it!”

X2   I dont believe I will celebrating either and I do not hate anyone who live that lifestyle. 

Originally Posted by jacjacatk:
Originally Posted by OA5II:
I'm sorry where did he sat to continue living in sin?  You preach don't judge but you yourself are judging others. Can't have it both ways.

Where did Jesus define what sin was?  Where did he suggest that those he has just admonished not to pass judgement should define sin so that they can then pass judgement?  Since I don't proclaim to follow his teachings, what bearing does whether or not I'm judging anyone have on anything?


Why do Christians feel it's appropriate to ignore the teachings of Jesus when they feel like it, and then get huffy with the people who then point out their hypocrisy?

 there not any judging on my words just GODs WORD. You'll can read what ever you like in to it to make you fill better.I don't see telling God word as a Judgment.    Romans 1;24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.

Originally Posted by gindog:
Originally Posted by jacjacatk:
Originally Posted by OA5II:
I'm sorry where did he sat to continue living in sin?  You preach don't judge but you yourself are judging others. Can't have it both ways.

Where did Jesus define what sin was?  Where did he suggest that those he has just admonished not to pass judgement should define sin so that they can then pass judgement?  Since I don't proclaim to follow his teachings, what bearing does whether or not I'm judging anyone have on anything?


Why do Christians feel it's appropriate to ignore the teachings of Jesus when they feel like it, and then get huffy with the people who then point out their hypocrisy?

 there not any judging on my words just GODs WORD. You'll can read what ever you like in to it to make you fill better.I don't see telling God word as a Judgment.    Romans 1;24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.

You should really consider re-reading John 8 with an eye towards which party in that story this argument represents.

Originally Posted by biggerpapi:

Coach May echoed my own thoughts. Those who scream for tolerance are often the most intolerant. 


If I knew how, I'd cross reference all those condemning the so-called homophobes and see what they say about Tim Tebow. 

I'm not asking for tolerance, be as bigoted as you want to be, just own it.  If your religion is based on the golden rule ( and the idea that only God can judge one's sin, at least make an effort to follow those principles  or disavow them from the get go.

Without trying to argue against anyone's beliefs, there is still something I don't quite get.

We would never allow males in the same shower as females. I'm speaking of athletic teams here!

So wouldn't allowing someone who is gay in a shower with someone who isn't gay, be similar to females and males showering together? At least from a sexual preference point of view?

Sorry if that is a stupid question.  I'm not against anything here, don't really understand it. I would feel sort of uncomfortable in the girls shower and so would they. In the world I live in they still have male and female bathrooms.  Maybe that will change someday?

Believe me, I'm all for respecting people. I know we're not all the same.  Do we make adjustments in our way of living.  I understand this is a hot button issue these days, but I don't know whether to feel sorry or happy for those choosing to come out in the open. 

Sometimes I get the feeling that this is some type of fad.  It amazes me how many people are congratulating others that openly state their sexual preferences.  I can see that it must take a lot of courage, but I for one would hate to see this become a real popular way to think or live.  It's just another difference in generations.  I'm OK with all this, but why is this basketball player being idolized for this?  I think that bothers me more than whether or not someone is gay.  It's like this is the popular view these days! We not only except it and show respect to others, but we actually congratulate and celebrate it. Guess, I will never understand!

Not to start a big argument, but what about the animal lovers out there? Not talking about the normal animal lovers.  Centuries from now will they be excepted for their sexual preference?  Will everyone be trying to pass laws so that man can marry any animal.  Will it matter if the animal is female or male, if the animal is gay or straight?


I know this sounds gross, but would we except that as a sexual preference? No of course not, that is sick to even think about, but things sure change over a long period of time.  BTW, I personally don't know any of those kind of animal lovers. But I have heard a lot of those Wyoming sheep jokes!  Doubt if any of them cowboys have ever gone on national media and admitted it, though. On the bright side, just think of a companion who never complains about anything.


Just thought I would bring that up for discussion. Not trying to compare these things, just wondering why someone's sexual preference needs national attention.


Truth is, sometimes I can't help taking serious things and joking about them. Sorry!

Originally Posted by PGStaff:
Without trying to argue against anyone's beliefs, there is still something I don't quite get.

We would never allow males in the same shower as females. I'm speaking of athletic teams here!

We allow gay males/females to use the same locker rooms and bathrooms now, we just don't generally know which ones are gay.

FWIW, there are apparently some co-ed locker rooms, a quick Google search turns up some interesting threads on amateur hockey.  I suspect if there were co-ed professional team sports, such things would be relatively common and not particularly unusual.  Nobody bats an eye at physicians or nurses of the opposite sex in similarly intimate roles, so I'm not sure why you'd assume a locker room would really be different.
Originally Posted by PGStaff:
Sometimes I get the feeling that this is some type of fad.  It amazes me how many people are congratulating others that openly state their sexual preferences.  I can see that it must take a lot of courage, but I for one would hate to see this become a real popular way to think or live.  It's just another difference in generations.  I'm OK with all this, but why is this basketball player being idolized for this?  I think that bothers me more than whether or not someone is gay.  It's like this is the popular view these days! We not only except it and show respect to others, but we actually congratulate and celebrate it. Guess, I will never understand!

50 years ago, it wasn't legal in many states for people of different races to marry.  The people who fought against that were both vilified and lauded.  How is that different?


I don't celebrate, or care really, that Jason Collins is gay, or that Mildred Loving married her husband Richard.  I am relieved that we're finally reaching the point where whether he's gay or not, and whether Midlred was black and Richard was white, isn't an issue with them living their lives, and I can fully understand why people would celebrate that.

This one quote by JH kinda says all that seems wrong with society today, and why this issue is so radioactive:


"I hope that people aren't tentative and scared to express their true emotions."


I think way too many people express way too many emotions way too often, and way to publicly. I for one am teaching my children to NOT express their emotions every time they turn around. That's certainly a key to success in baseball -- but I digress.



Originally Posted by jp24:

This one quote by JH kinda says all that seems wrong with society today, and why this issue is so radioactive:


"I hope that people aren't tentative and scared to express their true emotions."


I think way too many people express way too many emotions way too often, and way to publicly. I for one am teaching my children to NOT express their emotions every time they turn around. That's certainly a key to success in baseball -- but I digress.



Agree.  Social media is causing this generation to share things that have and will continue to haunt them.  Kids need to get smarter about that.  The other thing is today too many people want to put their stamp on society through social agents by playing the victim card rather than through hardwork and creativity.  It's a whole lot easier to tolerate people that are not trying to shove their agenda down your throat.

Tim Tebow is mocked and vilified by the left for merely saying that he believes in Jesus.


This guy says he is in love with other men and they are calling him a hero on the left.  Our country could not be more screwed up right now.  As floridafan so aptly put in another thread, bad is good and good is now bad.


The politically correct thing to say is that diversity is good.  Hooey.  Learn to be an American without labels.  The left is using labels to divide our country and they are using terms like diversity and tolerance to silence otherwise legitimate differences.


When the left becomes tolerant of Tim Tebow, then I'll be more open-minded toward gays.  Until then, I won't ask and please, please, please don't ever tell.  It is embarrassing to be discussing this in public imho.

Who cares! I'm only interested in how well a basketball player plays basketball. I have as much interest in his sexual desire as I do in what he's having for dinner. In Collins case he's an old, marginal player who may only get rostered next year due to political correctness.


Since public exclamation of sexual preference is so important I will claim to have a preference for fit, blond women with blue eyes. In my life a few brunettes have turned my head. It saved me from a life of complete blondage.

Last edited by RJM
Originally Posted by RJM:

Who cares! I'm only interested in how well a basketball player plays basketball. I have as much interest in his sexual desire as I do in what he's having for dinner. In Collins case he's an old, marginal player who may only get rostered next year due to political correctness.

If NBA teams weren't actively seeking a gay player to satisfy "political correctness" before Collins came out, what really makes you think they'll do so afterwards?


If there were a large gay fan base that could be attracted by signing an openly gay player I could see that being a marginal factor in signing Collins instead of a another similar player, but I'm not aware that there's substantial gay audience for NBA games.  In any event, signing him to attract a gay fan base would be an economically based decision, not a politically based one.

Originally Posted by jacjacatk:
Originally Posted by RJM:

Who cares! I'm only interested in how well a basketball player plays basketball. I have as much interest in his sexual desire as I do in what he's having for dinner. In Collins case he's an old, marginal player who may only get rostered next year due to political correctness.

If NBA teams weren't actively seeking a gay player to satisfy "political correctness" before Collins came out, what really makes you think they'll do so afterwards?


If there were a large gay fan base that could be attracted by signing an openly gay player I could see that being a marginal factor in signing Collins instead of a another similar player, but I'm not aware that there's substantial gay audience for NBA games.  In any event, signing him to attract a gay fan base would be an economically based decision, not a politically based one.

I believe David Stern will make sure Collins is rostered to avoid the bad publicity of negative liberal media backlash. Stern is an image first commissioner. 

With pro athletes coming out gays will be empowered. Get ready for the militant gays. Do you remember "We're here. We're queer. Get used to it." the gay movement has been around for over twenty years. In the past twenty years it's been aided by social indoctrination in our public schools. 


I remember fighting the inclusion of Heather Has Two Mommies into the second grade reading material back in the late 80s. My feeling is why should seven year olds be sexually indoctrinated on homosexuality when they don't even understand their own?


I've spoken to militant gays on chatboards. They are dying to get into the schools and indoctrinate the kids that choosing either sex is normal. They detest religion. They condemn religion. They want it completely thrown out of every day life. The gay people I know are leery of the militant gays. But you know who will come to the forefront.

another good ole southerner here

I have never ever had a problem with people being black. brown. red. gay. jewish. morman. muslim. yankee....In other words people who are different than me (though in the group I just mentioned, yankees were the most hated in my fiends and family circle, funny isn't it?) I was a Mets fan myself. 

Now seriously, I've been married almost 30 years. With this gay thing, I understand my marriage is ruined. It doesn't feel ruined. What happens now? Oh and everyone I know had s e x (shhh) before marriage.... sooooooo do I have to rat out the goody two shoes to St Peter 'cause they still don't say hello to me in the ABC store, and I'm pretty sure they've convinced themselves they are without sin.

Sometimes although I call myself a Christian,I think I study from a different book.


I have counseled young people who have been consumed with self hatred and depression for having these feelings.I have spent years on my knees asking God how to help these bright and beautiful people.


I left my church over this issue.Love my pastor,still talk to him,but the judgement and condemnation I couldnt handle.


Sinners we all are.Sin is sin in Gods eye.Leave him to judge us when we meet up with him.


Billy Grahm once said in a book of his I read."one day youll go to heaven and look all around you,and there will be more people than you ever thought that are there"


I take great peace in that.


Love one another,that is Gods greatest commandments.Love is unconditional last time I studied the word in a word study.Love isnt an emotion,it is a decision

Last edited by fanofgame
Good for you gals for speaking up.
I don't think the responses in this topic were the intentions of JH when he posted the link.   Lots of hatred and intolerance in this world.  Lots of hypocrites as well and lots of people that can't accept other values and beliefs without trying to shove their dogma down their throat.
Diversity is not a new word.
Neither is adversity.8
Originally Posted by biggerpapi:
Originally Posted by TPM:
 Lots of hatred and intolerance in this world.  Lots of hypocrites as well and lots of people that can't accept other values and beliefs without trying to shove their dogma down their throat.


There it is. You're allowed to have your opinion, but everyone else is wrong. 

The ones shoving the dogma down our throats are this player, the media specifically, and the left in general.  I never asked this guy to put this issue in my face.  I don't want to have to explain to my grandson when we are in the dentist office and the Sports Illustrated is sitting there and what "gay" means because it is on the cover.  I never say anything publicly about my private life - ever.  Why are gays the exception to this decorum that most decent folks seem to abide by?  


Everyone can make private decisions for themselves so nobody is being discriminated or persecuted here.  What many folks are objecting to is having the issue of what type of sex you prefer be brought out into the public.  I don't want to know about it or ever hear about it in public.  I don't do it (discuss my sexual proclivities in public) and I wish Jason Collins would keep it to himself.


I agree with the line there's no reason to slam the door when you come out of the closet.   Like a lot of people I could care less what Collins does with his time away from the court.


Jason Collins, person, is no one to me. Jason Collins, basketball player, has been a career marginal player. An extra seven footer on the bench gets the same career benefits as an extra lefty in the bullpen. Collins averaged one point per game this year when he played. He was released twice.


Steven Kerr, former NBA player and current NBA  analyst stated yesterday he's sure David Stern will make sure CollIns gets rostered next season. Right now he's without a team. Shouldn't making a team be about talent, not sexuality?

Last edited by RJM
Originally Posted by ClevelandDad:
Originally Posted by biggerpapi:
Originally Posted by TPM:
 Lots of hatred and intolerance in this world.  Lots of hypocrites as well and lots of people that can't accept other values and beliefs without trying to shove their dogma down their throat.


There it is. You're allowed to have your opinion, but everyone else is wrong. 

The ones shoving the dogma down our throats are this player, the media specifically, and the left in general.  I never asked this guy to put this issue in my face.  I don't want to have to explain to my grandson when we are in the dentist office and the Sports Illustrated is sitting there and what "gay" means because it is on the cover.  I never say anything publicly about my private life - ever.  Why are gays the exception to this decorum that most decent folks seem to abide by?  


Everyone can make private decisions for themselves so nobody is being discriminated or persecuted here.  What many folks are objecting to is having the issue of what type of sex you prefer be brought out into the public.  I don't want to know about it or ever hear about it in public.  I don't do it (discuss my sexual proclivities in public) and I wish Jason Collins would keep it to himself.

Your grandson is going to learn what it means to be gay whether you're comfortable explaining it to him or not.  Children aren't idiots, and it's really not difficult to have age appropriate conversations with them about pretty much anything.

Originally Posted by jacjacatk:
Originally Posted by ClevelandDad:
Originally Posted by biggerpapi:
Originally Posted by TPM:
 Lots of hatred and intolerance in this world.  Lots of hypocrites as well and lots of people that can't accept other values and beliefs without trying to shove their dogma down their throat.


There it is. You're allowed to have your opinion, but everyone else is wrong. 

The ones shoving the dogma down our throats are this player, the media specifically, and the left in general.  I never asked this guy to put this issue in my face.  I don't want to have to explain to my grandson when we are in the dentist office and the Sports Illustrated is sitting there and what "gay" means because it is on the cover.  I never say anything publicly about my private life - ever.  Why are gays the exception to this decorum that most decent folks seem to abide by?  


Everyone can make private decisions for themselves so nobody is being discriminated or persecuted here.  What many folks are objecting to is having the issue of what type of sex you prefer be brought out into the public.  I don't want to know about it or ever hear about it in public.  I don't do it (discuss my sexual proclivities in public) and I wish Jason Collins would keep it to himself.

Your grandson is going to learn what it means to be gay whether you're comfortable explaining it to him or not.  Children aren't idiots, and it's really not difficult to have age appropriate conversations with them about pretty much anything.

I am not questioning your right to have an age-appropriate conversation.  Now I may be forced to have it and that is unfair to me.  It does not need to be discussed in public and that is my opinion.  Is it OK to have that opinion?  I am OK with people determining what they ought to be doing in private.  I could care less what they do.  I just do not want to know about it.  I believe I am being intellectually honest with that position as well.  I don't share my private life in public and I do not want know about others.   

If this was about tolerance the intolerant left wouldn't be out trying to force this down your throat or out to get Broussard and Tim Brando fired.  This is about forcing a belief on others and forcing those who disagree to go into hiding or to disappear all together.  Look at the hatred being spewed from the left.

Originally Posted by OA5II:

If this was about tolerance the intolerant left wouldn't be out trying to force this down your throat or out to get Broussard and Tim Brando fired.  This is about forcing a belief on others and forcing those who disagree to go into hiding or to disappear all together.  Look at the hatred being spewed from the left.

You mean like what happens to members of the LGBT community on a daily basis?


Come back to me when you get a gun shoved down your throat or your SO is raped because of sexual orientation. That is the reality of the situation.

Originally Posted by jacjacatk:
Originally Posted by OA5II:

This is about forcing a belief on others and forcing those who disagree to go into hiding or to disappear all together.

You're right, this is exactly what this is about.

I'm not sure that's what it's about for Mr. Collins.  He seems like a pretty decent man.  But there absolutely are those on the left that are taking this as an openning to push their agenda forward, yet again. 

Originally Posted by ClevelandDad:
I am not questioning your right to have an age-appropriate conversation.  Now I may be forced to have it and that is unfair to me.  It does not need to be discussed in public and that is my opinion.  Is it OK to have that opinion?  I am OK with people determining what they ought to be doing in private.  I could care less what they do.  I just do not want to know about it.  I believe I am being intellectually honest with that position as well.  I don't share my private life in public and I do not want know about others.   

What other things that happen in the world are you unwilling to have a conversation with your grandson about and would rather have not being made public?  For example, I know lots of people who were concerned about having to explain Newtown to their school age children, but I don't recall any of them suggesting that no one else should talk about it.

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