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I hope it's all true about the numbers infected.  Those other CA studies said 4%.  In NYC, they say it's 25% who have antibodies.  That would be great.  I hope they come up with a vaccine, I hope that antibodies in convalescent plasma is a treatment, I hope that anti-inflammatories can control serious cases, I hope that Remdesivir works, I hope that Pepcid works (that is a thing), etc. . .  People are doing clinical trials on all these things now, doctors and nurses are doing great work, and every day they know more.   Every day people who might have died in the early days of this new illness are now surviving.  I have great hope. 

I hope there is college football in fall 2020 (isn't that the point of this thread?)

One note:  there is, in fact, a vaccine for H1N1.   

I hope people get to have their voices heard, a lot of people fought for that right. Really surprised at how quickly this big brother censorship is aging traction. I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it. 

Well, the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine issued a joint statement on physician information, stating that "These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19":

Now, it may indeed be censorship to remove videos that provide misleading information, but on the other hand, isn't YouTube a private company?  So, aren't they free to do what they like?  Censorship would be if the government told them to take it down.

It was misinformation two million Americans will die. Then it was misinformation two hundred thousand-plus Americans will die. Isn’t any analysis from a qualified person up for discussion? It’s not as if some nut started a social media meme.

I’m very optimistic this fall I will be sitting in my rocker chair in West Palm and Ft. Myers watching football games on my iPad or phone and watching my son play against some great teams. I’m looking forward to sitting in mid-90’s temps all day, dodging thunderstorms, and hanging out with his team and parents at a sports bar when the day is over. 

Hoping we get to do most of this over the summer too!

NIAID results on Remdesivir very positive this am.  Double blind placebo study.  Later today there will be a press conference with Fauci and perhaps an emergency use authorization or accelerated approval.  This is a therapeutic that leads to better outcomes for patients that have Covid-19.   Very positive news.  There had been a lot of noise around trial results earlier out of China but that was not a powered study.  

I know this thread is about NCAA Football for Fall 2020 but I think the following quote has relevance:

"Dr. Anthony Fauci on Tuesday warned of a "bad fall and bad winter" from a second wave of cases if the country prematurely opens."

This is who's advising our country's leadership. How does this make any sense at all? If he truly believes we should be locked down then it's because he believes the virus will spread quickly and overwhelm the rest of the country. But if that's true then we would have immediate problems (spring/summer) and this fall and winter would not be a problem because the virus will have run it's course.

So I read it as this: Dr. Fauci's opinion is that we remain locked down now, this summer, and this fall and winter in order to avoid the "second wave".

So either he truly believes we should remain locked down indefinitely or Dr. Fauci didn't include logic 101 as part of his undergraduate curriculum. I think both of the above statements may be true.


I think we should be accurate in what said...partial comments cherry picked to distort...AKA fake news. quote below.

"If by that time we have put into place all of the countermeasures that you need to address this, we should do reasonably well," Dr. Anthony Fauci said. "If we don't do that successfully, we could be in for a bad fall and a bad winter."

Sorry, I guess I've just been a victim to more fake news:

"Many states, meanwhile, have begun to outline plans to reopen their economies and resume everyday life. Though Dr. Anthony Fauci on Tuesday warned of a "bad fall and bad winter" from a second wave of cases if the country prematurely opens."


"If states begin lifting restrictions too early, Fauci says he predicts the country could see a rebound of the virus that would "get us right back in the same boat that we were a few weeks ago," adding that the country could see many more deaths than are currently predicted."


"Fauci also warned against states reopening businesses prematurely, saying it could cause "a rebound to get us right back in the same boat that we were in a few weeks ago."

I guess I should have avoided all of the above fake news and read this article:

Thank's for saving me! 

Apparently Dr. Fauci warned of a "rebound" if states lifted restrictions too soon but he didn't place a timeline on that statement. He was responding to a reporter's question asking what he would say to governors of states who are lifting restriction without following his guidelines. And that question was at the conclusion of his statements regarding how we will be much better at fall/winter COVID-19 mitigation.

So it just goes to show you cannot trust a news source in this country.


There is hope on Remdesivir (video is better than the article); one reason that Drs. Fauci and Birx are so prominent is that they are so good at explaining complex medical concepts so that ordinary people can understand them:

I totally agree with you here AP.   He explains it so well.  The funny thing is when you get to the end and they open it up to a reporter the guy asks if this data changes the timeline on vaccines, hysterical...... It is much better to listen directly to the experts vs through any filters.

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