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I agree on West having a good pitching staff. They also have a junior lefty Derick Davis I believe that pitched well at JV last year.
I also hear that Lake Highlands usually has a good program each year.
My guess is LH, West and Allen will be the teams to beat this year.
There are a lot of kid's playing each other that have been on teams together since T Ball so a lot of competition with some bragging rights will be abound for sure.

Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas to all of you and may God Bless the upcoming year for you and yours.
Knowing a certain player from this school, I have been biasedly pushed towards one understanding of the coach. I will not comment on the rest of this, but coming from a player, who admittably disagrees with certain decisions made by his own coach, I must say that making comments on a PUBLIC and WIDEOPEN site is pretty low. A lot of this for me may be pushed one way or another depending on the comments... if they (the players) added any comments, and if they we are 100% sure they are aware. I assume they are/were aware, but a person can possibly not sign on/check myspace for months and comments are still allowed to show. It's one thing if you say, "wow that decision to send "Joe" home on the base hit was stupid-he's slower than Christmas (happy Christmas everyone!)," but I'm guessing the comments were not limited to baseball strategic criticism. One thing I must say, and not to spark controversy, but if there are kids... many kids at that... willing to make comments about a coach on myspace, that coach has lost the team, and personally I think the team will suffer. It may be time for a "big move"-which might suck... but I can't imagine a kid doing that unless a over-whelming majority felt that way. I could be wrong- I hope I'm wrong.

One last thing: Kids will be kids. Kids will be stupid. Doesn't make it right. But as bad as these comments may have been, I gaurantee you I've heard worse comments from adults about coaches. Food for thought.
It's a shame that disipline, either lack of or too much is always questioned by players and parents. In Texas unless you want to go the private school route or move your family, you are in an attendence zone where your kids will be attending and if lucky playing a great game of their choice. Extra-curricular activities
and the participation in them is earned, it's not a right. We aren't doing any kid justice by always slaying the dragon for them. They learn that Mom and Dad will always get me out of trouble. They never realize accountability. Same thing with Dads coming in to have a WORD with the coach. Let the kid go in and face him, (man to man) and ask him the questions first hand. After all he's playing for the guy, the parents aren't. When you steal someone's identy (and that is how this is classified) it's bad enough but when you drag his wife and kid into it ~ you've gone way over the line. Justify that for me and I'll shut up, never to be heard from again. Kids will be kids won't cut it in this case. Funny? Not so much. They should spend their time at the cages or at the field and all would have been better off.
Last edited by swingdoctor14
We aren't doing any kid justice by always slaying the dragon for them. They learn that Mom and Dad will always get me out of trouble. They never realize accountability. Same thing with Dads coming in to have a WORD with the coach. Let the kid go in and face him, (man to man) and ask him the questions first hand. After all he's playing for the guy, the parents aren't.

I've said it before, and now you say it again.
I don't know that this calls for the removal of the kids from the team, this can only lead to some more players quitting in an attempt to sort of showup the coach.

That's all we need is the inmates running the asylum. I say let em go, I'm sure there will be plenty to step in and take their place. And be proud to have the chance.

This isn't it?
I have addressed the myspace issue with my kids at the beginning of the school year. I told them that that stuff is monitored. I explained to them that they should not post anything that could "come back to haunt them." I am not naive enough to think that they don't "do things they should not do."

I explained that they are accountable and in control of their thoughts, their attitude and their actions. In most cases, they will be turned in by a parent from their own team. Someone that has an "agenda."

Bottom line, and this is a quote in our locker room, "discipline yourself, so others do not have to."
Swingdoc- I hope you don't think I was giving room for this to be right. Kids will be kids, and they will be stupid. It does not make it right anyway. These aren't young teens or below, these are mid-old teenage kids who need to learn to "ways of the world". I just hope that the right thing is being done. I couldn't make an official opinion until I knew what was said.
I absolutely hate, but I understand the attraction to the kids. These kids made a major mistake and should be punished.

My issue is with the father retaining an attorney to fight this (swingdoc called it "slay the dragon" and I agree). My guess is that if the player had made a sincere, formal, written, public apology to the coach and his family, the school/coach might have reduced the suspension.

Instead, he has decided to make it a legal matter, which will not end well for anyone, I am afraid (except the lawyer I suppose).
Last edited by tychco
Wildcats dismissed from team after MySpace controversy

(Created: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:34 AM CST)
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Although MySpace is often used as a means of social networking, the popular website is now at the center of a controversy that has resulted in the dismissal of at least two players from the Plano Senior High School baseball team.

Seniors Brandon Shaw and Colin Hatzmann were dismissed from the Wildcats Tuesday afternoon in connection with comments made on MySpace.

Shaw said a fraudulent profile for Plano head baseball coach David Allen was created four-to-six months ago, where various players would leave comments about the team and more specifically, the coach.

“I’m not going to lie, some of the comments were kind of mean,” Shaw said. “But we weren’t trying to be hurtful, it was just a spoof. The things we were doing were all in fun.”

None of the comments could be specifically recalled by anyone involved in the incident and the comments have since been deleted from the profile.

In a document acquired by the Plano Star Courier, Allen said, “Brandon’s involvement as well as comments on is a violation of our Student Code of Conduct and as a student involved in extra curricular activities, they are held to a higher standard.”

Allen later confirmed that he had written the aforementioned letter.

Shaw and Hatzmann, as well as two other players from the team, were called into a meeting as individuals and a group with Allen and Plano head football coach and athletic director Gerald Brence Friday.

Brence declined to comment on the situation.

Shaw and Hatzmann received confirmation of their removal from the team Tuesday afternoon.

“I have so many emotions going through my head at the moment. I’m mad, sad, heartbroken and worried about my future,” Shaw said. “I think we were treated unfairly and I’m going to appeal.”

The appeal will have to be made to Dr. Doyle Dean, according to the letter from Allen, but no further details were given.

Shaw also said he felt as if his father Ron Shaw was treated with disrespect in the meetings, a statement that Ron Shaw was quick to confirm.

“I think Allen is manipulative and he is a liar,” the elder Shaw said. “I am sick of the good ol’ boys network running roughshod over all of Plano sports.”

Allen could not divulge the names, but confirmed that more than just Shaw and Hatzmann would be dismissed from the team. Allen’s only other comment was, “Everyone is upset about the situation.”

With more than two players departing the Plano baseball team, what effect will this have on the rest of the team? Although several current Wildcats had strong opinions on the situation, they did not want to use their names for fear of reprisal.

“I know some thing were said that shouldn’t have been, but this punishment is not really fair. I even think a suspension would be too much,” one Plano baseball player said on condition of anonymity. “Our coach always talks about making the playoffs, but it is going to be really difficult without those two guys. I don’t think he realizes how big of a hit this is going to be.”

Another Wildcats player added that if the team were allowed to vote on the situation, the vote would be unanimous to take Brandon and Collin back.
Ok, let's say the district administration decices to re-instate the kids --- it may happen, they try to avoid legal battles whenever possible --- can they mandate playing time? Mistake, spoof, or just plain poor judgment....their only chance is to learn a valuable life-lesson -- the art of apology. Become good at it and there is a better chance for marital success somewhere down the road. Cool
“I have so many emotions going through my head at the moment. I’m mad, sad, heartbroken and worried about my future,” Shaw said. “I think we were treated unfairly and I’m going to appeal.”

"I'm worried about my future"

Well son, there have been a bunch of people worried about your future since you could crawl.

Now it's time for you to worry about your future starting with this.......being responsible for your actions.

Understanding responsibility is so is non existant as a majority today.

Don't know the kids, could be two of the greatest kids ever who made one mistake.

But look at it this way parents.............If your boss caught you on a "my-space" "spoofing?" him.........ask yourself what would happen?

I think removal from a "extra" curricular activity would be minimal. Wink
Last edited by Ken Guthrie

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