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This incident should be a reminder for all of us...we should be careful what we post on a public site (yep, including this site). A player, parent or even a coach might post something on here that doesn't seem like much to them but their coach, boss, parent, etc. might not like what they read on here. Prudence and's good to have both.

Disclaimer...this is not directed to any one person, it is mainly just a reminder to myself (and to my son who sometimes posts on here Smile) .
Last edited by cheapseats
Let me shed some... interesting light onto this case which in a way disapoints me and in a way, makes me hopeful. While home one day, I was watching MTV's High School Stories and there was a case of a couple of kids posting inapropriate comments about a rival schools players, coaches, etc. They, like these boys were dismissed. They also filed for appeal, originally got denied, and then took it out of the school district (much like described before) calling for free speach. The case went to the students, and did so multiple times after I think 2 appeals by the school. The students were placed back on the team. Now all of you are thinking they got the easy out. That is not the case, they didn't play a game. They sat on the bench, and watched every game. I submit to all of you, that this---from a player that loves the game more than anything in this world (family aside of course)--- that this punishment is much much harder. I don't know if any of you knew this, but I was tossed at a game last year (for which reasons I won't go into, and I know my coach supports me so I don't feel bad talking about it) and there was a mandatory 1 game suspension. I showed up, and I sat. It killed me not being able to play. I'd like to be able to say that I'd never do that again, but when you get tossed for something the center fielder is saying... it's kind of out of my hands. I know the coaches might not like this, but I say make them show up and watch. Maybe there are other measures that could be added to this, I have no idea.
Parenting 101, I missed that class… Somehow our generation of “boomers” MYSELF INCLUDED is raising a new generation “X” of victims. I do not believe our parents raised us like that. My mom gave me a fat lip one evening on the way home from the police station before she even asked for my side of the story. In the last few years or decades we have forgotten the true meaning of the words accountability and responsibility, and the importance of teaching these…(I’ll intentionally misuse)...“virtues” to our children. It is now always someone else’s fault, or that teacher or coach just does not like me. Re-reading the comments posted in the Plano paper that were written by two Plano students (page 3 of this thread) makes me want to vomit. Those poor boys with the broken hearts are victims of coach Allen…and well…see those other kids…nothing happened to them, so why should anything happen to the baseball players?

How about starting with some true honesty about what was said, some true humility for their actions, and some true apologies to the coach and his family. After that, the school and the players involved ALONEcan work on the appropriate disciplinary measures to be taken. If at that point, it is removal from the team and no appeals are accepted, then my heart breaks for the boys with enough character to love and honor the game. I don’t shed a tear for disruptive cancerous characters that think the word team somehow has the letter I in it.

Sorry I guess this needed to be posted on the hsparentingweb message board…
Last edited by T-Ball
Ive been gone to Oklahoma all day, and I get back and things really heated up about this.

This is really way off subject, but it may not be really. The subject of do-overs was mentioned by someone in an earlier post and a thought came to mind. At my son's school, if you fail a test, then you can come the next morning and retake the test and get a 70 on it if you answer the questions you got wrong before correctly. What I'm wondering is, is this a common practice at other high schools in the area? If so, why is it? Am I wrong in wondering if this sort of practice leads kids to think that even though they mess up, they will get another chance because they always do in situations like this?

I'm sorry if I've really bored some of you, but this is something that has always bothered me about my kids school.

I'm done!
Neither of my sons have been offered the opportunity to re-take tests where their grade was below passing. Seems like they would have been offered that a bunch lately Eek

Since I've been preaching about parenting, is there anything much harder than watching / allowing a child to fail? I find we always want to make it right for them. What is the saying, you can't make a diamond without temperature and pressure?
It is great to be given a second chance. Thank goodness we live in a day, time, and place where second chances are common. I do believe if the student knows that he/she will always be afforded that additional opportunity not to fail, then they might not be as prepared as they might need to be for the test. Unfortunately they will be really shocked when the time comes when that opportunity is not granted...

Possibly the case at Plano???
Originally posted by T-Ball:
Parenting 101, I missed that class… Somehow our generation of “boomers” MYSELF INCLUDED is raising a new generation “X” of victims. I do not believe our parents raised us like that. My mom gave me a fat lip one evening on the way home from the police station before she even asked for my side of the story. In the last few years or decades we have forgotten the true meaning of the words accountability and responsibility, and the importance of teaching these…(I’ll intentionally misuse)...“virtues” to our children. It is now always someone else’s fault, or that teacher or coach just does not like me. Re-reading the comments posted in the Plano paper that were written by two Plano students (page 3 of this thread) makes me want to vomit. Those poor boys with the broken hearts are victims of coach Allen…and well…see those other kids…nothing happened to them, so why should anything happen to the baseball players?

How about starting with some true honesty about what was said, some true humility for their actions, and some true apologies to the coach and his family. After that, the school and the players involved ALONEcan work on the appropriate disciplinary measures to be taken. If at that point, it is removal from the team and no appeals are accepted, then my heart breaks for the boys with enough character to love and honor the game. I don’t shed a tear for disruptive cancerous characters that think the word team somehow has the letter I in it.

Sorry I guess this needed to be posted on the hsparentingweb message board…

Well said. Thanks for that post.

My son's assistant principal while in 7th grade called me and reported that my son had just popped a kid during Science in the mouth for tearing up his paper airplane. BTW Thats his wheel house and he was about to win a great grade for in flight time as well as distance. Back to the point ~ Asst. Principal wanted to know how I wanted it handled. I told him to throw the book at my son and go past it if he could. He got 3 days suspension. When my son graduated 6 years later ~ that remained the only incident in his discipline records. Is there a lesson there? I think so ~ Thanks again Swingdoctor Sr. (My Dad)
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:

At my son's school, if you fail a test, then you can come the next morning and retake the test and get a 70 on it if you answer the questions you got wrong before correctly. What I'm wondering is, is this a common practice at other high schools in the area? If so, why is it?
I'm sorry if I've really bored some of you, but this is something that has always bothered me about my kids school.

I'm done!

OP- At my school we have many similar things. In almost all of my classes some sort of corrections are allowed. In my AP US History class, we have a quiz a week, and sometimes two. For every question we get wrong, we are allowed to do what is considered a "correction". That consists of stating the question, answer, and around a paragraph of why the answer is correct/other answers are wrong. This will give us 1/2 the credit possible. In my AP English class, our major grade (50% of our semester average before the exam) is our papers. We will write a paper and upon receiving our initial grade, have about 3 weeks to revise it. This usually calls for a meeting with the teacher, and lots of time studying how to improve quality and other literary elements. It's not easy, and believe it or not, not everyone does it. The maximum amount of points possible to receive on these corrections is 10. These are two examples of how my school allows for a second chance on things. What is important to note, and is different from your son's school, is that everyone in the class has these opportunities (a kid who gets a 95 can still do the corrections just like a kid who gets a 65-obviously one has more work). My school is a firm believer in that the learning process will come with many mistakes, and learning from those mistakes is almost more benefitial. Too many kids will take a test and immediately throw out that information. With these methods my school has put in place, these topics are on my mind for weeks at a time-after the test is given. Now does this mean my school would give these boys a second chance? Probably not and here's why. My coach is open to constructive criticism. A lot of coaches might disagree with this approach, and I will tell you, constructive criticism is on a VERY short leash. It's not like I'm saying that I can verbally yell, "why did you send Jimmy on that hit-and-run when you know Tommy can't hit." Our coach, normally early in the season when discussing overall strategy when it comes to bunts (defensive and offensive), baserunning, pitching, fielding situations, usually will listen if we say here's how I've been taught. Then from that he will either say, well here's how we do it and why, or will say, "hey that's a good idea as well." Maybe it should be called advice from the players. My point is, what these kids did wasn't constructive. If they had a problem with the coach's son being at practice, then a leader should've stepped up and talked to the coach. I don't know of a coach who would fault a kid for saying that something going on was taking away from the quality of practice. And maybe the coach was too intimidating, maybe he "had it out" for these kids. But I doubt those two things highly. Instead of being mature kids (about to head off to college), they took a childish route and are now paying the price. Also, I think the school might be making a statement of a larger issue. Yes we have free speech in this country, but using MySpace as a way to conduct that free speech isn't the smartest way to go about it. I apologize for the lengthiness of this message Frown .

After I posted this long thing, I read a message by T-ball. I must say that not being prepared does happen from time to time and maybe from being able to correct that. But the student who wants to truly do well, will not let the ability to get back points later, stop him from what he's capable at the time. Also, the fact that these advantages are available to everyone means that even though you get a 70 and could end up with an 80, that guy with an 80 could end up with a 90. In a school where class rank is very competitive, I can tell you that that is enough fuel for the fire.
Last edited by Dtiger
If KM ever runs for office, he has my vote (as long as it's Republican). Smile

I suspect if this case approaches court, the kids may be reinstated, with appropriate apologies. I think that is a sad commentaty on today's legal system but that is a discussion for other threads. One thing for those involved to consider is....what does a reinstatement do to the concept of TEAM? And, will those involved be able to handle bench roles? It would take a very big coach to play these players --- of course, Plano does have 4-5 teams! Big Grin

It might be best for everyone to simply move on.....

Back to 9-5A, Swingdoc??? Swami??? Smile

1. Rockwall (coach is legendary)
2. Plano East (best booster club)
3. McKinney (two words...Matt Smith)
4. Lake Highlands (didn't Coach H have Casey Stengel in 7th period PE?)
5. Allen (early season ladder incident)
6. Plano West (strong summer program Wink )
7. Richardson
8. Plano (no win situation)

OOPS, wrong season -- sometimes it's hard to move past 2003.

Go Panthers!
Last edited by Panther Dad
Once again, I apologize for the length of that message. And ya'll are wrong about me, I'm not cut out to be a politician. Break politics into poli and tics. Tics are blood eating organisms. Poli is a prefix meaning many. Politics are many blood eating organisms. That just isn't who I wan't to be. And I think I've decided on the Dr. route.
Last edited by Dtiger
Wow, I go away for Christmas and NewYears and all heck breaks loose. The parents of these kids should tread lightly on this subject. From the sound of it, the coach could file a counter suit as defamation of character.(just my opinon). However, not saying that the kids are right or wrong. How come when a coach say's derogatory remarks to other players about certain players it's called coaching.

Kids and coaches should be held liable for their actions and treat all players equal.(We all know that won't happen). IMO.

I hope all had a Merry Christmas and have a prosperous New Year. ( I intentionally left out the Happy Hxlid***y....)
Last edited by baseball08dad

How's Parson's arm doing? I had heard that he was having some issues during last summer. Is he 100% now? What about the status of Clinard. Is he lost for the entire season? How is the pitching lining up in your opinion? I can't wait to see how Rockwall does this year. I think they will surprise plenty of people. Ya'll are in a pretty tough district, but I see playoffs in the picture for the Yellowjackets.

Will Ty be relied upon for a lot of mound time? I heard he had a phenomenal summer on the bump.

How is Taylor doing? Lites? Give me an update on here or PM me if you would prefer.

Good luck this year! We miss you guys.

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