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Watch what ?
Put down the freaking swords !@@@ and "characters"

I find it interesting to see the people in various areas of the country discuss things with different slants on life

I learn from every post--different slices of the pie of life

Some come from areas where there are minorities--others come from non minority areas-- even in the minority areas the minority areas are diversified-- some posters have bias more than others

Fun to watch the evolvement-- an example--as I post this I am listening to PRINCE--how many of you do that/
It's kinda funny you mention this TR because I had this very thought last night. First of all, I haven't listened to Prince in many years - however Rod Stewart has crossed many a decade with me! Smile

One of the interesting things about HSBBW is that you do learn about other parts of the country and how things happen differently from baseball to other things. One of our posters from way north asked how to make sweet tea and biscuits/gravy in the chat last night. What? How can you not know how to make those?!?!?! Big Grin Also, there was an interesting thread in the IL forum about a IL player adjusting to playing ball down south. There are differences in our states - a very good thing IMO.
Sorry TR if I offended you, that was not my intent.

Sometimes an open-ended statement sets off some knee jerk reactions from geographicaly senstitive posters.

Your second post explains where you were going, and I agree 100%.

And, I'm probably one of the only people that thought Purple Rain was a classic movie and soundtrack.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by rz1:
Sometimes an open-ended statement sets off some knee jerk reactions from geographicaly senstitive posters.

laugh This was what I was waiting to see when I asked for examples. Some do get offended easily and I was expecting some fireworks somewhere in this thread.

Hey, didn't that Prince guy change his name, or has he changed it back?

I got to see Rod Stewart and Faces with Ronny Wood, Jeff Beck and Aerosmith in one show at the Lakeland Civic Center long ago. Pretty good show. I haven't been to a concert in years but was lucky to see a bunch of great ones including Bruce Springsteen at Orlando Jai Alai, Peter Frampton in Orlando and Hartford, KISS and Clapton in Lakeland, Muddy Waters in Northampton MA, and Dan Fogelburg (a little slow for me) and BTO in New Haven, Lynrd Skynrd, Allman Brothers, Boston in Springfield, MA. There were more but I can't recall right now. Oh, Elvin Bishop at some bar in Chicopee MA. Oh and Metallica & Guns and Roses on the same bill at the Citrus Bowl. Went backstage. Yikes!!//??@@ Sorta scary.

I'm not one but any Dead Heads out there? Smile
Last edited by Dad04
Oh, Dad those are some good ones! clap I actually saw Rod Stewart for the first time at I believe 14 years old. (This was after faces Smile) Saw him several times since, although it's been several years. Another baseball mom and myself had planned a trip to Columbus, OH last year for one of his, but we didn't make it. Although, he gave up kicking s****r balls into the audience long ago, I'll be there if he comes around again! Wink I tried to get my daughter to wear an old Rod Stewart t-shirt to a halloween party last night and she'd have no part of it! Oh, this younger generation! Big Grin
Last edited by lafmom
In defense of TR, I find his topic to be most interesting. No reason for arguments about different ways of thinking depending upon where you live.
For instance, I feel my philososphy on what is top baseball talent is more in line with Texans and californians and living in the south I find the opinions on black americans and latin americans in baseball very different than those from northern states.
Maybe when considering others opinions it is important to take note of where they reside.

I am in the south, but our latin and NY influence makes tea more hot and iced than "sweet".
However, even with an abundance of pro teams and top college programs, Nascar remains the most watched sport on our local stations . Big Grin
Last edited by TPM
I'm sure this isn't the direction TR had in mind when he started this post, but I think he is getting the kind of reaction he planned for - GOOD ONE. applaude


ELVIN BISHOP!!!??? When is the last time anyone even heard that name uddered [sic]??? probably when I was listening to Prince on my 8 track!

I must have been through about a million girls,[OK - 3]
I'd love 'em and I'd leave 'em alone. [other way around!]
I didn't care if they cried, no sir
Their tears left me cold as a stone

"Fooled Around and Fell in Love"" ain't that the truth.

I'd like to see Busta Rhymes or 50cent or JaRule or Ludacris being quoted on the HSBBW 25 years from now!!

OK...OK...I'll clue you in. My highschool years included more than a handful of concerts by Jerry and the Dead. One concert, held in a farm field, was opened by 'New Riders of the Purple Sage' and didn't conclude until the Dead polished off Casey Jones with the daily Coast to Eugene 'wood chip' train rumbling by in the night just 50 yards away... right on cue. Nine hours of pure...well, umm, I don't qute remember!
Dad04 - A show it was indeed!! We actually had Joe Walsh at our HS when I was a senior. We had a brand new school, state of the art auditorium. We convinced the school board to let us have a concert - the only two groups that made I remember making the list that we voted on were The Grass Roots and The James Gang [w/ Joe Walsh]. Well The James Gang it was..what a blast. Needless to say, that was the last time there has been a concert at the school !!! Eek

My memory of them:

When I worked for the Navy we dveloped and tested sonar systems and sonobuoys [the things you see them dropping out of helo's and planes to look for submarines]. We did much of our testing off of St Croix [15,000 ft of water 2 hours out]. We were coming in after another grueling 2 weeks at sea, when we can hear the music coming from the's about 8pm..we called and found out that the NR of the PS were playing the Wreck Bar in Christiansted. The Wreck Bar had an old wrecked boat laying at the water's edge - you could walk away from the bar and walk right in to the water. We docked our ship and headed right over. Needless to say, the boat wasn't the only thing "wrecked" that night. This was in 1988, about a month before Hurricane Hugo laid waste to STX. Lots of Red Stripe and Malibu rum that night!
First concert.....KISS at the spectrum in the 1970's. Second concert....KISS at the Spectrum a year later in the 1970's! Big Grin Also been to many a Springsteen concert including when I was 9 months pregnant (Born in the USA tour Three Rivers Stadium in the 'burgh)! I'm diversifying now and heading to Boston in a couple weeks to see Aerosmith with Lenny college kids are soooooo JEALOUS! biglaugh I figure if Steven Tyler at HIS age can stay up past 11 p.m. to can I! Wink
Last edited by luvbb
Originally posted by TRhit:
A few of the recent threads have certainly shown the difference in thinking with people from various areas in the country

Great diversity

I am a frequent poster on several internet boards that allow for some deep political and philosophical discussion. It is amazing how much location can influence opinions and points of view ( just look at you political red state / blue state maps Smile )

Originally posted by TRhit:
In my book PRINCE never changed his name--just used a symbol

Lots of folks made fun of prince for this. The deal as I understood it was , he was being sued by Warner Brothers and could not use the name "prince" without a court battle. He chose to go with the logo to avoid court proceeding and get his music out.

Though I don't particularly enjoy his music, I respect his artistic ability and style.

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