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I never heard of Prince!!! I only listen to Bob Dylan and Roy Orbison in my car and nothing when at home.

Heck, the other day I saw a real good movie for the first time and asked my wife if she had ever seen the Deer Hunter. She just looked at me with a strange look and went shopping.

When she came back, she said that I have little baseballs rolling around in my head, but not much else. Smile I did not know if I should be offended or not. Smile
I do like some of Rod Stewart's music, but I do not have any in my collection. I am more of a hard rocker. Kids can't stand long trips. Big Grin They are very thankful that MP3 players and CD players were invented. Yes, I do let them listen to some of their music. It's OK, but you wouldn't catch me listening to it by myself.

I have XM and it mostly stays on the Squizz channel, 48 if you want to check it out. I do listen to the baseball broadcasts. I love listening to MLB This Morning on MLB Home Plate(6-9 and a replay from 9-12). XM is a great alternative to the local stuff.

I have seen Def Leppard(80's), Billy Squier (same concert), Van Halen (twice), Guns n' Roses, Skid Row, Cinderella (twice), Winger (don't laugh, they were with Cinderella), Lynch Mob, Nelson (again, they were with Cinderella), **** Yankees (Ted Nugent band), Bad Company, White Snake, and when I was about 12 I had the pleasure of watching Conway Twitty sing.
I like Prince's music but have never been to one of his concerts. I have, however, seen him play softball. Some years back my son's team was playing at a field not far from Prince's studio in Eden Prairie, MN. There was a nearby field somewhat hidden from view by a hill, and someone noticed an expensive convertible sports car being driven up to home plate. Prince and friends (looked like bodyguards) were there to play some softball, and we watched from the hill between innings of son's game. Prince did not seem very athletic, but it looked like he wasn't dressed to play anyway - tall boots with high heels and fur around the top on a hot summer day, and furry vest, I think. But his companions were "letting him win". It was entertaining.

Concerts I have enjoyed: Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Billy Joel, Michael Johnson - gosh I know there are a bunch of others, but I feel old when I look at my list. My musician son's favorite musician is Bob Dylan and I can't believe we missed him playing in Minnesota this year! Jimi Hendrix is really close to a tie for his favorite, but it's a little late to catch him in concert... Wink
Last edited by MN-Mom
TRhit is so right. We are all different no matter what race and no matter where we grew up. You know something funny. I never bought a 45 record while growing up in the 50's and 60's. The only radio station that played rock and roll and soul music in my little hometown in Mississippi was WAOK in New Orleans and I wasn't allowed to listen to it. The music I grew up on was, Little White Dove and other country western music and listened to Rev. Armstrong on the radio late at night with my family. Go figure!
Last edited by Catfish
Concerts....given my age, the memories can be a bit fuzzy on several levels Wink. Rather like the Country Joe McDonald advert for the 25th Anniversary of Woodstock concert. "There was music?"

Yes to The Dead concerts, and Janis and The Doors, and The Stones, and the Tempts, and the Four Tops, Jethro Tull, Blue Oyster Cult, Rod Stewart, Dylan, ah, so many...some wonderous times. Even Elton John in star-shaped glasses and six-inch platforms.

Took the kids to see Skynnrd not so long ago, and when a nearby fan commented to my daughter that he was pleased to see a new generation of fans, she pointed over to me and said, "she's raised us on classic rock".

You gain an appreciation for most entertainers in concert. Heck, Liberace put on an amazing show in Vegas, though he wasn't someone I'd turn on the TV to see!
its - I went to my great grandparents (not that they have anything in common with above mention folks!) alot as a child and I LOVED watching Lawrence Welk! Thought the gentlemen and ladies were beautiful! Big Grin I would waltz around their living room while listening to the music!

Tas - OK - I guess there will just have to be a special dedication from the booth! Big Grin
Oh my God...I just realized this topic veered off into pop culture.....Well....

The Deer Hunter is a fabulous movie. Very depressing however. The ethnic scenes in the movie with the ethnic churches were shot in Cleveland. The scene where they were in the prisoner of war camp (playing russian roulette)was one of the most intense ever filmed. Unbelievable drama and metaphor.

Dad04 - We should start a thread in unusually unusal on the Godfather. Classic movie.
wvmtner - You may be alone listening to bluegrass over there in CA, but it's still alive and well in the Bluegrass State!

One thing similar amongst everyone is apparently a love for music - folks can obviously remember where, when, etc. My favorite song when I was about seven was I Never Promised You A Rose Garden by Lynn Anderson - I LOVED that song! Of course, that was during my Alabama years! Martina McBride has remade it - the good ones always come around again. Smile
Last edited by lafmom
wvmnter ...

You aren't totally alone ... actually watched Ricky on TV the other night.

Since hubby doesn't like concert environments, we tend to go the smaller venue route ... places like the Crazy Horse Saloon ... artists like Kathy Mattea, Highway 101, Don Stevens, Mel Tillis, Dwight Yokum, George Jones ... ummmm, anybody notice a trend here?

Only real concert I have ever been to was Led Zeplin at the Forum in LA ... wasn't going with hubby then ... one of my wilder times in life. But after spending so much time in Houston on business, it was to be expected that I would eventually come to believe that if it aint country, it ain't music. Wink
let me very first concert was at the Cotton Bowl...Elton John...wild glasses and time got a little wilder..the Doobie Brothers...then there was probably the best of all...Lynard Skynard (before the plane crash,when they Were LS)...lots of smoke and bic lighters!! Wink...oh, but those were "the good old days"

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