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TR mentions Joplin, Crocker, etc - Tom - how about Grace Slick and Jefferson Airplane/Starship?? You hang with them any? The kid aorund the corner from me, maybe 4-5 yrs older [I was in class with his younger bro] worked on big time promotions and shows - did lighting or something, photography maybe...did the Thrilla in Manilla - at one time was studying to be a priest - ended marrying Grace Slick!! Saw her biography in a book store one time, was telling the guy I was with about my neighbor marrying her. Guy behind me is rolling his eyes, like. "what a bunch of BS" SO I mentioned all the names of my buddy and his bro's and sisters, THEN opened the book to all the pictures. Hey - look who's in here - Mickey and Bill, and... Guy walked back to get a different book!!
Its funny this topic came up. Sorting through some old pics last weekend my daughters pulled one out of this long haired guy and his date. It was their Mother and I at a Jethro Tull concert. Both of us were wearing "Thick as a Brick", t-shirts, beat-up jean shorts, no shoes, with wine sacks around our neck. The twin 17 yr old daughters freaked out at the sight, my wife lost it when I told here that her wine skin had been full of Vodka Gimmlets, and mine full of Shooters (ammereto and vodka), what a wonderful mixture toilet.

The part I had problems with was that, at the time, we were a year older than my daughters are now. God bless my parents for seeing through those years. We were for the most part good kids, but if you look at those pictures, you'd think we had some serious issues.
Last edited by rz1
06 - maybe now that this post has run 6 pages, you have hit on a good idea for a new one:

WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU Kremer suggests: TR and Dibs. might be worth someone starting one, if they thought it would work - I'm still a little on the periphery to understand some of these folks - would people actually get insulted??
Ok, so if we are all coming clean here, Rshard, Teacherman, Linear, The Coach, Lamber, ........................................................................
............................................Is really my brother! kidding
Last edited by CoachB25
rz1 ...

Ahh, that brought back memories ... several years before hubby and I married, he was a roadie for Jethro Tull. His cousin owned a converted DC3 that they used to take the gear and band around to concerts. His favorite time was when the plane was in repairs and they had to lug the equipment around in U-Haul trucks pull_hair ... drove from Boston to Pittsburgh doing that. Glad I wasn't with him for that stint.

Ok...I live in the house with the fancy indoor plumbing over der' by the iron horse tracks in the County of Cook way up north. Tell Uncle Joe Gramps that we'll put some vittles on the table along with a jug o'mooseshine. We'll leave the electric light on for him on the front stoop! Tell him to bring his fiddle and not his possum gun!

Thanks ma'am!


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