One of your top 3 schools.
75% scholly (to a non-pitcher!).
That is a nice position to be in.
Really, what it comes down to is self assessment. What are you looking for? 80+% from one of the other two schools?
Many players don't get offer from top three school, as defined by top three in junior year. I know for my son, the top three became a very fluid list. Mostly because of him having a down year, and schools having players at the same position step up, thus reducing the need for him.
I wonder what how it would have played out had he verballed his junior year. Would the school have pulled the offer, after he had told other coaches he already verballed. I'm not sure how it would have played out.
That being said, I know he would have verballed to a top three for that kind of offer. I hate to think at such a young age, it becomes about the money.
Top 3 + 75% = thank you.