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Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
Let's not accuse anyone of being young, innocent and idealistic simply because they don't celebrate bin Laden's death. It's a tough is war and clearly bin Laden got what he had coming to him and what he wanted rather than being caught alive. Justice, or patriotism, doesn't require celebration in this situation. I don't have problem with those that did/are's just not the feeling I got when I heard.

I feel this way, too. I was watching the game on ESPN and heard the crowd, then the announcement, "ABC News is reporting..." My first thoughts were, good- that will make a lot of people happy, but what's next for Afghanistan. I was mildly surprised when the news showed people out and about in the middle of the night. I don't have a problem with that, either, but there is still a lot of work to be done. I don't know how, when, if, it will be finished.
Originally posted by TPM:
I am sorry I reread my post I was wrong, he was wrapped in the white shroud which is traditional as is quick burial. The sea was only to avoid a shrine.

There will still be a shrine to this terrorist, who will be seen as a martyr to the extremists. I believe the burial at sea was really to avoid a debate over whether or not to return the body to family and to minimize "friendly" Islamic outrage.

Musilin tradition is a quick burial...he certainly got that. There may even have been a U.S. Muslim Chaplain on board who supervised the burial.
Last edited by Jimmy03
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
I am thrilled Bin Laden is DEAD.

Some of the reports I have read stress that the body is being treated with Islamic tradition. That is a mistake imho.

What tradition were our 3,000 dead treated to when they were jumping out of the World Trade Center? Some of them their bodies have never been recovered.

I am sorry that my post is political but that is honestly how I feel. I have never gotten over the horror of 9/11 and the stupidity of some in this country on who was at fault. The wounds are still raw for me and I don't want any mercy shown to these evil people. We have dummies in this country who want to see a mosque built at the World Trade Center site. Unbelievably stupid.

I apologize in advance if my post offends and understand if somebody removes it but these are my honest feelings. Death to Al Queda is a good thing. Showing them respect is not.
My first reaction was cremate him (violates Muslim tradition) and spread his ashes over a pig farm. But that was an emotional reaction. Giving Osama a proper funeral demonstrates who we are as Americans. Find solace in there isn't a country that wanted the body.
Originally posted by Dad04:
Matt...the fact that Clinton could have easily taken out bin Laden before 9/11/01 has been extremely well documented since then. See Link

The good news is that I doubt there will be much hand-wringing in similar situations, going forward.

The point I was making was also raised by the article. There was not the political capital available to support a mission that had a significant likelihood of failure. Hindsight being 20/20 and all...

When I was a young, green intelligence analyst these issues were still germane, and that was just before and just after 9/11.
Originally posted by JPontiac:
I'm conflicted about this, but I feel a little weird about all the fanfare surrounding a human being's death.

It's hard to do justice in just a few words to all the horrid things he's done that we know of, and who knows what else he's done that we will only learn of later if at all.

I would have preferred that we had managed to capture him.

While Osama surely would have met the death penalty in some court had we gotten him alive, I wonder about the precedent of celebrating the deaths of all our perceived arch enemies. I feel like at some point we're bound to celebrate the death of someone who was in fact innocent (not that I think Bin Laden was).

The fact that this death may not affect the war on terror at all makes me wonder if we should be waiting for a better event, like the day all our boys are back in the US, to celebrate.

Keeping him alive in a location would cause a security risk so high it would endanger more American lives and risk more death. I don't feel bad one bit at all. The guy was a ruthless murderer who would kill any of us or our families without hesitation since we are "infidels", bottom line.
What a great day

I've been biting my tongue all day in liberal-land we call Madison Wi. So many are aghast with the thought of putting the needle in the arm of a serial killer, but, cheer aloud when we send trained killers into a terrorists home with one intent. It's too bad the "you get what you deserve" mentality is not evenly spread across the board.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by Dad04:
Matt...We'll agree hindsight is crystal clear. You'll also recall plenty of Clinton's political liabilities were 100% self-inflicted, resulting in impeachment, something the NBC article left out, for some reason. Wink

Those really didn't affect his political capital, though. If anything, they enhanced it. Where the problem lied was that there was a divide between the executive and legislative branches, and there was still fallout from the winter '95-'96 issues that lingered until the end of his tenure.
I personally wish Osama Bin Laden would have been buried somewhere so that I could have urinated on his grave. I guess I'll just have to settle for urination by proxy knowing that the Navy Seals probably desecrated his putrid body before they dumped him in the sea. And I fully believe that a piece of him was preserved for any future proof that would have to be offered in the form of additional DNA testing. But the piece I'd have cut off isn't really the best body part for that purpose. Good riddance! I know a certain hole in Shanksville PA where a choir of angels are singing:

My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring!
Originally posted by Matt13:
The point I was making was also raised by the article. There was not the political capital available to support a mission that had a significant likelihood of failure. Hindsight being 20/20 and all...

When I was a young, green intelligence analyst these issues were still germane, and that was just before and just after 9/11.

This is very true. It was a different time. It's just as easy to say George H. W. Bush should not have let Saddam Hussein off the hook when he had him on a silver platter. There were reasons both presidents did what they did.
We lost a brother in the South Tower (Sandler, O'Neil, 104th floor) and had another brother survive that day. Just speaking for our family, we found no joy in Bin Laden's death, just a profound sadness and emptiness. Its something that starts it all over for us and brings us back to that day. There is an empty feeling that is very difficult to explain. I woke my wife up this morning with the news and the only thing she said was "this changes nothing for me." We wish people would go back to their lives and honor the dead by living themselves. It is necessary and just that we defeat this enemy, but our family finds no joy in the killing. I hope you all understand.
It has been interesting to watch my son process all of this. He was 7 on 9/11. Young enough that we had to explain that every time he saw the towers fall on TV it was not a new event - young enough that he wanted to know if Osama would fly a plane into our home while he slept. As long as he can remember, this man has been the very personification of evil (not because WE said so - but he has visited ground zero and the field in PA). He wanted to set off fire works last night - he wore a USA baseball Jersey to school today and other red - white - and blue.

Every generation is defined by what they experience growing up. While I am not unhappy that a major terrorist is gone - I cannot feel the elation some others feel. My son is elated and feeling very patriotic today. No right or wrong here - just interesting to realize just how much impact the events of 9/11 had on the young men his age - even those who had no personal relationship to anyone injured or killed.
Last edited by YesReally
The former Marine inside me wants to yell out Oooh Rah for our brave men who carried out this intense manuever last night! That slime dog deserved the bullet that ended his miserable and wretched life.

Did I get up last night and celebrate at the news of his death? No. But I smiled and took a deep sigh of relief at his demise.

You see leftyshortstop, I hear what you're saying. And I am truly empathatic to your personal loss and experiences over this entire ordeal. But I do believe in time that you and your wife WILL see something change for the both of you. Because as long as bin laden lived he exemplified the evil and terror that each of us Americans must live with each and every day. His living was a daily reminder that he was still winning and gave motivation to the many, many other terrorist cells that formed and sought to destroy our ways of life. Some, like you, have become numb possibly over these 10yrs because you haven't been able to let go due to the fact that he was STILL alive and well! I hope that in his death over time that you and your wife will experience that since of relief that has been due you for a very long time. That sense of finality and closure. I truly do.

I think for many of us that this will be a long process for us all to deal with this news. I'm not sure that I'm anywhere close to what this means for me. But today I can feel a deep sense of pride within me for the lives sacrificed by our young men and women who lost their very lives trying to bring this man to justice, and help keep our soil here in America safe.

I for one have not enjoyed living here in this country the past 10 years where I have had to look back over my shoulder every day because of an anticipated attack or explosion. This man changed each and every one of ours lives and how we live. I'm sick and tired of it. And now I believe that we may now be able to have a collective sigh of relief.

Today is a great day to be an American.

Originally posted by leftyshortstop:
We lost a brother in the South Tower (Sandler, O'Neil, 104th floor) and had another brother survive that day. Just speaking for our family, we found no joy in Bin Laden's death, just a profound sadness and emptiness. Its something that starts it all over for us and brings us back to that day. There is an empty feeling that is very difficult to explain. I woke my wife up this morning with the news and the only thing she said was "this changes nothing for me." We wish people would go back to their lives and honor the dead by living themselves. It is necessary and just that we defeat this enemy, but our family finds no joy in the killing. I hope you all understand.

As the "Son of a Navy Seal" (Teams 3 & 5)..I do.

Last edited by observer44
I doubt seriously he woke up and was "tapped". This went on for forty minutes with multiple explosions. I think he had plenty of time to contemplate his demise.

Perhaps today he finds out there are no virgins in hell. And the devil himself has a preference for barbecued pork.
Last edited by Bum
Originally posted by Bum:
I doubt seriously he woke up and was "tapped". This went on for forty minutes with multiple explosions. I think he had plenty of time to contemplate his demise...

You are right OBL tried to use someone as a human shield so he had plenty of time to contemplate the circumstances. Also, he was double tapped in the left side of the head. I'm glad they were able to squeeze off two kill shots. HOOYAH DEVGRU!
Last edited by redbird5
Originally posted by redbird5:
Originally posted by Bum:
I doubt seriously he woke up and was "tapped". This went on for forty minutes with multiple explosions. I think he had plenty of time to contemplate his demise...

You are right OBL tried to use someonewife as a human shield so he had plenty of time to contemplate the circumstances. Also, he was double tapped in the left side of the head. I'm glad they were able to squeeze off two kill shots. HOOYAH DEVGRU!

Besides a monster, a PIG and COWARD as well!
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by Bum:
I hope they show the video of this jack**s holding his wife hostage to protect himself. The so-called tough terrorist in the end cowered like a little girl.

Hey now! That's insulting to little girls everywhere.

but seriously, kudos to all involved. A sigh of relief, but perhaps a bit of anxiety to see what next. though, reports are that Muslims have distanced themselves from obl and are somewhat relieved too. Seems that when he started killing his own people, they didn't like it either.

good riddance
As a veteran who spent a year of my life looking for Bin Laden, This was a great step in healing those hurt by 9/11. It was also a great step in the war on terrorism. I'm glad he's dead but do know this. From my own experience, as much as you are happy that the enemy is dead and you survived, it definitely takes something out of you taking a life. It's not all Call of Duty makes it out to be. Thank you to our unbelievable military, they are the best!

Thank you for your service to our country doc.

Your point is well received. So long as there are terrorists committed to kill my family I will support our efforts to root them out.

Our family is abundantly grateful to all of the brave people throughout the world who are putting their lives on the line to keep us safe.

I wish it were true that no person wants to harm others, but unfortunately that is not reality and as such we must stand strong against those that would do us harm.

Welcome to the HSBBW and again, thank you for your service.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
There are some interesting inside accounts of the discussions at the White House leading up to the mission that killed OBL. If true Obama was not quite the leader that he's made out to be. In fact Leon Panetta it is said authorized the mission while the prez was on the golf course and Valerie Jarret fought it every step of the way with Obama unable to make a decision. The info seems to be coming from the Clinton camp. Very interesting stuff.
There are some interesting inside accounts of the discussions at the White House leading up to the mission that killed OBL. If true Obama was not quite the leader that he's made out to be. In fact Leon Panetta it is said authorized the mission while the prez was on the golf course and Valerie Jarret fought it every step of the way with Obama unable to make a decision. The info seems to be coming from the Clinton camp. Very interesting stuff.

As Clarence Darrow a noted attorney once said,

"When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; and now I'm beginning to believe it."

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