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People are now starting up "universities" in order to recruit people who will pay to have their student on a "college" sports team.  Check out John Melvin University.  They have a list of reasons for why they were founded in 2021 (, #2 reason is "Lack of Opportunities: Due to current college athletes receiving an extra year of eligibility and the passing of the One-Time transfer rule, there are now limited opportunities for high school student-athletes."  At least they are not hiding it.

Read this about a coach

Your leader may be the reason you have a culture problem.

How do you turn a losing culture into a winning one? START WITH THE LEADER!.

What did he do? — 5 observations

1 - Set the vision for the team. Where there is no vision people will fail.

2 - Build a core leadership team by surrounding yourself with successful coaches and identifying players who model the right values & behaviors.

3- Instill confidence in the team collectively and individually by creating visual monikers, slogans, and giving personal time attention to players.

4 - Identify opportunities to strengthen each player and position on the roster to improve the overall team. Practice makes permanent.

5 - Inspire, motivate, and hype your team through your words in presentations and speeches. Make it all about them: believe in them, correct them and praise them.

@adbono posted:

It’s very frustrating for them to be criticized for their performance without getting help from the critic about HOW to get better. There is much more to it than “get bigger, stronger, and faster. Players have a different level of respect for the coaches that teach, instruct, and invest in their players. There just aren’t enough coaches that do it. If your son plays for a coach that teaches the game consider yourself fortunate.

This is so common..."Non actionable advice". So many coaches posting platitudes on social media without knowing what it even means, or how to to get there. As an example you always see something like "concentrate on academics" well, no sh*t. But how about some examples. Take  more difficult classes, take your SAT/ACT ASAP, you need "X" score on your SAT/ACT to qualify for academic and athletic aid. Give concrete examples....

@nycdad posted:

This is so common..."Non actionable advice". So many coaches posting platitudes on social media without knowing what it even means, or how to to get there. As an example you always see something like "concentrate on academics" well, no sh*t. But how about some examples. Take  more difficult classes, take your SAT/ACT ASAP, you need "X" score on your SAT/ACT to qualify for academic and athletic aid. Give concrete examples....

Telling a player to “figure it out” or to “make an adjustment” is not coaching.

I must know the only good coaches out there or I'm spoiled.  I've been to a lot of college practices throughout the years and I see coaches working their butts off to help kids, who put in the time.  I've never heard a coach tell a kid to "work it out" unless it started with "since you didn't show up at the voluntary practice on Saturday morning, you can work it out on your own." or something along those lines.  But when the coaches I know see a kid putting in extra time and trying to get better they go out of their way to help him.  But I guess that I know the minority, the good coaches.  I will have to get out more and find the ones who are successful without investing in kids.

But I have heard the parents who complained about some of my friends who did not really know that their kid never put in any extra work or asked for help.  I sat next to one last year at a game who bashed the coaching staff for about 3 innings.  I finally had enough, even though my wife told me not to say anything.  I looked at the dad and said I'm not the one to bash the coaching staff in front of.  I love those guys.  I see them on a regular basis go out of their way to help players.  I told them, you need to ask your son about his attendance at the extra stuff that the coaches do.  Your son is the last to arrive at practice which he is late at on a regular occasion and first to leave and does not show up at the "voluntary" activities which are not really voluntary.

Why would a coaching staff go out of their way to help someone who is not respectful of the team?  I also hear parents complain about coaches that they should have easily known did not develop players.  The team never has anyone drafted and does not win.  That is the key to know the coaching staff does not develop players.  Like a juco that a friend's son went to that has not had a player go D1 in 4 seasons and has not been .500 in those years.  No.  That coach does not develop players but as I told my friend I told you that before your son went.  All the signs were there.  But he thought his son would be the exception rather than the rule.  I jokingly remind him all the time "Guess you were wrong."

If your son is a returning player, he already knows the drill. The player had the opportunity in exit an interview to discuss expectations for the upcoming season. If this didn't happen, HC is not doing his job.

HC has meeting to discuss expectations for entire team for the upcoming season. All incoming players will have a separate meeting with each coach that they will be working with as well as group meeting. Players also have captains that they can speak to for advice. This should be the standard for all programs.

IMO, players should not have to be continuously reminded of expectations or team rules.

Last edited by TPM

Like him or not, I believe Deion Sanders said the real truth this weekend.  He was asked about recruiting and he replied that the days of recruiting HS players except the elite ones are gone for top teams in every major sport.  He said why would a coach go get a Has player he hopes will make it when he can get a college guy that has proven he can.  

If I remember right, the reason for the 1-year sit-out rule for transfers was that all the transferring was causing athletes not to graduate.

So now they're just abandoning the idea that players might actually graduate from college.

It appears the NCAA is abandoning athletes are students. The next step will be they become employees and being a student becomes optional. University employees are eligible to attend classes free of charge.

@PitchingFan posted:

Like him or not, I believe Deion Sanders said the real truth this weekend.  He was asked about recruiting and he replied that the days of recruiting HS players except the elite ones are gone for top teams in every major sport.  He said why would a coach go get a Has player he hopes will make it when he can get a college guy that has proven he can.  

I was talking to a friend over the weekend who's daughter is a D1 volleyball player.  She said many, many coaches have said they aren't recruiting high school kids anymore.  Just the lower divisions and the portal.

Then she said, "At least baseball players can go pro, girls volleyball is just that."

@RJM posted:

It appears the NCAA is abandoning athletes are students. The next step will be they become employees and being a student becomes optional. University employees are eligible to attend classes free of charge.

With NIL, they are independent contractors.  I think the next big thing is going to be the IRS intentionally going after college athletes. I cannot believe all of these guys and gals are doing their taxes right or even having someone do their taxes. When my son got one of his better NIL deals, I made him sit back the money for taxes, and it blew his mind how much the government got.  I’m sure it will blow up at some point.  

@RJM posted:

It appears the NCAA is abandoning athletes are students. The next step will be they become employees and being a student becomes optional. University employees are eligible to attend classes free of charge.

Based on some previous readings, it seems the Supreme Court decision forced their hand.

The different version of legislation that is coming from congress will be challenged.  Especially Tuberville /Manchin bill.

I guess this is a different take on over recruiting.

Steven Teel
Today a Mid Major took every scholarship away from the whole 2024 class. They want to use the money in the portal. They said you can walk on if you want. I didn’t have a player there so I’m unemotional. The system is definitely broken.
Last edited by Master P
@Master P posted:

I guess this is a different take on over recruiting.

Steven Teel
Today a Mid Major took every scholarship away from the whole 2024 class. They want to use the money in the portal. They said you can walk on if you want. I didn’t have a player there so I’m unemotional. The system is definitely broken.

Absolutely terrible. I hope Karma does her job. You can’t tell me that all these kids showed up as different players than the ones he recruited. The whole thing has just become gross.

@Master P posted:

I guess this is a different take on over recruiting.

Today a Mid Major took every scholarship away from the whole 2024 class. They want to use the money in the portal. They said you can walk on if you want. I didn’t have a player there so I’m unemotional. The system is definitely broken.

Short on details. Is he talking about the seniors at that college? (As opposed to incoming high school class?) How many players were impacted?

Short on details. Is he talking about the seniors at that college? (As opposed to incoming high school class?) How many players were impacted?

He was referring to HS seniors being told this late in the game that they didn't have an offer any longer. I haven't personally heard of any stories this bad, but I have heard of a few mid-majors telling kids at their prospect camp they are only taking kids from the portal. Flat out told them to go to a juco or another school and transfer after 2 years.

He was referring to HS seniors being told this late in the game that they didn't have an offer any longer. I haven't personally heard of any stories this bad, but I have heard of a few mid-majors telling kids at their prospect camp they are only taking kids from the portal. Flat out told them to go to a juco or another school and transfer after 2 years.

It sucks. I had a family member go through it. But, it's not accurate to say that they took away the scholarships, because those guys never had scholarships. All they had was a handshake in a world where that means very little to a lot of people.

It sucks. I had a family member go through it. But, it's not accurate to say that they took away the scholarships, because those guys never had scholarships. All they had was a handshake in a world where that means very little to a lot of people.

Pretty effed up to pull their offers now. I know kids committed to P5's who were told in May/June that they no longer had an offer and could walk on. Those kids had all summer to try and find a new home. Telling them when the recruiting period is ending is awful.

@baseballhs posted:

Absolutely terrible. I hope Karma does her job. You can’t tell me that all these kids showed up as different players than the ones he recruited. The whole thing has just become gross.

These are 2024s...They are going into their senior year. It's also likely these players recently committed (not a P5). So it's likely nothing has changed with the players, sounds like the coaching strategy changed.

All that said, I'd like to know the whole story.

@nycdad posted:

These are 2024s...They are going into their senior year. It's also likely these players recently committed (not a P5). So it's likely nothing has changed with the players, sounds like the coaching strategy changed.

All that said, I'd like to know the whole story.

Noted but the majority of these kids now have almost No shot to find somewhere else this late in the game.

@baseballhs posted:

Noted but the majority of these kids now have almost No shot to find somewhere else this late in the game.

yep, with the current quiet periods going into affect it will be difficult to say the least. It's not like there are players in the portal now they are targeting. It's either a change in their recriting strategy going forward, and/or they are already speaking with JUCO or lower division players.

Last edited by nycdad
@TPM posted:

They are pulling their offers because in a month they will have to send out NLI.

Portal rules have changed, wonder if that has anything to do with it.

As an FYI this weekend at a Juco event in Lakeland, the place was filled with D1, D2 coaches and ML scouts.

If there is a legit excuse for cutting an entire class lose 28 days before NLI, I'd love to hear it. Should have been done before summer. The only portal change coming that I'm aware of is to reduce the window to 45 days.

This happens a lot. At this point it doesn't sound like there had been an offer or a verbal commit.

The other scenario is much worse IMO. At least they told them when they can cancel flights and hotels.

Yes, definitely agree this isn't as bad a situation. Happened to my son, but he got about 5 days notice, so we were still able to cancel our hotel reservations and he could continue pursuing other opportunities.

If there is a legit excuse for cutting an entire class lose 28 days before NLI, I'd love to hear it. Should have been done before summer. The only portal change coming that I'm aware of is to reduce the window to 45 days.

I don't have an excuse, just pointing out they have to do it before NLI comes.

But I have a problem believing stuff where someone posts something without mentioning the program.


@baseballhs posted:

Noted but the majority of these kids now have almost No shot to find somewhere else this late in the game.

My 2024 (position player) is still looking. Of all his peers that are also 2024's the only ones that have found a home are pitchers, with the exception of one position player that has verbally committed to a D3.

My son is really hoping to find a great Juco program. He's reached out to about 15 and they seem to be delaying their own recruiting to see what players become available. We've also noticed that more Juco players seem to be announcing commitments this year as compared to last year at this point. We've also noticed that these commitments happen to be with the D1 school the Juco program got to face off with for a fall ball game.

D1 that sought out my kid has been very quiet with limited contact. Verbal commit. He/we are currently deciding if and when to cut ties and go towards the schools who are actively showing interest. Tough call and risky but it's kind of getting down to the wire... Just praying that the right doors will shut, right one will open, and he will find the best fit. Tough spot for the coaches as scholarships and now all the possibilities with the portal. IMO the whole thing is wacky

@TPM posted:

I don't have an excuse, just pointing out they have to do it before NLI comes.

But I have a problem believing stuff where someone posts something without mentioning the program.


He says his son is in active recruitment. He’s not going to ruin things for his kid. He did tell people they could DM him for the name. And yes, they have to do it before  NLi, but the whole class? Basically he just put them all in a terrible position with the upside being he may get them for free by default.

I will believe it more when I see a name posted.  So far, it is one guy Xing it, I reckon we can't say tweeting it anymore, and it is nowhere else on the internet so questionable on reliable.

Should it happen?  No.  But everyone better have plan B.  My son is a Fifth year player and he had a plan B in case the school said no.  It is that way in life for most of us.  My job could be finished tomorrow if the right ones decided it was time for me to go.  Plan B.

So I guess you could find out which school it was by going thru the recruiting classes on the PG website. If anybody does, please post. Perhaps moving forward teams will be more transparent about their strategy, because the strategy itself shouldn't surprise anybody this board. Sounds like this school changed the strategy late in the game for the 2024. Perhaps a new coach? Or one who is about to get canned?

@314Calhoun posted:

So I guess you could find out which school it was by going thru the recruiting classes on the PG website. If anybody does, please post. Perhaps moving forward teams will be more transparent about their strategy, because the strategy itself shouldn't surprise anybody this board. Sounds like this school changed the strategy late in the game for the 2024. Perhaps a new coach? Or one who is about to get canned?

I know schools are getting more and more open about this.  I know of a kid who was on a visit this fall.  The father came right out and asked the coach how many kids they cut each fall.  The coach said, "9-12 players, depending."

As others have posted need more details on this. I there there is likely more to this story. If he was offering to tell people the school that DM'd him, I'm surprised the school name isn't out yet.

EDIT: Just checked the thread. Seems like several people have DM'd him but he hasn't responded back. Something seems a bit off.

Last edited by nycdad

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