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Face it, if Ozzie were of a different ethnic background he would have been canned for his remarks about Mariotti. Just like Jimmy The Greek and Al Campanis of The Dodgers.

I'm not the most progressive person in the world when it comes to that issue, but Sox fans seem to think there is absolutley nothing wrong with Ozzie's complete lack of tact or discretion while spewing all that garbage that is perpetually coming out of his mouth. This is far from lack of political correctness, it is a blatant attack on someone he sees as a thorn in his side. To Ozzie this is apparently the worst thing you can say about someone. Of course when you are winning, you can get away with a lot.

Soxnole, I can guess where you stand on this but I'm sure you will have something entertaining to say so go ahead.
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Does Ozzie have a loose tongue?..most defintely.

Is "Jay" Marriotti a freaking "sissy boy"?..Absolutely!

Is there a locker room in the world (Baseball-Football-B-ball-Futbol-Golf-Hockey) that doesen't speak Ozzie's politically incorrect language?...I think not.

Imo, Mariotti should show up in the Sox locker room once in awhile and write about what IS "on the record".

In previous column's the ff has called Big Frank "the big skirt"...he has said that Ozzie is in the "mafia"...called Reinsdorf "cheap" and a "money horder"

I haven't heard "NOW",the Italian or Jewish defamation societies complain, so how is this different?...other than he insulted a whole bunch of people in wrigleyville!
In my opinion, Mariotti is a joke/stroke. Can't recall the last POSITIVE article that I've read that he's written about anyone or anything.

I don't care what THEY do IN THEIR PRIVATE LIVES and I'm sick and tired of reading about it in the papers; and, seeing it on tv.

He'll be gone before Ozzie is gone.

Let everyone deal with it. Especially Cubbie fans.


Go White Sox!
My friends Soxnole and Beenthere,

Maybe it is time for you guys to open your eyes.

Just listened to an interview on the score with Dave Duncan. He blasted your Ozzie as a blatant liar and a fool. Ozzie stated that when he found out Duncan's son had been hit by the pitch that he called him and apologized. Duncan said that Ozzie never called and that he is know as a liar and manipulator. Duncan also said that Ozzie's handling of the Tracy incident ranks with one of the worst managerial displays he has seen. Ozzie states that he doesn't tell his pitchers what to do and then turns around and blasts the kid in front of the cameras and teammates. This is from a guy who worked here, has a relationship with Reinsdorf, albeit not like LaRussa's, and a real professional IMO.

Right now Guillen is skating by because the team is winning, he gives great soundbites and copy to the media and he is a minority. Others have been banished from sports for saying what Guillen said and less. Big time double standard at work here.

Finally, I dislike Mariotti just like the rest of you. I have felt that in the past his criticism of Reinsdorf has been over the top and more than once smelled like anti-semitism. That being said, this season he has written more positive articles about the Sox, Kenny Williams and even the boss than I would have expected. Does that mean that he isn't allowed to ever write a negative article about the Sox again? IMO, Ozzie should not take out a long-term mortgage in this town. His mouth will cost him his job when the winning slows down.

Off to Michigan now for a tournament. Gosh, I love summer travel baseball.
Last edited by itsrosy
Duncan also said that Ozzie's handling of the Tracy incident ranks with one of the worst managerial displays he has seen. Ozzie states that he doesn't tell his pitchers what to do and then turns around and blasts the kid in front of the cameras and teammates.

Dave Duncan?

In my opinion, once he gets a a "real job" away from LaRussa, he can blast Ozzie.

I agree with you...that Ozzie is a loose cannon...I've know that since my playing days with Latins in the minors. What they consider as "flash" (if a white kid does the same thing), would be known as "hotdogging"...Not sure what they call it now.
My kid knows what its like to get hit in the head with a 93 mph pitch. Put him in the hospital and left a baseball sized welt on the side of his head....THANK GOD he had enough time
to turn his head and didn't get it in the face!
This is the kind of mentality that I see going down here. That's gang mentality, that's thug
mentality....Oh maybe thats baseball, but I'm sorry, its awful!!!! And not just Ozzie, if\
LaRussa ordered the bonking of AJ, he's just as
bad....This shouldn't happen,,,,,Kenny Williams
should put a towel in Ozzies mouth....
People don't get hit in the head on purpose. When a pitcher is reliating, it's almost always below their neck. I'm sorry that your kid had to experience such a scary occurence, but getting hit is part of the game, intentional or not. You might want to consider signing your kid up for ballet if you are worried about the safety of your child. A baseball is a weapon and the game has always been a dangerous. That's how it is and that is how it will always be.
eg12,,,,let me guess, you're a THUG!
Lets ask Tony Canigliaro about retaliation hits!
Think his was in the temple and was career ending. You and those like you are the reason I'm REALLY glad I'm a woman. You cannot be a father...or else, every time your kid was at bat, you'd be a little worried in the back of
your head, that the next pitch could permantly damage your kid!

Oh, and by the way, my KID is too good a baseball player to be a ballet dancer!
2ndbasemom......I'm happy to hear that Brett is OK. Where is he playing this summer?

No reason however to single out Ozzie, Tony LaRussa, or any other manager. As often as not the players/pitchers decide to take it upon themselves to retaliate. I can't tell you how many times I have seen manager's/coach's calm down a player/pitcher that "knew" thier guy had been thrown at.

In this instance Ponson hit 2 guys with the bags loaded. In the post game interview I saw Ponson apologize and say he was NOT trying to hit either guy...and I thought that he seemed to be telling the truth. The next interview was with LaRussa who was visibly upset that it happened. He said he told Ponson that no matter the intent..."it looked like ****".

Imo, anyone hit above the waist should result in an automatic 5 game suspension for the pitcher and manager. That would put an end to most of these incident's. Duncan btw, was hit in the butt..where he should have been hit. In the big picture this is a "macho" thing that is NOT going away soon. Waist down would be OK by me.
Head hunting ... hope a person doesn't have to live with the regret of another Tony C. knowing that you either called it or influenced it. What is the price on retaliation? A human life???

As far as anything from the Chicagoland, I'd love to get involved in some of this but my Redbirds have made it a habit of throwing strikes dead center of the plate and then watching those turn into LOOOOOOG BALLLLLLLLLS. Therefore, I'll just keep my mouth shut. LOL! BTW, we're going to consider it a victory tonight if we keep the White Sox under double digets. OUCH!
Actually, I don't consider myself a "thug". Talk to some of the people on this board that know me as a person and I don't think I would be considered a "thug" to them either. Like I said, it's unfortunate that you had to go through a tragic event like that with your kid, but unless a hitter goes up there like a hockey goalie, it's always going to happen. As far as me being a father; no I am not. However, I have been playing baseball for 15 years and like everything you do in sports, getting in the batters box sixty feet away from a rock hard baseball is extremely dangerous. Understanding the history of the game is a key component to realizing the way the game should be played. Although you seem like a great mother that truly cares about her son, I think that is one thing you fail to understand about the entire beanball situation in MLB.
I would like offer a solution that would definitely diminish all the beanballs- RAISE THE STRIKE ZONE to where it is supposed to be. You have all these guys leaning over the plate, diving into the ball because they don't have to protect up high in the zone. They can't get out of the way, so how is a pitcher supposed to back them off the plate?
I don't understand why people jump on the team that retaliates. The problem is hitting a guy because you are mad that they are hammering you. If you can't get them out, hit them in frustration? That is just being a sore loser. The team that is hit has to do something to protect their teammates. It was done in a "safe" mannor (in the butt). The guy who should have been tossed was Ponson. He started it.
No one threw at anyones head. Anyone that intentionally throws at a guys head is a criminal, like that Christianson who hit the guy in the batters for thiming pitches (and then was drafted by the Cubs). Conigliaro and the kid hit in the box both had their carreers ended because they were hit in the eye. You need two good eyes to play baseball (depth perception).
What’s all the fuss? I thought Ozzie called Mariotti a cigarette… reading Mariotti’s column is a filthy & disgusting habit that will ruin your health…

Retaliation is “old school” and ain’t goin’ away… well not unless they start curving the brims of thier hats. Lock-up the women and children.

CoachB25 at least your Cards got a moral victory tonight. It's been a tough week... Mrs. Smokey's a Redbird fan. crazy
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I'm not sure if I care if my manager is a gentleman. I don't even care if he hates writers or other media people who go beyond the game to stir things up.

What I am sure about is that no New Yorker ought to be lecturing Chicagoans on being nice. Chicagoans on a whole treat others better than anyone, so take a cue from us New York.
Cubs suck
Rusty sucks
Barrett is a *****
Prior is a *****
Wood is done
Where is Ramirez?
Wrigley Field, p-u

Wonder why the Cubby crew is focusing so much attention on Ozzie and the Sox? Go figure.

110 here in Phoenix at the JOs. Today was player evals and the kids were only evaluated for 60s and arm strenght/fielding. No hitting, no pitching.
Duncan wasn't concerned about who got hit where in retaliation; that part he understands. His point was that Ozzie lied about calling Dunc Jr. And the handling of Tracy was ugly and nasty. Just like calling Mariotti an ff and maintaining that 'in my country that means a man has no courage' and that he's just fine with alternative lifestyles.

The WS would be just as good with another manager; it would be interesting to see if any other club would be willing to take on Ozzie.
O...Instead of taking their "beating" and heading out of town, they make a "lot of noise" over nothing. Get out of town.

Now they are in Detroit getting smoked again.

Nothing provincial about any of what I said.

Ozzie is Ozzie.

He won in 2005 and it looks like we're headed for another World Series in 2006.

If the White Sox get a journeyman centerfielder, they'll be over the top.

There is not a player on the White Sox team that would agree with you.

To a man they were/are united behind the
wizard. (05 and06)


Btw again...sure don't envy you the weather down there in the land of 95 degree with matching humidity and no breeze...for the next 3 months!
Ozzie publicly stated he had called a Cardinal player when he did not. Nothing to do with getting beaten. The Tracy handling has been much discussed by people who had also not just been beaten by the WS.

Using the phrase "nobody on the planet" (in caps, no less) when discussing a topic of interest to a limited number of people ---- half of which would take note of what Duncan said ---- isn't provincial (limited in perspective; narrow and self-centered)? I guess that's just your own personal take on the word.....(Well, "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less.")
Last edited by Orlando
Don't miss sissy boy's "excuse column" in today's Sun Times.

Too bad Frank or Aaron didn't follow through with thier "according to the sissy" intended actions.

I guess the little AH will have to avoid the Philly and A's clubhouse as well.

Morrissey and Telander had it right...if you can't get your own story then puulleeese don't make it up.

Btw, what game was Ginnetti reporting on? (SunTimes). He may as well have joined sissy boy at his "boy's town" bar and guessed at what transpired.

These 2 (among others) are stealing money. Ginnetti's incompetence is only trumped by sissy's arrogance.

Couch btw, does a 180 and tells the smack dab truth to what go's on in the Sox clubhouse. There are about 700 player's in both league's that WISH they had the wizard as thier leader!

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