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Change - the only constant there is outside of death and taxes.  Know it is there and roll with the punches or they will knock you out.

The first two real jobs I ever had 35 years ago - Mailroom clerk at a Fortune 25 HQ and being promoted to a File Clerk do not exist anymore.  I also went to College night school on a tuition reimbursement program that also no longer exists. 

But like the coaches the world is getting away from me as I age.  You should see the looks I get when tell people I don't have a cell phone and do not want one.  I cannot understand why anyone wants one.  The idea of the whole planet being able to talk at me on demand horrifies me.  More proof I am a grumpy old man I suppose.   


luv baseball posted:
 You should see the looks I get when tell people I don't have a cell phone and do not want one.  I cannot understand why anyone wants one.  The idea of the whole planet being able to talk at me on demand horrifies me.  More proof I am a grumpy old man I suppose.   


But how do you update your facebook page with selfies? 

Golfman25 posted:
coach2709 posted:

The "coaches" in the stands have the benefit of hindsight to become smarter than the coach in the dugout. They see the end result of the play and know they wouldn't have done that. But how many of actually knew going into the play all or most of the variables? Plus just because the play didn't go the way you wanted doesn't mean it was the wrong one. Third base coach sends a runner and he's out doesn't mean it was the wrong call. Maybe the OF had terrible throws in warm ups or earlier in the game and THIS time he makes the throw of his life. You send a guy on a steal and he's thrown out. Maybe the kid got a bad jump or the pitcher went against his pattern and threw a fastball when he normally threw a curve. But the "coach" in the stands sees him get thrown out and says he wouldn't have done that or the coach is stupid for trying that. Yet they didn't factor any of the pre-pitch info into a decision. If someone in the stands actually did that they wouldn't be criticizing the coach because they get it. 

When I coached football I was the offensive coordinator for 4 years. I called many plays that resulted in touchdowns. I also called many plays that resulted in loss of yards. In both situations sometimes they didn't work out and sometimes they were dumb calls. It happens. We were down in a close game late but driving. Got to an important 3rd and short. I called our best short yardage play to our best running back. We typically got 3 - 4 yards on this play. This is the play we run the best. Why wouldn't we call it? But the defense knows all this and is probably going to call their defense to stop this. We snapped the ball and next thing you know we lose about 3 yards. Now 4th down and we don't concert and that basically ends the game. Our best vs their best and they won. It happens. Walking off the field this idiot parent is ranting and raving to other parents about how stupid I was. He was saying loud enough for me to hear. Well I was ticked off (and luckily there was a fence between us) and went over to him. I asked him what he would run, how successful were we with that play all season, what defense was the other team in and several other questions. He actually said he would run a play that was out of the I formation yet we were a spread offense. I asked him how could we run a play that we don't have in and doesn't even fit our personnel or scheme? Then I added if I knew the play was going to get blown up I wouldn't have called it. I called a play we were successful with all season. Then walked off.

Watching film the hole was there but one of the linemen had missed his block which blew up the play. One kid missed his assignment that he had got all year and it cost us the game. Things like that are what the "coaches" in the standS don't understand. It was the right play and one out of 11 people didn't do their job yet I'm the idiot. Know your role, know your ability and knowledge level before you go shooting off at the mouth.

It's our sports culture to question the coaches and general managers.  They have created a whole talk radio industry out of it.  Take it with a gain of salt. 

That is very true and it works for the professional ranks because those fans have absolutely no impact on the team.  They can rant and rave to their hearts desire but it won't make one bit of difference to the team.  Mom and Dad rant and rave at the dinner table it undermines the coach.  Mom and Dad coach from the stands it undermines the team.  Hard to take that one with a grain of salt since it can and typically does affect the team.

Also I know the private sector is tough.  Just didn't want anyone to think teaching was easy.  It is tough all over and it's not looking to get any better.

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