first of all, SHAME ON YOU! You are just trolling for trouble.
TRHit, Tom stop being so paranoid about parents looking over coaches shoulders. Why arent parents allowed to love the game also? I love the spring weather, the kids enthusiasm, etc. I just love baseball. We go to spring training games also!
Seriously Tom, isn't it cynical to assume something negative of parents at practices? I know that is your view, but you always come down on the side of the coach and never have any sympathy for the parents. Why should I stay away from practices if I enjoy the game. Why should a few bad apples (coaches and parents) ruin it for me? I don't want to knot watch because the coach is paranoid, and I don't want to not watch because of a fruity parent. It is up to the parents to tell the fruity one to go home, and I do!
Besides, I don't want some second rate hs coach screwing up my sons mechanics.
JK, I do a good enough job of that on my own.
PS. we have a parallel thread going on in the Texas Forum.
"I love the HSBBW"