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Enough with the "must be on drugs" comments. It diminishes you.

You state the obvious - warmer weather states will produce more baseball players. Agreed. But talent is not limited to those states. Recognize that also.

As far as ratings, Perfect Game is not perfect. No scouting service or Major League club is either. The Chicago White Sox signed a kid out of Washington, a first round pick in 1984, and he was gone the following year. Why? Because he had no depth perception. Bad eyes! They gave him $100,000 to sign and he couldn't see how far the baseball was away from him. Had great bat speed, could run like the wind when he got to the minors. He was 6-4, 210, looked like Dale Murphy. Big mistake.

PG is the best around and gives great exposure to kids. So you're not happy with the ratings. I can live with that.
PG is a proven winner. They are the best at what they do and the scouts and coaches do recognize it. There system is just that, A system. It has worked so far. Do any of us thnk that scouts could have a better system than the 20-80 system of rating? There mght be a better one and it may come along one day, but right now it works. As for talent, I have lived, played and coached in the new england area and coached and trained in the florida area. While it is true that southern and western kids are more talented, or should I say more of them are talented, there are many talented kds from the northeast and midwest. We have had many teams come from up north during spring break to play us. We were always deeper, especially pitchng, but they always had one or two kids that were as good as any we had competed against. The coaching was always good as well. We're all americans in the american game, lets continue to work with each other.

Originally posted by itsinthegame:
Originally posted by darkmoon:

How many of the kids that you review actually play D1 ball? It seems to me that you have too many boys rated for D 1 ball than is possible and the ratings for the kids in the north and other places are too high in comparison to the better talent in California, Floida, Texas ,ect.



The ultimate judge of top talent in the USA is MLB - and the early rounds of the draft will lead you to the cream of the crop.

As I said before - you seem sadly misinformed.
You need to do your homework before making statements that are false.

All too often we get folks on here that state opinion as fact.

Then, when the facts are revealed - they look foolish. (or worse)

Welcome to the club.

Do you still think I am - how did you say - "on drugs"? Big Grin

Just setting the record straight Baseball Dad. You too had trouble accepting the fact where the great majority of the best come from year after year.You can take me to task about the on the drugs comment but you and especially Itsinthegame kept insisting that the northern boys are on par with the big three........

Here are a list of the national champs in college baseball from 1959-2005 and the number of times they won that title.....

Arizona State-5
Cal State Fullerton-5
Wichita State-1
Ohio State-1
Oklahoma State-1

Here is a list of the best of the top 5 in the college polls from 1959-2005 and the number of times they made that list

Arizona State-18
Oklahoma State-13
Cal State Fullerton-10
Florida State-9
South Carolina-5
Wichita State-5
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
Originally posted by darkmoon:
Are you serious? The northern players in general are much weaker than the the big three.

You need to do some research.

Then we can talk.

Start with NY and Illinois and go back through the last 30 years.


Silly stuff.

You can't take responsibilty for your own actions itsinthegame.You are the one that made negative comments about me you hypocrite and then you can't back up your position. After I put the FACTS on the table you run away and attack the messanger.
A very appropriate name, doesn't even get the reflection of the sun!, what is your point? A player is a player, singular, not plural. More southern/ western players are better?? So?? How many of these southern/ Western kids play D1 or proffesional hockey? I really don't care. My kid loves baseball, if he plays D3, D2, D1 or JUCO why do you care? Get something straight, there are lies, **** lies and statistics, get a grip. It appears to me that you are trying to reflect the bright light from other parents or players onto yourself or your kid, so why the name darkmoon, maybe it should be mirror, stop being a blackhole and enjoy it for what it is, a great experience that you can share with you kid. Why don't you run some statistics on the chance of being a pro ballplayer? It appears to me that your whole argument is based on the "fact" that the next door neighbor to Lou Gehrig must be a better ballplayer than the next door neighbor to Bubba Crosby. I don't get it. But then again.......

Where is my crack pipe? I left it right next to my kids steriods??

Thanks for all the statistics, but I don’t think anyone is arguing which states have the MOST talent. Anyone who follows college baseball or the draft already understands what you are so insistent about. It’s like you’re preachin to the choir. The only point people are making is that the very best individuals are likely to come from any state. Excellent prospects come from all parts of the country.

What has me the the most confused is your choice of user name. How’d you come up with that? Is there a story behind it?

Seems to be something sinister about that name. I’ve heard of Full Moon, Blue Moon, Half Moon, Moon Beam, Moon Shine, etc., but darkmoon has a strange and somewhat evil ring to it!

You don’t belong to one of those sadistic cults… Do you? Eek
Originally posted by PGStaff:

What has me the the most confused is your choice of user name. How’d you come up with that? Is there a story behind it?

Seems to be something sinister about that name. I’ve heard of Full Moon, Blue Moon, Half Moon, Moon Beam, Moon Shine, etc., but darkmoon has a strange and somewhat evil ring to it!

You don’t belong to one of those sadistic cults… Do you? Eek

Yeah, after attending a Perfect Game Showcase in Waco I got mad at the rating process and left in anger and went to visit the old David Koresh compound area. After arriving there I got jumped by a bunch of Devil worshipers and they baptized me in a blood ceremony into the Church of Satan.I have never been the same since......
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PGStaff:

Thanks for all the statistics, but I don’t think anyone is arguing which states have the MOST talent. Anyone who follows college baseball or the draft already understands what you are so insistent about. It’s like you’re preachin to the choir. The only point people are making is that the very best individuals are likely to come from any state. Excellent prospects come from all parts of the country.

You are right, it should have been a no brainer that everyone knows that most of the best players come from the big three area but a few around here denide that fact.That is why I said to itsinthegame that you must be on drugs to think that in general the northern boys can compete with the best of the west and south.He called me a fool and a liar in so many words so i provide some of the facts to set the record straight.

In the years from 1966-2005, 50% of all those drafted in the first round either played high school or college ball in California, Florida,Texas,Arizona,Georgia or Louisiana.......

PS.Darkmoon is just a poetic name. I could have choosen texasbaseballfan or the like...
damoon, a few things to consider about your numbers - they ain't necessarily good

the HS numbers should favor the south as northern players with talent worthy of draft consideration are just not as advanced at 17 yrs

the college numbers should favor the south as nothern players going south become southern players
ie: an Ohio kid going to college in Georgia is considered a Georgia player by MLB

is Captain Morgan a drug??

Last edited by Bee>
the college numbers should favor the south as nothern players going south become southern players

Good point Bee>, Of the seven players selected in the pro draft last year from my son's team, (in Alabama) only one was from Alabama. We really skewed up the statistics because we had one from Canada. I might add that once these good ballplayers from up north get swept off their feet by one of these sweet talking southern belles, they usually stay down south and raise up more ballplayers. Wink I can see it now, 2015 Dixie Youth baseball player of the year, Little Bubba Bee>.
Last edited by Fungo
Big Grin - - but, little?? GF is just about his size

in the 04 draft, 3 of 9 on the "Bee team" were northern players
newly labeled by MLB as Georgia players for the draft

da'moon, could you re-do the college numbers using hometown instead of their college?

I think the last 10-15 yrs should be sufficient to show tendancies - Wink

it also could show a trend about how many northern HS players had the "talent/tools"
to be picked but were passed over to be given time to advance - as TALENT & TOOLS
could not just "appear" 3 yrs later, but WOULD BE more advanced & polished

Last edited by Bee>
Well Bee you have a point. The high school boys in the west and the south are alot more advanced and the draft reflects that. In 2005 93 high schools boys were drafted in the first 10 rounds and 53 came from California, Florida or Texas and 12 came from Arizona,Georgia or Louisiana. In 2004 83 high school boys were drafted in the first 10 rounds and 43 came from California, Florida or Texas and 11 came from Arizona, Georgia or Louisiana.

The college stats are less clear. Your point about where the college players are from is a good one and could change the numbers some.The data I was working from doesn't list the high school town of the college players so you could be right but it could work the other way too.

For example, Princeton, a northern school, has 15 boys from either California, Florida or Texas on its current roster.Notre Dame,another northern school, has 11 boys on its current roster from California, Florida or Texas.

You mentioned University of Georgia which has 33 current players on its roster, 29 are from Georgia,and 1 each from Alabama, Florida,Ohio and Pennsylvania.Fungo mentioned University of Alabama which has 7 from Louisiana,3 each from Georgia and Texas 2 each from Florida and Indiana and 1 from California.

Here is a list of some other schools

University of Miama Fl 25-29 from Florida
Baylor University 29-35 from Texas
University of Texas 30-36 from Texas
TCU 30-34 from Texas
Rice University 31-38 from Texas
Texas A&M 30-37 from Texas
University of Houston 33-35 from Texas
Texas Tech 23-35 from Texas
Lamar University 34-39 from Texas
Cal State Fullerton 36-39 from California
Georgia Tech 25-33 from Georgia
Seems like alot of wasted time looking up statistics that really proves nothing new. I think the key here is that exceptional players can come from anywhere - period.

Darkmoon - the fact you have never been to a PG event and the fact you used a player's name exposes your credibility - which is none.

We need to move on with something else.

Darkmoon take your game somewhere else.
Darkmoon, Statistics that are used to make a point are normally manipulated to serve the person making the point. For instance, Bee> was not talking about the University of Georgia nor did he mention The University of Georgia and likewise, I never mentioned The University of Alabama. Gasp.
Last edited by Fungo
Originally posted by Fungo:
Darkmoon, Statistics that are used to make a point are normally manipulated to serve the person making the point. For instance, Bee> was not talking about the University of Georgia nor did he mention The University of Georgia and likewise, I never mentioned The University of Alabama. Gasp.

Well Fungo, University of Alabama is the best Division 1 school in the state so I went there. He are most of the division 1 programs in Alabama

Auburn University 18-39 Alabama, 15 from Cal, FL,TX and LA.Only 1 from the north ,Ontario

University of Alabama Birmingham 27-36 Alabama
7 from FL,TX,GA,and LA. 0 from the north

Samford University 18-39 Alabama. 13 from FL, GA. 6 from Tenn, 1 from the north Indiana

Troy State Uniniversity 25-41 Alabama, 10 from FL,GA or LA.1 from the north, Ohio

University of Southern Alabama 27-46 Alabama
9 from Cal,Fl,TX,Ga. 5 from the north,NY,NH,IN, and Ontario

Alabama A&M 9-30 Alabama,2 from Ga,La.6 from Illinois,3 from Michigan 5 from Tenn.

Perhaps Alabama A&M is the school you meant as it is the only school in Alabama division 1 with many northern players...
Originally posted by PASSION:
Seems like alot of wasted time looking up statistics that really proves nothing new. I think the key here is that exceptional players can come from anywhere - period.

Darkmoon - the fact you have never been to a PG event and the fact you used a player's name exposes your credibility - which is none.

We need to move on with something else.

Darkmoon take your game somewhere else.

The credibility is in the numbers as they speak for themselves.I doubt you would say they prove nothing if they showed the opposite of what they show. Of course their is alot of hypocrisy here based on who said what and when. I obviously have made alot of friends here because I don't bow down to Perfect Game ect.
I do agree that the subject is closed but I will take my game where I want and when I want...

PS Most of the best come from Cal,Fl,Tx,Ar,Ga,La, ect - Period.........
Originally posted by Fungo:
Well Fungo, University of Alabama is the best Division 1 school in the state so I went there.

You went to the University of Alabama? That explains everything.

After reading your posts I find we do have something in common. Ain't neither one of us been to a PG event. Big Grin

No Fungo, I didn't go to the University of Alabama. I meant to say that I used the University of Alabama's stats first because they are the best team in that state...Auburn fans could debate that opinion of course
Originally posted by TRhit:

if you take your game where "I want and when I want" you had better bring your own bat and ball and glove or you won't be chosen to play

Well around here that is a given but i think that too many people take my tone and style a little too personal. After all,its only a web site and some exta sarcasm goes along way in jumping everyones chain a little. I never would be this abrasive in real life.But of course I am the resident bad guy on this thread no matter what I say or how I say it.
Originally posted by Baseballdad1228:

My son is a HS senior who will enter Wake Forest in the fall. In three years, if he gets drafted, would he still be a kids who already has shoveled snow three times this year or another kid from the warm South?

Funny Baseballdad1228.Everyone has to find the exception to the general consensus but in your case you have one up on me.

Congratulations though, your son must be a great ballplayer to play at Wake Forest, especially coming from New Jersey. I think a kid recruited from the north down to the south or west must be real special to get the attention of the coaches as they have so much regional talent to pick from.

Here is the Wake Forest current Roster. Its very diverse and not typical of a national university.

5 from Vigina and California.3 from Texas and Ohio.2 from North Carolina,Florida and Pennsylvania. 1 from Arizona,Arkansas,Kentucky,Illinois,Mass.,NY,mich, Wash,and WV.

PS. I first played little league in Cherry Hill and boy did I suck.Played T-ball at age 9.
Thank you for the kind words about my son. I do want you to know that the Wake Forest staff first saw my son at a Perfect Game event in Marietta, Ga. when he was 16, along with many other colleges that began recruiting him after that tournament. I point this out only to demonstrate how PG makes an impact far beyond the player rating system that you have an issue with.

I hope your game improved after Cherry Hill T-ball, also!
Originally posted by Fungo:
Well Fungo, University of Alabama is the best Division 1 school in the state so I went there.

You went to the University of Alabama? That explains everything.

After reading your posts I find we do have something in common. Ain't neither one of us been to a PG event. Big Grin

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

I am so confused by Darkmoon's post but I thought your reply was very good! Sense of humor is always appreciated.
Last edited by TPM
I think the level of baseball in the north east has improved since darkmoon played little league, and I think it will continue to improve.
There is a increase in aau teams and out of state travel,this was almost unheard of 5 to 6 years ago.
I don't know if the talent in the south is better but I believe the coaching is , which make players in the south more advanced and more polished.
But give those yankees some good instruction and a few more at bats and they will do just fine. Wink
---- ------ first saw my son at a Perfect Game event in Marietta, Ga. when he was 16, along with many other colleges that began recruiting him after that tournament. I point this out only to demonstrate how PG makes an impact far beyond the player rating system that you have an issue with.


Congrats to your son and best of luck. You hit the nail on the head. A PG rating grade and $0.99 will get you a cup of coffee. If I had $0.99 for every kid, first recruited/scouted after a PG event, like mine and yours, I'd have as much money as Fungo. Smile
Originally posted by Dad04:
---- ------ first saw my son at a Perfect Game event in Marietta, Ga. when he was 16, along with many other colleges that began recruiting him after that tournament. I point this out only to demonstrate how PG makes an impact far beyond the player rating system that you have an issue with.


Congrats to your son and best of luck. You hit the nail on the head. A PG rating grade and $0.99 will get you a cup of coffee. If I had $0.99 for every kid, first recruited/scouted after a PG event, like mine and yours, I'd have as much money as Fungo. Smile

Not sure I understand your comment?
Originally posted by Bee>:
by da'moon: Well Fungo, University of Alabama is the best Division 1 school in the state so I went there
why in the world would you use UGA for Georgia then?? Confused


I used UGA for the same reason I used Alabama. They both are the big time teams in their state. Of course I could have used Georgia Tech or Auburn.....

Like I said before Bee, you have a point about where the kids are from that play college baseball.It's not cut and dry and I wish I had the data for college players drafted in regards to their hometown..The best I can do is show the current roster and get an idea if the home state is well represented.It's far from perfect but it does gives us I clue. Here are some more schools and the roster distribution.

Auburn University 18-41 from Alabama, 15 from either FL,TX,Ga,or LA. 1 from the north, Ontario

University of Virgina 17-33 from VA. 6 from the either Fl or Ga, 7 from the north

Univerity of North Carolina 21-30 from NC, 5 from the north and 3 from either FL or GA.

Rutgers University 31-39 from NJ, 5 others fron the north

Pittsburgh University 12-28 from PA, 13 others from the north, 2 from Fl

Boston College 8-35 from Mass, 13 others from the north,9 from either Cal,FL or TX.

Villanova 14-32 from PA, 14 others from the north, 3 from either Cal,FL or AZ.

Seton Hall 25-34 from NJ, 8 others from the north, 1 from AZ.

University of Connecticut 14-34 from Conn,17 others from the north, 3 from Fl.

Saint John's 28-33 from the north, 5 from either Cal or Tx.

Army 9 from the north,11 from either Cal,FL, TX or LA.

Ohio State 28-37 from Ohio, 6 others from the north

University of Maine 31-32 from the north

Dartmouth 7 from the north, 15 from either Cal, FL or TX.

USC 36-39 from Cal, 0 from the north

Pepperdine 26-35 from Cal, 0 from the north

Stanford University 16-36 from Cal, 3 from the north, 10 from either FL,TX,AZ,GA

University of Cal/Berk 38-43 from Cal,0 from the north

Florida State 29-36 from FL, 1 from Ill,5 from either Cal or GA.

Florida 36-40 from FL

Cal Poly 40-42 from Cal

Arizona State 19-35 from AZ, 8 from Cal,1 from TX, 3 from the north

University of Arizona 8-33 from AZ,13 from Cal,3 from TX,1 from ILL,

Tulane University 14-36 from LA, 11 from TX,8 from either Cal, FL, or GA. 1 from Mass...

I think everyone understands the states of Florida, California, Texas have the most players. Therefore, the most good players come from those states. However, the very best can and do come from anywhere.

I wish I had the data for college players drafted in regards to their hometown..The best I can do is show the current roster and get an idea if the home state is well represented.It's far from perfect but it does gives us I clue. Here are some more schools and the roster distribution.

Hate to repeat, but....

Here’s about 70 players who were selected in last year’s first three rounds and where they went to high school. You'll have to look it up yourself if you don't believe it.

1st round
#1 pick from Virginia
#2 pick from Nebraska
#3 pick from Iowa
#4 pick from Virginia
#9 pick from Kansas
#10 pick from North Carolina
#13 pick from Virginia
#14 pick from Oregon
#17 pick from Oklahoma
#18 pick from Illinois
#19 pick from Missouri
#20 pick from Utah
#21 pick from Oregon
#24 pick from Illinois
#26 pick from New York
#27 pick from Kansas
#28 pick from Alabama
#29 pick from Louisiana
#31 pick from Massachsetts
#32 pick from Kentucky
#36 pick from Washington
#38 pick from Tennessee
#40 pick from Colorado
#41 pick from Louisiana
#44 pick from Louisiana
#45 pick from Oregon
#47 pick from Illinois

2nd round
#49 Louisiana
#50 Pennsylvania
#51 Puerto Rico
#52 West Virginia
#55 Idaho
#56 North Carolina
#57 Georgia
#59 Kentucky
#60 Arkansas
#61 Pennsylvania
#62 Mississippi
#64 North Carolina
#65 Pennsylvania
#66 Colorado
#68 Arizona
#71 Georgia
#73 South Carolina
#74 Louisiana
#75 Cuba
#76 Washington
#78 Missouri
#79 Nevada

3rd round
#81 North Carolina
#83 Georgia
#84 Nebraska
#85 Virginia
#86 Georgia
#88 Tennessee
#89 Louisiana
#90 Canada
#91 Oklahoma
#92 North Carolina
#93 Maryland
#94 Canada
#95 New York
#96 Georgia
#97 Ohio
#100 Mississippi
#101 New Jersey
#102 Ohio
#104 Indiana
#105 Tennessee
#109 South Dakota

You mentioned "USC 36-39 from Cal, 0 from the north" The best player at USC (Southern Cal) last year is from Marshalltown, IOWA! Jeff Clement - See 1st round - Pick #3 - above. By the way, notice where Pick #2 is from.

The things that should be obvious are that the states of CA, FL, TX, have the largest number of good players every year. Therefore the south and west as a whole have the most good players.

The other thing that should be very obvious is the very best players don't always come from the south or north.
You mentioned "USC 36-39 from Cal, 0 from the north" The best player at USC (Southern Cal) last year is from Marshalltown, IOWA! Jeff Clement - See 1st round - Pick #3 - above. By the way, notice where Pick #2 is from.

The things that should be obvious are that the states of CA, FL, TX, have the largest number of good players every year. Therefore the south and west as a whole have the most good players.

The other thing that should be very obvious is the very best players don't always come from the south or north.[/QUOTE]

PG Staff,
I defined the north earlier( First post on page 3) for my purposes as NY,PA,NJ,VT,NH,RI,Mass,Maine,CN,,Mary,Ohio,IND,ILL,Mich, Minn, Wis,A population base of about 120,000,000..... Sure I could have included Iowa but why not Nebraska or ND, SD ect.I had to stop somewhere.. So when I said the USC has 36-39 from Cal and 0 from the north I was right in the way I defined it.

PS.Did you like my story........ pull_hair

Based on Darkmoon's postings - which is all we have to go by - let me take a shot:

1) To denigrate Perfect Game. That one is pretty clear.

2) To insist that because you are from the North (however it is defined) you have no right to have any talent. Despite the facts over the last 50 years. If you are from the "North" you should get lower ratings than someone from the South or West. Automatically. LOL.
That one is pretty clear.

3) To accuse posters (that would be me) of being drug users. That one is pretty clear.

Basically - it is all pretty clear.
LOL Wink
Last edited by itsinthegame

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