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You're right of course infidel...PG certainly doesn't need a reminder, but if he is anything like me (advanced years and fading memory) he should get the device that is always on my wrist...well at least it was last time I checked...

Tadiran LifeCare from Israel unveils the SKeeper – a compact, wearable mobile communication and safety device that targets the elderly and forgetful (like gotwood4sale and others like "what's his name with the weird glasses?"and that "tall, nice looking, chick with the unibrow...what's her name?").

Elderly people can cross their fingers (if they're not too arthritic) and ask for immediate assistance at the press of a button...and then wait around to find out if anyone really cares about them.

Parents and website administrators can lead stress-free lives knowing where their children and forgetful members are. No more hassling with electrified corrals and bothersome long leashes!

The SKeeper is powered by some not well understood human desire to be loved and accepted by others as well as the Siemens MC55 wireless module.

This module activates calls to pre-defined numbers that, Lord willing, someone will answer. Or it can receive calls when anyone cares to talk with you when the need last Tuesday, or was it Wednesday?...or Monday?...whenever?. You left the grandchildren, unbuckled I might add, on your Scooter with the motor running while you went into the Scooter Store to check on the Andy Williams CD you ordered for the Scooter's deluxe sound system..SenseSurround!

A GPS based system will be launched next year with a greater degree of location if this really matters. This added feature should really mess you up!

"Help! I've fallen and I can't remember how to get up!"

Last edited by gotwood4sale


I will check and see, if we find the photo I'll get it to you by tomorrow.  For those that might not know, Tim Melville received the Jackie Robinson Award given to the top HS player in the nation, at our All American banquet. BTW, mostly known as a pitcher, he was a prospect as a hitter, too.

Also, I couldn't help going back and reading this entire thread. Sure brings back some memories of some very good people.  Seems like everything these days is so serious compared to back then.  All the light hearted joking around seems to be a thing of the past.  The discussions about strange food combinations was crazy and fun.  Sometimes the best topics didn't even involve baseball.

This is still my favorite site. In fact, there are only two sites I go to nearly every day, this one and ours.  No other message boards, chat rooms, etc.  This place is still special for baseball. Still lots of good folks involved.  But I really miss a lot of the entertainment and laughs from years ago. Even some of the most heated arguments turned comical.

Some have passed away, some have quit posting, I miss those people.  Life is way too short to spend it being dead serious about everything.  We all know baseball needs to be fun for our kids.  Sometimes we forget it also needs to be fun for all of us.

We all know baseball needs to be fun for our kids.  Sometimes we forget it also needs to be fun for all of us.

I like that statement.  As I have stated previously, I can sometimes be "that dad".  I have made many mistakes, but I do try to do the right thing.  A few years back, we traveled to the JC that coincidentally Ryan is playing at now, for a high school game.  Son's high school was called Rocky Mtn., and they were playing "The Eye of the Tiger" during the game.  Well, Ryan had been brought up to play with the AA Legion Team for Rocky after his Freshman Year, so he was playing with the older kids and I didn't know the parents real well.  The night before the game, we had gone out and got a little crazy with the other parents, so they knew that I liked to have a good time.  When the song played, they said, "Hey, Kev, why don't you go to the bottom of the bleachers and run up like Rocky did, and when you get to the top, raise your hands up and celebrate like he did."  I did this with no hesitation, and I thought it was really funny.  We all got a real kick out of it.

When the game was over, Ryno came up to me and he was not happy.  He said, "you disgraced Rocky Baseball today."  I laughed and said, "do you remember when we used to travel all over the place and the team would lose?  Nobody was happy, and nobody had fun.  Neither the kids or the parents did.  Those days are over.  I don't care if you guys win or lose, we are going to have a good time."

Now, did I mean what I said.  Kinda did.  However, I have never done anything like that since, but it sure made for a good memory.


deemax posted:
Now, If I really wanted to built stats or set records, I'd head to the instructional section and look for a thread on rotational/linear hitting...or weighted and unweighted baseballs...

Dont you dare forget pitch counts!

P.S. Lets try to stick to the thread. Smile

9 years later -some  top subjects

1. pitch counts

2. linear / rotational hitting

3. weighted / unweighted baseballs


TPM - we serve Fried bologna as an option every day where I work. Staff call it Kentucky Steak   Although we do NOT serve Goat soup as Tripledad ate


Karma =  HSSBW topics .

This is the beginning of (HS season and pro season) or middle of (college season) the best time of year. EVERYONE believes in themselves and has high hopes for the season. My son is out for year due to injury but I have seen live 3 college and 2 HS games, watched parts of probably 10 MLB and 6-8 college games on TV, and followed 5 games on livestats. All in the last 7 days. Life is GOOD!! Baseball season is upon us all no matter where our son's play



I miss the non-baseball fun we used to have here as well. That's why I wanted to add to the views of this thread as well as reminisce about many of the old posters who are in it; especially Gotwood and his wife Play Baseball. I wish the links to his many photos were still active.

Anyway, if I can figure out how to send a PM (I was having trouble with my phone browser or something) I will do it. I was able to find the attached photo that I snagged off the interweb way-back-when. It is one of my most favorites of Tim. It is a very small file size, though. I don't think I have seen one of Ms. Pankey.





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  • _Melville_POY1
PGStaff posted:


I will check and see, if we find the photo I'll get it to you by tomorrow.  For those that might not know, Tim Melville received the Jackie Robinson Award given to the top HS player in the nation, at our All American banquet. BTW, mostly known as a pitcher, he was a prospect as a hitter, too.

Also, I couldn't help going back and reading this entire thread. Sure brings back some memories of some very good people.  Seems like everything these days is so serious compared to back then.  All the light hearted joking around seems to be a thing of the past.  The discussions about strange food combinations was crazy and fun.  Sometimes the best topics didn't even involve baseball.

This is still my favorite site. In fact, there are only two sites I go to nearly every day, this one and ours.  No other message boards, chat rooms, etc.  This place is still special for baseball. Still lots of good folks involved.  But I really miss a lot of the entertainment and laughs from years ago. Even some of the most heated arguments turned comical.

Some have passed away, some have quit posting, I miss those people.  Life is way too short to spend it being dead serious about everything.  We all know baseball needs to be fun for our kids.  Sometimes we forget it also needs to be fun for all of us.

You know that fried bologna discussuon was one of my favorites!  Chefmike, we had a topic on best food we have had on the road. 

Last week I was thinking about all the fun we had in our American Idol topic. Who we liked, who we didn't and who would win. The day after the new AI won, that topic was HOT!

I was thinking about the fun we had, every off season we played dice baseball hosted by Bullwinkle.  Yes, Bullwinkle! 

This place has become too serious. I appreciate those that bring badly needed humor to the sight.

Personally, I think many of you need to stop worrying and lighten up a little!

FWIW, Fungo, one of my HSBBW mentors is pretty ill.  It's pretty sad for me, to read this, so many great people who were hear are gone.  

Last edited by TPM

While looking at my post in the link above, I saw a photo I posted. 


As I recall, these were our soldiers from the Minnesota National Guard who trained for 6 months in Louisiana before being deployed for a year at Camp Adder/Tallil in southern Iraq. But that wasn't enough, the Army decided to extend their deployment for another 6 months. 2 years away is way too much! They really were stuck in Iraq when this photo was taken. God bless them all.  


Images (1)
  • irak

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