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what has happened to the plano east baseball team. after the first tourney they played in i thought they would be an easy district winner or at least 2nd in district. but they have fallen off the table. they need a second baseman. they need brad scarborough back immediantly. there infield needs to pick it up because last night against lewisville was a joke all around for the panther infield errors at every position. they also need to start hitting again like they were at the begininng of the season and jumping on the first pitch fastball. the game against lewisville brady hamar threw a gem he got ground ball after ground after ground ball but then there was error after error after error. i also think on friday against plano senior high they need to give the start to someone else besides steven richards because of his recent struggles i think collins should give the nod to that junior kid that pitched after steven in the flowermound game the other night he was doing good and seems like a nice young talent that should get recruited. he throws strikes and gets ahead of hitters and gets people out. well thats all for now.

disgruntled panther fan
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Anonymous & disgruntled panther fan --

You had to know I would reply Smile but I'll try to be gentle -- it's your first post. I respect your opinions -- obviously you know some of the kids so I do not discount your comments. A few things though.....

You may have made a premature evaluation (I hate when that happens) in determining that PE would win D8 based on the first tournament -- a win over 4A Hebron and a rain-shortened victory against CNS. I too liked the way the season started, but there was not enough there to tempt Panther fans into making reservations in Austin. As you know, FM and Allen received most "votes" to lead the district in '06. FM is unbeaten and Allen is tied for 2nd with one D8 loss.

Hamar pitched well against Lewisville, despite the score-board evidence to the contrary. Brady will bounce back in his next start.

Yes, the Panthers miss Scarborough -- his presence has been sorely missed. His experience and senior leadership have left a hole -- on defense and in the lineup. But....he has an injury that could end his season. Unfortunately, he will not be back immediately (as you suggest), no matter how much he is missed. That's just a fact of life. Brad is a fine young man from a great family. I wish he could play -- FRIDAY! Smile I wish it for him, his parents, and the team. One of Brad's backups is out with mono, we miss him too. Those asked to fill in for B & B are working hard to contribute.

Your comments are not without merit. PE has not played good defense....and their offense has slowed. But I don't think it's time to replace the #1 arm. I think the lefty will beat Plano on Friday (did I really type that out loud?). The other arms need to remain prepared and take advantage of their chances. It's all about TEAM at this point.

"That junior kid"? Smile I guess we'll leave his name out -- despite your willingness to name others. The junior kid will play a key role on this team in the future.

Despite our being "down" as Panther fans, let's choose to remain positive, lift the kids up, support the coaches, and follow our team while minimizing the grumbling.

-PD clapping

(told you I'd be gentle)
Last edited by Panther Dad
A good, calm response. It is still early. I've seen a lot of teams "appear" to start off great and only later discover the perceived competition may not have been as strong as once thought. PESH is going to get it going. I suspect Richards will have a great game on Friday and everyone will bounce back. Sometimes the chemistry isn't there or hasn't developed yet. An injury can upset things, but those are unforseeable and are part of the game. 8-5A is a strong district and most every game is going to be a dogfight. If a team doesn't put it all together, they will take a loss. Teams and players go through rough spots. Keep being positive and I think you will see things begin to turn around.
im not trying to single anyone out i just dont know the kids name. and when i was at some of the tourney games they were beating teams that had made the playoffs and that made it far you left out that they did beat mansfield, they played arlington martin to pretty much the final out of the game they beat newman smith. who didnt pitch claiborne because they either under estimated us or had already used him i do not know.
I'm going to make the same comments I made when the bashing of Rowlett started several weeks ago, and the Rock about a week ago. And now for East, its still early and I wouldn't count anyone out just yet. I've seen East play and they have talent. My bet is that they'll pick it up and finish strong.

Anyone that has played the game, understands it takes games and teamwork to create chemistry. That's why you play a season. These are still kids, and they feel enough pressure without disgruntled fans shouting the "sky is falling" after a bad game or two. Let's see where we are in a month.
k my computer keeps sending these when i dont want them too Mad but anyways im not saying they need to buy tickets to round rock. all im saying is that they should make the playoffs this should be there year and from what i have heard from players is that this team is much closer than last years. the only reason allen was picked above us was because they had to tolleson pitching for them now they have him just sitting on the bench. he might still be there for them but he was a very valuable asset to that team and they need him on the mound and in the field. but it was a sad thing for the allen team and community when the injury happened. i just want the best for this team and i know they can play better than what they have been ive seen it happen they beat very respectable teams at they begininng of the season and played 2 or 3 other games that they lost early in the season close. anyways panther dad i knew you would respond and you probabley will after this one but thank you for not "roasting" me like t-bird dad would have liked.
Come on, anonymous pf, this is baseball. The game is made up of two very talented teams playing the most difficult game in the world to play...things happen.

Talent abounds in the DFW area...truly it is any given day, anyone can beat anyone else. Enjoy the ride...usually the best teams will survive the season and go into the post-season.

If not, enjoy it anyway!
APF -- you are right, the Panthers had a nice pre-district season. They lost to Coppell, Arlington Martin, and Mesquite Poteet -- three very good teams -- but compiled a 8-3 pre-district mark. They recorded tournament victories against Mansfield (arm #4 or 5), CNS (arm #3 or 4), Duncanville, and Justin Northwest (still not sure how that happened T-B dad Wink ). Today, PE is 10-6, 2-3 in 8-5A. All is not lost. Smile

His name is Logan Thomas -- and he is having a good season.

T-B dad -- microwave popcorn will have to do. How is junior doing?

I won't roast you APF -- good things will happen soon -- just watch.
Last edited by Panther Dad
There are few (if any) teams in the country that make others tremble. Top-level competition in the summers has all but eliminated the "intimidation" factor. Teams want to play the best -- they welcome it. Yes, I am frustrated when the team underachieves. But I support this coach, just as I did the previous one. Coach Collins took the 2003 team to the Regional Finals. Ask swingdoc if that is an easy task -- what a point of reference!

Hang in there -- we could be wearing maroon. Smile (I'm kidding! -- I'm kidding! -- umm, see you all Friday)

Anonymous Panther Fan - as the mother of Stephen (and yes, this is the correct spelling) Richards, I don't think it's appropriate for anyone to say who or who should not be starting. It's the Coach's decision based on who he feels are his top pitchers and based on Stephen's record the past 3 years, Collins feels he's the top starter. Yes, Stephen has struggled but I can tell you there are many reasons for this, none of which I need to put on this site. I can tell you that all the players are frustrated, mad, etc. but they will find a way to turn it around. After a trip to Arkansas this past weekend and meeting with the baseball coaches, Stephen came back fired up and very positive which is just what he needed. He's certainly looking forward to Friday's game against Plano and having a good outing. We all need to be positive and supportive of the team right now - it doesn't do anyone any good to bash them. Just my two cents worth as a mother. And I'm proud of my son for his accomplishments on and off the field - obviously Arkansas thinks he has a bright future as well!
With everyone having somewhere in the neighborhood of 9 district games remaining, I doubt that anyone has been mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. Also, no one has clinched a playoff spot yet.

Lots of baseball to play. Anything can happen and usually does. Remember, these are 14-18 year old kids we are talking about.

Don't get too high with the highs and too low with the lows!!!
Great advice, FD -- there is a lot of emotion in east Plano at the moment -- I wish we had kept our laundry to ourselves. Not sure how much sympathy a 10-6 team should expect -- not that the topic was started to create sympathy.

Yes, Rowlett was one of the first teams to generate a degree of "panic" -- then Rockwall -- now East ---- might be Marcus next or Martin. In any case, I suppose it's good to know there are passionate fans -- even if their negativity comes across as counterproductive. I don't think comments here effect the kids one way or the other.

P-Diddy, Shizzle doc, and Birdizzle ~~

Word to yo momma, dawg. U B straight up. Don't be let'n um git all up in yo grill. Keep it real. Word.

(I had my students help with this dictation. Great English exercise of inappropriate grammar usage.)

(ELM ~ No disrespect to your son or any PE athletes/coaches. Baseball is a game of highs and unfortunately lows. Here's to experiencing mostly highs.)
Last edited by collikar
yes i have heard of using caps and so forth maybe i choose not to. and swingdoc what makes you think im someone on the team just because i know a few peoples name on the team. have yall ever thought that what i have said this whole time was to get the reaction i have been getting and maybe to fire the team up and you this as motivation and not let one fan get the best of them. my whole intent was to get everyone fired up and the players fired up too. now with all of this and i know all of the players dad use this or a majority of them do. all the players will find about this someway sooner or later.
anonymous panther fan
Originally posted by anonymous panther fan:
what makes you think im someone on the team just because i know a few peoples name on the team.

Yes, you look like someone on the team...your bio on your public profile says "I play baseball" ... most moms have never played baseball and most dads (not including OP) have moved on to softball or PA announcing...... Big Grin
Last edited by cheapseats

Great job APF. Way to get on here and bash kids. Whether it is meant to fire kids up or not, did you realize that it may have the opposite effect. Creating strife between the two players and taking the focus away from the team concept. rude That's what they really need right now is to play like individuals and focus on their stats. Stay out of the motivation business, let the coaches handle that.

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