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applaude clap applaude

My son is also going to Arkansas next year. Have you read the Hognation message boards? I think passionate fans sometimes think they know enough to become coaches! Thats why we like DVH. He's old school and runs the Razorbacks his way, never paying attention to the Monday Morning Quarterbacks.
Hang in there. Believe in your son and know that he's everything the Arkansas staff believes him to be. Good luck this weekend.
The Marcus boys are struggling too. I've heard blame attributed to everything from coaches, players, parents, fans, umpires, weather and even Satan most recently.

Suggested answers I've heard are shoot the coach, change the lineup, toughen up the kids, play harder, focus, relax, get better support of the coach and program from the parents, fire the umpires, act like a family, and yes, pray harder.

I think you could insert the name of any struggling team where it says Marcus above and pretty much the rest of this post would still work.

So what do we do? Love our boys, support the program and cheer like heck at the games. That's what I'm trying to do. What else can we do?
Well, I am going to follow apf's lead.

Northwest lost a close game Tuesday night to a talented Hebron team. We should clean house with all coaches and the AD, burn down the baseball field, impeach the president and go home tonight and kick our dogs. crazy

That will fire up those kids to take on McKinney North Firday night! duel
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Careful T-BD, the AD prolly coaches football. And I love Firdays! tater

Originally posted by anonymous panther fan:

maybe im just hoping for to much to early and panther dad i know you were upset and prolly mad about these last three games that should have been alot closer than they were

the only time I have seen the word "prolly" used is by pd and apf ....I have a conspiracy theory...maybe they are one and the same...trying to fire up the team! (jk-don't dogpile me)
Last edited by cheapseats
[quote]i think collins should give the nod to that junior kid that pitched after steven in the flowermound game the other night he was doing good and seems like a nice young talent that should get recruited. he throws strikes and gets ahead of hitters and gets people out./quote]

My first thought when I first read APF's original post was that the he was the junior kid that is being quoted above. Any other taker's on that theory?
then it seems every at bat since then has been a sac bunt situation...

oh well, he needs to be able to do that well, also.

Welcome to high school baseball.

But, those two little bunts they do before they swing away in the cage ain't enough.

And, then there is frustration that it can't be done on que in a game.

Welcome to high school baseball.
Last edited by FormerObserver

Nothing to pick on in your previous post...I think you are exactly right.

Somewhere along the way, we parents and supporters think that our kids, coaches, administrators, etc., are trying to lose and mess up. That somehow if the coach would just make the right decisions, the team would never lose. We, as parents, must blame someone when the team loses, it just an't be the other team was better that night or our team isn't as good as everyone thought.

I say we blame ourselves. If we had contributed better DNA, our kids would be superstars and never lose again. body-builder
Read your post I think you answered your post with your last line:

"Love our boys, support the program and cheer like heck at the games."

Sounds like a good plan that most parents should follow. Hey, if you want someone to pick on you come sit by me and I will see what I can do since we are at the same school, actually KD will tell you "heck she won't pick on you she'll just talk your ear off" but you probably already know that......... Big Grin
Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by Krace4:
Nobody even noticed my post. Is this a club I'm not in or do I need to be funny or controversial to get noticed or what? I'm sure I can be one or the other, unintentionally. I'm feeling left out. Somebody pick on me.

cry Careful or we'll be forced to call the waaaambulance...(Oh that was so bad!)

TBird, My DNA is top shelf.
Last edited by collikar
Thanks for making me feel welcome. You can cancel the waaaambulance.

KD, I wouldn't touch your remark with asbestos gloves.

T-Bird, this should get you going - I don't think winning is the only thing. (I'm guessing you don't either)I want my son to be a better young man and have better opportunities in life because of his participation in baseball, win or lose, which it has done for him so far. I look at what's going on with the Marcus team right now and I'm not worried about winning or losing games. I'm looking at boys who have loved the game all their lives deciding not to play anymore or thinking that they can't play anymore.

That breaks my heart. I wish I knew how to help. By the way, I played HS ball myself and I quit when I could have continued and I will always regret that.

My post was very tongue-in-creek. Obviously, my goals are very similar. One team wins state...everyone else also ran.

Therefore, if you are lucky enough to have a coach and program that does develop these boys in those positive qualities, then it will all be good in the end.


You think you are afraid of Marcus' coach...I am VERY afraid of collikar. nervous
For the record, I'm not complaining about the Marcus coach now nor was I in love with him 12 months ago. Remember I said winning isn't everything to me.

I try not to go down that road in either direction. I support the program because my son and his closest friends and their families are in it. Coaches come and go throughout one's baseball career.

Also for the record, I don't think anyone at Marcus is afraid of the coach, not even the players.

And I'm not smart enough to be afraid of Collikar, yet. But I can learn.

I'll bet OBN is wondering who I am.
I didn't say you were in love with the coach Krace, just that there are plenty of others that were.

I think it's human nature to question coaches decisions, and we all do it to one extent or another.

And knowing OBN for as long as I have, I'm sure she has a very good idea who you are Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Heck, I don't know if there is a person involved in baseball in Lewisville/FM/HV that she doesn't know.
Last edited by KellerDad
I find it difficult to pick on Marcus folks. FM people? -- that's different. I suggest you move across town. Will that work for you? Also, I'm afraid of your coach.....

What have the FM people ever done to you? The district configuration is in its last year...hardly enough time to build that much disdain toward a "group" of people. They are parents like you who want only the best opportunity and experience for thier kids. Why the dislike?

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