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Today I went to into the back yard with my dad. I was curious to find out what my pop time was, as I am interested in pursuing catching. Armed with a stopwatch, we set up, aiming at a target 90 feet away. I'm not sure if that is the distance between home and second. My dad started the watch when the ball hit my mitt (also not sure if this is correct in calculating pop time). My best was 1.51, my worst was 2.13, and most of my throws were in the 1.8 range. I read on this site that 2.0 and under is good. I have never caught, but I do have a really strong arm. Like I said, I'm not sure I was conducting it correctly, and I can't be completely sure that the time is 100% accurate. Is it at possible that I really got a 1.51 pop time?
Thank you for any help.
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I would guess that a 1.51 pop would exceed the best pop-time ever recorded, but will wait for others to chime in with some modicum of factuality.
I would guess that it is mighty difficult to accurately record pop-times for the inexperienced stopwatch user. Even 1.8 would be exceptional.

from site

"Catcher’s Release or "Pop" Times

1. 1.9 is Major League average for catcher’s release or "pop" time. All grades should be based on average, above average or below average.

2. Release time is not always indicative of the grade placed on "Arm Strength"."
Last edited by Krakatoa
I am sure PIAA Ump or one of the other arbiters will chime in, but I am pretty sure that it is 90' from back tip of HP to the FRONT edge of 1B and 3B [that is where the front of the bag meets the foul line]. It is, as suggested, 90' from the foul line at 1st and 3rd to the MIDDLE of 2B, thereby making the HP-1B-2B-3B-HP polygon, not exactly, a perfect square. from the foul lines to the first point of 2B that a line intersects, is half the width of the base less than 90 [i.e Distance= 90 - (.5 width)]

If as was suggested, the base is 20", then the distance is 89' 2" from foul line to the bag.

Distance from HP to MIDDLE of 2B = 127.27922 or 127' 3.35"

Distance from HP [back tip] to FRONT edge of 2B would be 14.1421 inches less than that, or 126' 1.21" [approximately!! Big Grin ]

Is my pocket protector showing?
Okay....Here it is...

The next step is to locate second base. Measure from the back tip of home plate to a distance of 127 feet and 3 3/8 inches (see Table 2 for distance between bases for other leagues). Mark with a wooden stake. When installing base pads, this will be the center of second base.

With the tape measure still in place, it is easiest to go ahead and mark the location of the pitching rubber at this time. The placement can be marked by measuring from the back tip of home plate along a string stretched to second base. The pitching rubber should be at 60 feet 6 inches.

The easiest way to find first and third base is to use two tape measures. Stretch one tape from second base stake toward the first base line and the second tape from the back tip of home plate toward first base area. The point where the two tapes cross at the 90-foot mark is the back corner of the bases. Repeat this step to find third base. A baseball diamond is actually a 90-foot square.

First and third base fit within the square, but second base is measured to the center of the bag. Improperly placed second base is one of the most common mistakes made when setting up a baseball field.

Guess we were all wrong. Who knew? noidea
Respectfully must disagree. As a matter of geometry, there is only way to have the distance from base to base be uniform. And it is uniform -- a square, or a diamond if you prefer.

Remember that the left edge of third base, and the right edge of first base, coincide with your foul lines. As do the back edges of home plate.

To get exactly 90' from base to base, first and third bases must be set so that the near sides are exactly 90' from the rear point of home plate.

Now complete your 90' square (diamond), and set second base so that the corner closest to home plate is at the corner of your 90' square/diamond.

The left edge of 3rd will then be 90' from the left edge of 2nd, and the right edge of 3rd will be 90' from the right edge of 2nd. In other words, you have exactly a 90' displacement from base to base.

Similarly, the foul line side of 1st will be exactly 90' from the closest side of 2nd, and the parallel side of 1st will be exactly 90' from the far side of 2nd.

Also, using this method, all center posts (assuming most of you use center post bases, not strap-downs) will be set exactly 90' apart.

Note that this means the 127+ foot distance from home to second is measured from the back point of home to the nearest corner of 2nd. The actual distance thrown will depend on the point where the catcher stands at release, and the point where the ball ends up (front of bag, mid-bag, or whatever).

The short way of saying this is that the bases sit OUTSIDE your 90' square, along the outer edges. But note, home plate is INSIDE the square.

I didn't make that up. Here's the web address for chapter one of the official rules of baseball, with field diagrams that make it pretty clear. I was a bit surprised myself as I always thought the bases formed a perfect square. In fact, they do not.

Look at diagram 2 to get the answer.
Last edited by FloridaHokie
Without questioning any of the math here. If you have ever run the basepaths you know it is easier to go from 1st to 3rd than 2nd to home. The angles are different. By how much I do not know. So, the angle from home to 2nd and 2nd to home are the same. 1st to 3rd is the same as 3rd to 1st but nobody runs 3rd to 1st. So the shape of the infield must be a diamond and not a square.
Home-to-second is indeed identical to second-to-home... obtuse angles.

First-to-third, however, is an acute angle.

...and while it is a non-issue, third-to-first is a right angle.

Therefore, although the basepaths actually form a 90' square, the precise locations of the bases form neither a square or a diamond, or even a parallelagram.

In spite of this, the geometry of a baseball field is, in the opinion of those who love the game, perfect.
Last edited by FloridaHokie

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