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Just saw this on the news....

Horrible, horrible...

...prayers to all... no way to minimize the tragedy...

The stories of the resiliency of team and human spirit that are being told, the selfless offers of help that are being made...the prayers given... reflect the true and pure nature of the human spirit that emerges in these times of great need...

our creator be praised...may he be with all of the players and the families, may he gracefully embrace the souls of those who are now in his arms.

Last edited by observer44

Originally posted by rz1:
CNN has an update and some good explanation of the accident including 2 clips from the police and a first responder.

I'm not an ambulance chaser but feel there is nothing worse the incorrect data being passed around.


Thanks for the was difficult to comprehend what had occurred from the reporters' description without the benefit of graphics or video.

The layout of this off-ramp, while practical, leaves some to be desired from a safety point of view.

We have some problematic inside ramps here in the Chicago area, but I believe they all have a descending ramp just opposite instead of a barrier and a drop.

How unfortunate that this occured.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Eyes full of tears and a heart full of grief here too. A young man who was on the team, but injured and not on the trip, said what I was thinking:

“A team doesn’t even describe them,” he said. “It’s more like a family. Within two months in the weight room, we just became a family.”

We are all part of that family. We all know how much love there is between teammates and we all consider these boys part of our family. All of our love and prayers to the families and the boys.
Last edited by Bordeaux
Prayers go out to the team and extended families.

On an upnote, I called the school to see if I could help in anyway - I literally was breaking up. They referred me to the Red Cross down her in Atlanta. I called them and they told me Airtran was sending a plain to pick up family members and a local Marriott (sp) agreed to house everyone. My hat is off to my fellow brothers and sisters in Atlanta.

May God help all those involved!!!!
I knew one of the kids that died, very well...along with one of the survivors.

I still can't believe this happened. Seemed like yesterday that it was Saturday afternoon and we were playing our 4th game of the afternoon together, and he was volunteering to pitch for the 2nd time on the day, even though his arm was killing him. Incredible competitor and an awesome guy to be around.

RIP, buddy.
Last edited by Natedawg
Natedawg,..a mom in Kansas sends you a hug. Not just an ordinary hug,..but the kind of mom hug that says, " I am sooo deeply sorry for your loss. I wish I could change the world and take all of your pain away. "

Stay strong Natedawg,..not that I doubt you wont,..but know that others of us share in your sadness. Perhaps knowing that we in the baseball family stand together, we will be able to stand stronger by leaning on one another, during this tragedy.
Last edited by shortstopmom
I'm posting this in good faith hoping I'm not compromising any hsbbweb policies ..
thanks in advance for reading (my bold)

Bluffton University and Citizens National Bank establish fund for baseball team

A fund has been established at Citizens National Bank for the Bluffton University baseball team student-athletes that were involved in a charter bus accident in the early morning of Friday, March 2, in Atlanta, Ga. The bus was on its way to Florida for the team’s first games of the 2007 season. Four student-athletes, Tyler Williams (Lima, Ohio); David Betts (Bryan, Ohio); Scott Harmon (Lima, Ohio) and Cody Holp (Arcanum, Ohio); and the bus driver, Jerome Niemeyer, and his wife, Jean Niemeyer, both of Columbus Grove, Ohio, were killed in the accident.

Contributions can be made by check payable to Bluffton University and mailed to Citizens National Bank, 102 S. Main Street, Bluffton, Ohio 45817. Please note “Baseball Team” in the check’s memo line. Credit card contributions can be made by calling 419-358-3324 during the university’s business hours. Funds will be available to the baseball players involved in the accident and their families.

Bluffton University public relations office

I'm also copying w/implied permission a post from another board ... thanks

by Bigtyme8 (Ohio): Just want to put this out here:

Tyler Williams was not only a friend but a teammate of mine during highschool baseball. I know people don't know him but my goal is to let everyone know how great of a person he was. Not only did we lose him today we lost one of the funniest and nicest kids you'll ever meet. If I can do anything today I would just like to put out there how great of person Tyler was. Anyone that came into contact with this kid grew to love him. He always knew how to put a smile on everyones face. If you take anything from this tragedy that happened today just learn there are some great people in this world. Tyler was one of them and it’s a shame his life ended so soon. Please give your prayers and thoughts to Tyler's family and everyone who was involved. This tragedy hits close to home for me and I just wanted to acknowledge how great of a person this kid really was. RIP Tyler Williams you'll be missed by many.
Last edited by Bee>
Form one of the Atlanta TV channels on their website:

Web Editor: Michael King
Last Modified: 3/5/2007 7:34:58 PM

The recovery process is continuing for six victims of Friday's tragic bus crash still hospitalized, including five Bluffton University baseball players and their coach, James Grandey.

There is some good news from Atlanta's Grady Memorial Hospital -- one of the students with abdominal injuries has been upgraded to good condition and has been transferred out of the intensive care unit. And a student who is in good condition could be discharged as soon as Tuesday.

Meanwhile, two other students remain in critical condition with brain injuries, and the coach and another student continue their recovery at other local hospitals.

The injured are still recovering at local hospitals -- Grady has four patients, two in condition, one in fair and one in good condition.

Grady's Chief of Surgery, Dr. Jeffrey Salome has been treating the patients from the moment they came into the hospital on Friday.

He says the two victims most seriously injured have injuries to the brain. Salome said that they are being kept in a medically-induced coma.

"These are serious injuries, and we've seen individuals with injuries to this degree that go on to survive and do well, and other injuries that go on to have problems with brain swelling, and end up dying from their injuries," said Salome. "So at this point in time, it's still too early."

The team's coach, 29-year-old James Grandey, remains in serious but stable condition at Piedmont Hospital following facial reconstruction surgery on Sunday. The coach's father said the coach is heartbroken, but his physical wounds will heal.

"James is gonna be okay," Jim Grandey said. "But he's anxious to get back and be with his boys."

Yet another patient is in serious condition at Atlanta Medical Center.

Salome said that several trauma centers in Ohio have offered to transport the critically injured, but doctors said they believe they need to improve before they are well enough to travel.

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