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Did ya'll miss me while I was gone? Big Grin

Well anyway, as I mentioned to Godfather Jerry and his wife and partner Betty at the AFLAC events, next time I'm taking my laptop. I did borrow the laptop that belonged to one of my bosses and posted once or twice while out there on the West Coast. Also spent a great deal of time with Head Coaches of West Coast powerhouses who were there at every event for the exposure for the university if nothing else in the case of a high draftpick who may even sign letter-of-intent Smile before the draft even if the player plans on signing professionally and college recruiters already know this. Now I found this very interesting. The college Head Coaches and his recruiters seem to be just as happy with the media exposure and recognition that comes with signing a top prospect to a scholarship even if they know his intentions are to sign professional contract because this brings other players to follow "top player" who has committed, said several Coaches. These Coaches read this board religiously. There will be a huge group of recruiters, scouts, and many others down in Jupiter, FL in Oct. retrieving updates for upcoming draft for one of the last opportunities before spring schedules begin Wink
Great to be back everybody and peace to all and to all a good night! peace, Shep
Last edited by Shepster
I owe Vance34 an apology....Vance34 is correct about the bonuses for associate scouts. The contracts I have are obsolete because they are from way back. Pulled them out today along with the many personal letters from bosses. Associate scouts do work for territory scouts and not the actual organization. The deals I had back in early 90s is a thing of the past. Like Vance34 said, "those were in the ole days..." Vance34 is correct, this is no longer the case in modern day scouting. Associates are still used to help make scouting more efficient but not as much as in years before because of the liability.

I beg the board and especially, Vance34, for forgiveness and hope Vance34 and I can continue our banter here. peace


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