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Teaching Elder posted:
Go44dad posted:

Moderator, I am Gary Key.  I would like to change my screen name to Gary Key.  My phone number is in my profile.

Anyone else want to take responsibility for their posts?

I'm so calling you. 

Before you do that.....put your name on it!!!!

Go44dad posted:
Teaching Elder posted:
Go44dad posted:

Moderator, I am Gary Key.  I would like to change my screen name to Gary Key.  My phone number is in my profile.

Anyone else want to take responsibility for their posts?

I'm so calling you. 

Just blocked all Alabama area codes. 

I guess the Crimson Tide won't be able to recruit your kid now!!!

old_school posted:

the point of this is exactly what?

The point of's easy to insult others when you hide behind a screen name. Back when son was in HS everyone knew who everyone was, and their sons name and HS  or college that they attended 

My name is Barbara Kopp, my info in my bio.

And your name and your sons name, HS he attends?

A long time ago,  Jerry started a topic to identify each other. The only ones who never did where the ones who came to start trouble, insult others while hiding behind a screen name.  

Gary gave everyone a challenge, interesting to see no one took him up on it  ( exception justbaseball, if you don't know who he is you must be living in a cave).




Go44dad posted:

Moderator, I am Gary Key.  I would like to change my screen name to Gary Key.  My phone number is in my profile.

Anyone else want to take responsibility for their posts?

Lol, I think I did that a long time ago!  But I would be happy to do it again.  Mike Pellegrini.  The question is do I still get to call you godad?   While I have known your name for some time due to our super secret club we have where I post my recipes, I just like godad!

hshuler posted:
Go44dad posted:

Moderator, I am Gary Key.  I would like to change my screen name to Gary Key.  My phone number is in my profile.

Anyone else want to take responsibility for their posts?

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Garyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Your friend,


Shu I think your screen name is already a bit of a give away!  I do find it interesting though that this thread was started by a 2020 PMer.  And three of the four people 'outing' themselves are 2020 PMers.  Maybe we should just fill the big board with all our silly nonsense!   Speaking of which...   Shu what day is this???   No not hump day!  It's GAME DAY brother!!   

2020dad posted:
hshuler posted:
Go44dad posted:

Moderator, I am Gary Key.  I would like to change my screen name to Gary Key.  My phone number is in my profile.

Anyone else want to take responsibility for their posts?

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Garyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Your friend,


Shu I think your screen name is already a bit of a give away!  I do find it interesting though that this thread was started by a 2020 PMer.  And three of the four people 'outing' themselves are 2020 PMers.  Maybe we should just fill the big board with all our silly nonsense!   Speaking of which...   Shu what day is this???   No not hump day!  It's GAME DAY brother!!   

Friday Night Lights!  Even my kid who doesn't play Football and I are looking forward to tonight's game 

2020dad posted:
Go44dad posted:

Moderator, I am Gary Key.  I would like to change my screen name to Gary Key.  My phone number is in my profile.

Anyone else want to take responsibility for their posts?

Lol, I think I did that a long time ago!  But I would be happy to do it again.  Mike Pellegrini.  The question is do I still get to call you godad?   While I have known your name for some time due to our super secret club we have where I post my recipes, I just like godad!

and they look good too....2 hours until lunch, I won't make it!

Anybody who wants to know my name knows it or can figure it out or can get it via PM at any time.  But I prefer not to post it publicly as I'm extremely conversant with the power of search engines and I prefer to reserve my right to say stupid stuff online without it reflecting on my son or his HS or college programs due to a casual search on unrelated material.

When I first started posting here I had 2 different posters tell me that they prefer to remain anonymous on the HSBBW because people had stalked their kids when they were college players.  That resonated deeply with me.

I don't believe I have caused any trouble or insulted anyone here.  That certainly isn't my intention.

While I obviously wasn't here in 2002 or 2003 (my Kid was born in 2003!) I can say that the world and the Baseball Industry has dramatically changed since then!!!!

JCG posted:

Anybody who wants to know my name knows it or can figure it out or can get it via PM at any time.  But I prefer not to post it publicly as I'm extremely conversant with the power of search engines and I prefer to reserve my right to say stupid stuff online without it reflecting on my son or his HS or college programs due to a casual search on unrelated material.

Same here. Plus, everyone on the 2020PM already knows my name, and I've even acquired a nickname because everyone on that PM has been subjected to countless video clips of my kid, and in most of those someone in the stands is yelling out his nickname.

I don't think it would take much to figure out who I am.....or my son.  First, my son's team pic is my profile pic.  It's pretty easy to figure out from my posts that he's a 2015 grad....RHP/IF  playing at a school 40 minutes from home.  There aren't a lot of guys listed  as RHP/IF on the roster (there is one)    I don't think anyone needs to post their real name if they don't want to.  Anyone who has PM'd me in the past has gotten a reply with my name in it.....anyone who wants to know...just ask.

As my son began his journey, I preferred to remain anonymous and vague. I did not want to do anything stupid or careless to jeopardize my son's dreams. Still don't.  As my son's progressed in HS and college, I let my guard down some. If someone is interested, not really hard to figure out my identity or my son's. My PM's normally have my name, especially when I contact someone.  I still plan on keeping it that way, at least until my son's eligibility has passed.


Last edited by RedFishFool
IMG_1849CaCO3Girl posted:
2020dad posted:
Go44dad posted:

Moderator, I am Gary Key.  I would like to change my screen name to Gary Key.  My phone number is in my profile.

Anyone else want to take responsibility for their posts?

Lol, I think I did that a long time ago!  But I would be happy to do it again.  Mike Pellegrini.  The question is do I still get to call you godad?   While I have known your name for some time due to our super secret club we have where I post my recipes, I just like godad!

and they look good too....2 hours until lunch, I won't make it!

I am also looking forward to lunch.  Brought leftover Italian beef!   Here is a picture of my Tupperware container with a science assignment in the background just so everyone can get a 'taste' of what important matters they miss out on if they are not on our PM!  

PS it's still cold so I know it doesn't look as good as most of my food pictures!!



Images (1)
  • IMG_1849
JCG posted:

Anybody who wants to know my name knows it or can figure it out or can get it via PM at any time.  But I prefer not to post it publicly as I'm extremely conversant with the power of search engines and I prefer to reserve my right to say stupid stuff online without it reflecting on my son or his HS or college programs due to a casual search on unrelated material.

I second that.  I don't think anyone should be criticized for not posting their name and their kid(s) name.  I have seen some posts from longtimers warning new posters not to divulge too much personal information, especially if they are trying to wrestle with some issues that affect individuals.  The idea that you can come on here and politely inquire about a program - and maybe share some of the bad stuff you might have heard through the grapevine - without identifying yourself (and potentially getting tagged a troublemaker) is great.  I may have phrased some of my questions a little differently - less pointedly - if my name were directly attached.

That said, there is no reason that folks cannot remain civil in their discussions.  As stated many times here, it is difficult to include tone in written comments and folks should either take things in the best possible manner or simply let it pass.  I don't like being told I am wrong in a reply, but if you see someone trying to "win" a conversation on this site, then best probably to avoid continuing the conversation.

I have a 2024 and may have more stupid questions ahead, so I'll wait a few years before openly publishing my name.  

TPM posted:

No one wants to post who they are because they don't want anyone to stalk their player?  That's a new one.

I've heard it. "Be careful what you say, people talk, and it can come back on your kid."

It's a darn shame that is the message some people put off on here, and from what I hear they put off the vibe but actually don't have the ability to do anything, but it is what it is.

It is just a completely different world nowadays.  The rise of Instagram & Snapchat and the way colleges & pro scouts have integrated themselves in those platforms along with many other elements of the Baseball Industry is cause for concern alone in terms of privacy.

The world of cyber among teenagers is completely different than 6 years ago let alone 15.

I will not insinuate anything about anyone here, but I can say that most people I know who have kids in the their 20's or 30's barely have any idea what Instagram or Snapchat is, let alone how kids treat each other on those platforms and how it effects perception in the Baseball Industry.

Last edited by 3and2Fastball

I initially chose to post anonymously to protect my son from embarrassment. Once my son got older, I decided that sharing information about his experience might help others. Sometimes that meant discussing details that would allow curious readers to uncover his identity. I'm ok with that. I also share introductions with people via private messaging. However, I just don't like the idea of my name on a public internet forum in a searchable format, so I will continue to operate this way.

2020dad posted:
IMG_1849CaCO3Girl posted:
2020dad posted:
Go44dad posted:

Moderator, I am Gary Key.  I would like to change my screen name to Gary Key.  My phone number is in my profile.

Anyone else want to take responsibility for their posts?

Lol, I think I did that a long time ago!  But I would be happy to do it again.  Mike Pellegrini.  The question is do I still get to call you godad?   While I have known your name for some time due to our super secret club we have where I post my recipes, I just like godad!

and they look good too....2 hours until lunch, I won't make it!

I am also looking forward to lunch.  Brought leftover Italian beef!   Here is a picture of my Tupperware container with a science assignment in the background just so everyone can get a 'taste' of what important matters they miss out on if they are not on our PM!  

PS it's still cold so I know it doesn't look as good as most of my food pictures!!


UGH, that's it, Mike, you suck.  I'm off to lunch!  Dang those onions look SOOOO good!!

CaCO3Girl posted:
TPM posted:

No one wants to post who they are because they don't want anyone to stalk their player?  That's a new one.

I've heard it. "Be careful what you say, people talk, and it can come back on your kid."

It's a darn shame that is the message some people put off on here, and from what I hear they put off the vibe but actually don't have the ability to do anything, but it is what it is.

Sure, if you go around bashing and trashing people, coaches etc.  it may come back to haunt you. 

I think this applies primarily to Internet trolls.

3and2Fastball posted:

It is just a completely different world nowadays.  The rise of Instagram & Snapchat and the way colleges & pro scouts have integrated themselves in those platforms along with many other elements of the Baseball Industry is cause for concern alone in terms of privacy.

The world of cyber among teenagers is completely different than 6 years ago let alone 15.

I will not insinuate anything about anyone here, but I can say that most people I know who have kids in the their 20's or 30's barely have any idea what Instagram or Snapchat is, let alone how kids treat each other on those platforms and how it effects perception in the Baseball Industry.

So you are sayin if you have a 20-30 year old, that puts you in the category of " you have no clue about IG, twitter or snapchat"?

I have been called an old Biddy but I probably have more of a clue than most here about a lot of things.

TPM posted:
CaCO3Girl posted:
TPM posted:

No one wants to post who they are because they don't want anyone to stalk their player?  That's a new one.

I've heard it. "Be careful what you say, people talk, and it can come back on your kid."

It's a darn shame that is the message some people put off on here, and from what I hear they put off the vibe but actually don't have the ability to do anything, but it is what it is.

Sure, if you go around bashing and trashing people, coaches etc.  it may come back to haunt you. 

I think this applies primarily to Internet trolls.

Spot on.  If you go around bashing people, coaches, programs, etc... it will come back to haunt you. 

TPM posted:
3and2Fastball posted:

It is just a completely different world nowadays.  The rise of Instagram & Snapchat and the way colleges & pro scouts have integrated themselves in those platforms along with many other elements of the Baseball Industry is cause for concern alone in terms of privacy.

The world of cyber among teenagers is completely different than 6 years ago let alone 15.

I will not insinuate anything about anyone here, but I can say that most people I know who have kids in the their 20's or 30's barely have any idea what Instagram or Snapchat is, let alone how kids treat each other on those platforms and how it effects perception in the Baseball Industry.

So you are sayin if you have a 20-30 year old, that puts you in the category of " you have no clue about IG, twitter or snapchat"?

I have been called an old Biddy but I probably have more of a clue than most here about a lot of things.

I'm not saying that at all.

Most people who do not have a current teenage kid or grandkid are very unaware of the world that exists within Instagram & Snapchat and the way kids treat each other on those platforms and the way adults in the Baseball Industry have integrated themselves within those platforms.  Let alone how that can effect perception in Baseball.

The world has completely changed.

TPM, if you, personally, are aware of all of that, without having a kid or grandkid that is currently a teenager, then you are an exception.  That is fantastic.  But you are still an exception.  And then if you were aware of all that I would hope you would understand why parents of current teenagers have much more cause for concern about privacy issues than parents from 10-15 years ago.

I would sincerely request that you have an open mind about how much things have changed in such a short amount of time, and that as long as people here do not insult anyone and as long as they show respect to everyone, perhaps there might be some understanding towards parents with current teenagers who are dealing with cyber issues as it pertains to their child that was completely unimaginable even 10 years ago let alone 15 or 20.

I humbly request your patience, and sincerely state that I will not show disrespect towards anyone.

You seem like a wonderful person who has so much valuable information to share, which is tremendously appreciated by myself and so many others.


Last edited by 3and2Fastball

Honestly, I've never really wondered who people really were.  If I wanted to know more about someone on a personal level, I simply PM'd them.  However, I have always wondered about everyone's handles and what they stand for... Like TPM, what in the world could TPM actually stand for... I have no idea, but I've often wondered.  3and2fastball... is that jersey number 32 and he throws a fastball, a 32mph fastball, is it change up, curveball, fastball... ?  CACO, BUM, BOF, I can go on and on.... yep... these things go through my mind. 

The baseball community is VERY small.  Every program has issues of one kind or another.  Being anonymous allows one to openly discuss issues without being accused of airing a programs dirty laundry publicly.  It also allows one to get a new perspective that they may not of considered.  Maybe the laundry wasn't near as dirty as initially thought by the poster.

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