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Most of the time, when I read posts on this web site, I read normally. But I have discovered that, for some posters, I slow down and assign real voices to the words. I first noticed this reading a post by sounded like Dr. Phil as I read it (Sorry PG). There are several others who have "celebrity" voices when I read their posts.

Am I the only one who suffers from this anomaly?

Mike F
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Not the only one!

I picture MNMom as very calm but with a sense of "don't mess with me." lafmom and Tiger Paw Mom seem to always post in a southern accent. Of course I read a couple of posters post with a sense of sarcasm in their voice. Then you have the ones that you have talked to. TRHit and I shared a conversation once. I now hear his voice in his posts. itsrosy and gotwood4 sale are the same. I bet itsrosy and gotwood4sale probably think of me as someone that has a kind of "hick from the sticks" voice.
Piaa_ump and Lafmom:

I think you both underestimate the power of suggestion. Not only will I now hear Gilbert Gottfried and Fran Drescher respectively when reading your will all the weak-willed,voice-assigning readers who read this (unless they happen to have the proper amount of aluminum foil under their socks as Texan suggests (thanks, Texan, I probably should change the foil...and maybe even the socks)).

CoachB25, I'm glad that a respected coach and role model is afflicted with the same malady. I feel better knowing this. By the way, do you remember a series of car commercials years ago where a cop walks up to the driver and says, "You're in a heap o' trouble, boy!"? Sorry...that's you're voice when I read your posts.

Mike F
I have talked by phone with quite a few regular posters on this site, and in person with several more.

But after reading Mike F's thoughts, I realized that now when I read a member's post, I don't associate their voice with it even if we have talked. I guess that's because I "knew" most members through their posts before I heard their voices???

Most members I've talked with sound about as I expected.

PGStaff has a very pleasant voice and personality, but he has never made me think of Dr. Phil!
URKillingMeBlue has a very friendly voice, but I have never heard her addressing an ump!

Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
I constantly assign voices to what I read...that is why I read so slowly...I can not read any more quickly than I can talk.

GW4S, I'm pretty convinced that you need to assign the voices to what you read just to keep them otherwise occupied. chat

I'm glad you give your voices a place to talk where I can read what they say...I truly enjoy your prose.

By the way, when I read your words, the voice changes sometimes, but it almost always starts out as Dennis Miller.

Mike F
"I think you both underestimate the power of suggestion. Not only will I now hear Gilbert Gottfried and Fran Drescher respectively when reading your posts..."

Mike - I have talked to a lot of people on the site either on the phone or in person and I can pretty much bet the farm that none of them would say I sound like Fran Drescher! LOL My fellow Kentuckian, Coach B, is most likely correct.

"Condoleeza Rice's fashion consultant!"

Gotwood - Big Grin
Last edited by lafmom
That American Idol report comes from my wife...I was upstairs watching Kentucky beat Murray State.

PopTime - That's what the remote is for! Smile I actually watched the game too and flipped back and forth. Bluegrass' son plays for Murray and had a good game despite being called out at first when he was obviously safe. A good game with kids I know on both teams - was fun to watch!!

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