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TR... is Michael Vick an NFL caliber quarterback?

Check Vince's 2005 stats: 850 yards rushing and 9 rushing TD's, 2,769 yards passing for 26 TD's.

By comparison, in his last season at VA Tech (2000), Michael Vick threw for 1,234 yards and 8 TD's, ran for 607 yards and 8 TD's. In 1999 season, he threw for 1,840 yards and 12 TD's, and ran for 585 yards and 8 TD's.

Neither of those season numbers are even close to Vince's numbers. And at 6'0" and 215 lbs, Vick is much smaller than Vince Young who is listed at 6'5" and 233 lbs.

Yes... Vince will prove to be an outstanding NFL quarterback. I pray my favorite team gets Vince Young in the 2007 NFL draft.
Last edited by Natural
Guess there is no debate about who the top 2 teams are this year or the top 2 players. Smile The Rose Bowl should be a great game.

Texas just barely got past Ohio State and USC the same with Notre Dame.

I think Reggie Bush and Vince Young will both be stars in the NFL. Maybe 1st and 2nd pick. I guess Lienert will be in that mix, but from what I've seen Vince Young is even better.

Both Bush and Young are once in a decade type players. Maybe several decades!

By the way UCLA had only lost one game until today. I think USC will win their 3rd straight National title. Actually thought they were the best team the year before that string started.

Little known fact, a week ago 4 QBs that started NFL games were all from Iowa. Smile
A totally Non- Reggie Bush response....

You go.... Texas State!!(My alma mater, Southwest Texas State- pre name change)

Also, was able to catch one of my son's 13 year old All-star teammates playing middle linebacker for Navy today as they beat Army... way to go Jake Biles! This young man will make a heck of a U.S. Marine officer after he graduates this Spring.

Natural asked, "If Reggie Bush is so great, how come Lindale White is running wild as well?"

Because USC is that good and it's not the first time. Remember the Rose Bowl game Ricky Bell's senior year. He went out early with an injury and everyone thought the game was over. Everyone but USC. They had an unknown freshman sitting on the bench all year. His name was Charles White and he put on quite a show that day and for the next three years too. This time we just got to see Lindale White a little early.

OJ Simpson, Anthony Davis, Ricky Bell, Charles White, and Marcus Allen had a pretty good run at USC. I hope USC will keep going and Reggie Bush and Lindale White are just the beginning.

In any case I can't wait for the USC vs UT game. duel


Gotta dig the evil empire....You have probably heard this but....TV's been reporting that Bush REALLY wanted to sign with the evil empire out of HS but they decided to pass...the rest is history.... Cool

In any case I'm with you on this...he'd be happy at the stick. But it probably won't help, Niners need a whole team..wait a minute he IS a whole team...

Might start to watch the golden boys again...getting weary of off season minor league baseball from South America on the satellite...

Have you guys not seen him just make great college players look like HS JV players in the open field? I mean this guy is electric. I could careless about the o-line. Of course he gets through the line because of the blocking up front but he makes people look stupid in the open field. No one can take him down one on one. No one can catch him. He hands great hands he can block come on people this guy is the best player in football at the college level I have seen in I dont know when. He might be the best college player I have ever seen. I could careless about the next level. This guy is awesome.
Or maybe a 90 mph knuckle ball. Smile

Young, Bush and Krakatoa are all pretty good! Smile

How about that Texas Tech QB, he has over 4,000 yds passing this year? The Notre Dame QB is pretty good too. One of the best wide receivers in the country is a Notre Dame pitcher!


Texas State has a tough game coming up. I'm going to watch that one, should be a great game.
I'm a Reggie believer. Saw him play at Oregon this year and was convinced. There is no question in my mind that he will be an immediate impact player on Sundays. Running back is the easiest position to transition to pro.

While we are on the subject.... once again the PAC-10 gets screwed by the BCS. Oregon Ducks are fifth in the BCS standings, have one loss (USC) and Notre Dumb gets a BCS berth even though they had two losses, one of them to unranked Mich State.

What a joke. Will they EVER figure out that a playoff system is better?

Reggie Bush is awesome. Can he hit a 93 mph fastball? I'll bet he could. Have you ever heard of Tommy Polley (high school all-america in basketball and football at Dunbar in Baltimore, MD; all-conference at Florida State; pro career with RAMS and RAVENS)?

Thinking out of the box as a baseball scout many years ago, I called him during his senior year in high school and asked if he would come to a baseball workout with 3 other guys. Knew he was committed to play football at FLSTATE, but if he was a real stud on the diamond, we could draft him and he could play in his spare time. Polley played baseball for the last time in 8th grade. Of the 4 players at the workout, he was clearly the most gifted. Raw, but gifted.

Reggie Bush is a rare talent. He could probably give Tiger a run on the links after a little practice!
Reggie Bush is the man, but I'm looking for some Vince Young magic to put UT on top. Hook 'em Horns!
OPP- Bobcats Rock! Can you be an "alum" if you didn't graduate? My classes always seemed to interfere with my "real purpose" for attending college?!?!I'm in Florida now, but saw the name change when I was in New Braunfels a few years ago and thought it was interesting. Did they get rid of the 100 keg parties too?
Panther Dad,

You are "pretty" wise. CoolSmile Thank you, thank you, thank you.

When I grow up I want to get a job scouting football players.

People will probably remember back when I astounded everyone by highly "recommending" Reggie Bush and Vince Young for the next level! Smile biglaugh

Also predicted Lebron James would be "pretty good".

I really am a big football and basketball fan just like millions of others.
Last edited by PGStaff
Reggie is a fine athlete and very outstanding running back...but give me a break. As an ex-OL-man did anyone here watch the blocking on the line that the SC-OL laid on the UCLA DL. It was like a clinic in O-line play.

Take my word for it...if the SF 49ers draft him with their OL Reggie will be just another running back that didn't make it in the NFL.

You bring up good points, but I think Reggie is going to have to get hurt to not make it in the NFL.

O line aside, this is a super star in the making, a very special talent. Like all the other greatest running backs (OJ, Saunders, Sayers, etc.), he does things that makes one shake their head. You just never know what your going to see next.

I also think Vince Young is that kind of a special talent. What a show the championship game will be this year. Not having a favorite, I hope it goes down to the wire.

Being a cynic and not willing to "fall" for the latest and greatest of all time...

After a couple years of watching I figured Bush was good, very good, maybe even up to par with the Pantheon of great SC tailbacks..

but in the last couple games there have been many, many more shots of him from ground level. Jaw dropping. Not sure you can appreciate just how good he is until you see some of those ground level shots.

PG had it right a 90MPH knuckle ball....very astute discription PG

I am currently seriously rethinking my stand....

In my world...I don't know how you can be expected to compare the three...different types of players who all bring unique and rare talents to the table. Is one better? That is an endless argument. Would rather simply sit back at the first of the year, enjoy the show and admire the magic...what a treat.

Last edited by observer44
I don't mean any disrespect of Reggie Bush, but until I see how he does against the NFL speed of the LB's and DB's who all can run in the sub 4.5's I'm not going to bite.

What I see is a very fine athlete with outstanding instincts now that overmatches the current level of competition, but he hasn't faced the NFL talent yet.

I'm going to withhole anointing him as the next Billy Simms until I see what he does against teams like the Colts, Cincy, and Pittsburgh, etc.

If he ends up with the 49ers, he will take a pounding...

Without blocking a great back can't get pass the line of scrimmage into the secondary without being crammed in. The linemen are much stronger and the upper body strength is phenomenal such that a running back going by is completely slowed down just by being grabbed as they go by.

If he does get into the secondary, the reaction time fo the LB's and dB's is at another level then what he will see in college. Everyyear the College All-Stars use to go upo against the NFL Champion. And every year they would get their clock's cleaned. It's just a different game, speedwise in the NFL.

The fact that his speed is matched up with the quickness and closing athleticism of NFL DB's will thottle his ability to get lose.

It's about blocking, which the niners have none and suck at.

Reggie will remain a fine RB and an outstanding athlete, but he is just one man and it takes eleven good ones to allow him to do his thing.

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