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This is the article I found concerning this.

As was suggested long ago, the Grand Jury has finally subpoened the two "authors" of the book about Bonds, including any and all records/transcripts of the federal Grand Jury proceedings which they have or have had access to in writing their story.

Gees, I wonder how you missed that, E-6?

Better spend the money, fellows. Won't be able to when you get jailed. Oh, I forgot, they're authors and they can do what they want (including ruining peoples lives) under their Freedom of the Press rights.

Barry squirmed. Now I want to see Mopey and Dopey squirm a bit.

Much ado about nothing. The Grand Jury records have now been made public record. Is it right for someone to leak info from an active Grand Jury? No. Will the reporters have to name who leaked the info? Probably not.

It doesn't change the reality that the records indicate what Barry was taking, and when he was taking it. That's why the best his legal team could do was challenge how the authors got the info, and the judge they went to basically told them they didn't have a chance of winning. They clearly didn't challenge the info as being false or misleading.

This, by the way, is a different Grand Jury than the one that is investigating whether Barry's non-answers constitute perjury.

The reporters released info that was eventually going to be made public record anyway. I don't agree with them doing it, but the reality is that leaks happen on a daily basis. This particular leak doesn't endanger National just helped confirm a bit earlier what any rational person with a shred of common sense already knew...that Barry was being a bad boy. body-builder

It's no wonder the ball hit him in the head the other day...his head is now the biggest part of his body... Big Grin...they couldn't miss...

Barry will wind up squirming more than Mopey and Dopey before it's all over. angryrazz
Amen 2Seamer!!!!

I guess the single biggest thing that surprises me is how little other MLB players are willing to speak out against Bonds, Giambi and any others who are known to have used steriods. The outcome of how many games were altered by players using steriods or HGH or any other substance? (Isn't that the reason for MLB's harsh policy on gambling...the mere perception that the games are not on the up & up?...It results in lifetime bans!)

If I were say a 13 yr vet and saw my chance to go the playoff for the first time taken away by a big game from a "user", wouldn't i be just a bit p_issed off and spout off at some point?

The fact so few (Andy Van Slyke, Turk Wendell..etc) have made public comments tells you something about the code of silence amongst MLB players or should i say amongst the union members.
The fact so few (Andy Van Slyke, Turk Wendell..etc) have made public comments tells you something about the code of silence amongst MLB players or should i say amongst the union members.

You've hit on something there. A player booted out of the union misses out on a lot of money. The guys that broke the line to play during the strike several years ago and wound up sticking in the Bigs were denied union membership.

A lot of it is just the mentality that what happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room.

PG Staff

There is no want of arrows nor slings that pierce the vail of deceit in the issue of illegal substances from which the prism deflects the truth of who really are the cheaters in baseball.


If I remember my history being an illegal alien in 1929 was as illegal back then as it is now.

Being a user of an illegal substance is as illegal in 1929 as it is now.

The nomenclature and distinctions of your percieved difference may assuage the impact as a midigating factor to justify the "users" view of his addiction...but tell Eliot Ness that.
Booze were illegal in the early 30's, they are not now.

BTW we speak 21st century American English here (although some of us speak a little Spanish as well), not 16th century Elizabethan English try and stay up with the times there pal.

"A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun for sorrow will not show his head."

Also, if you were an alive in 1929 and you now have a 20 or 21 year old son..... I've got one thing to say to you....YOU GO BOY!!! dwarf
Last edited by Glove Man
[QUOTEAn illegal substance in 1929 is no different than an illegal substance in 2004.

Let's stop being hypocrites about this.
] [/QUOTE]

Ramrod, this quote is asinine enough. I won't attempt to touch that other jibberish.

Joe Morgan has made more than his fair share of idiotic statements in the past, but his comparing the beer drinking of Babe Ruth to the steroid injecting and testosterone supplementing of Barroid body-builder only confirms my belief that being a former 2nd baseman in no way ensures that you'll be a competant announcer.

Using steroids without a prescription has been illegal since 1991, if I remember correctly. MLB then issued a directive in 1991 banning the use of steroids.

So...connect the dots...using steroids was against the law....Barroid broke the law...MLB rules prohibited using steroids...Barroid broke the rule...period.
Ramrod ...

Like so many of the apologists for Barry Bonds, you are choosing to miss the whole point. Babe Ruth did not set his records because of his drinking beer ... as a matter of fact, I would hazard a guess that he set his records IN SPITE OF his drinking beer.

Those of us who feel that some of today's players are enhancing their performance as a result of using what most understand to be performance enhancing substances are not trying to justify anybody's usage of any illegal substance, performance enhancing or otherwise. We all know you are a smart man, and I am pretty sure you know full well what I was saying. Responding with your non-answer doesn't equate with your level of intelligence ... it is just a non-response to a logical statement.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
FB.Mom, I know you were trying to be nice when you stated, "We all know you are a smart man,...." but respectfully I'm not in your corner on this. I've seen RR's posts from the very beginning(formerly Pic and a number of other handles as well) and rambling wordy and mispelled posts(midigating-sb mitigating) IMO do not make one smart. He has a difficult time staying on point and often goes in areas that do not even come close to
staying on subject.

IMO opinion throwing out posts in an effort to make one seem pseudo-intellectual is
is an example of someone trying to be what he wishes he were. This is a baseball website
for crying out loud. I don't think William F. Buckley has ever been here. Smile

BTW- latest on Barry Bonds-refused to autograph the 713 ball that was caught by a BB's fan that was at the game. But...asked the guy to sign a release to be on his show.
Question for the Bonds defenders: (and I am serious)

If he is indicted for perjury, will that be "proof"? (I doubt it)

If he is indicted and convicted, will that be "proof"? (Should be)

If he is indicted and pleads out, will that be "proof"? (Badda-bing!)

I figure if we get the rules established before the indictment, we'll save tons of space on this board.

Of course, if he's not indicted, the beat goes on...and on....and on.

I heard on the radio yesterday that Bonds had done that, but had not yet had time to confirm it.

It is amazing just how much of an ***hole this guy is. His arrogance knows no bounds.
I sure hope that guy either refused to sign the release or gets paid a **** good amount of money to appear on that useless show.

Come On AFBs (Appologists For Barry)...I cant wait for the explanation for this one
I can't believe everyone is being "so stupid" when it comes to the reason why Bonds didn't sign the ball.

It is really very simple: The value DOUBLES with his signature on it.

Dare I say this mope that has the ball had no intention of keeping it?

I expect it to be on ebay or auctioned off somewhere in the next few weeks.


Heard that Barry is feeling better now; is getting better each day; and, is considering playing for an AL team next year.

Can you say 900-1000 career home runs!!!!

You go, Barry!
Last edited by BeenthereIL
"It is really very simple: The value DOUBLES with his signature on it."

For us "stupids"-SO WHAT? This guy was a BIG Barry Bonds fan who flew in from California and Bonds knew it. BTW, what is MLB without fans? Bonds and all the rest of these
prima donnas conveniently forget why they are getting big bucks to play a "game".

Keep making excuses-they're falling on deaf ears.
I recall the days we had debates on this site that were truly heated but we never saw the terms "idiot" and "mental midget" bandied about like we see now--

Is this the way of the new wave of parents ?

To denigrate and use terms like this?

Now I know why I stopped coaching Little League

Been there-- I truly miss our debates between gentlemen and darn well know that you aint no "mental midget"


I can't believe everyone is being "so stupid" when it comes to the reason why Bonds didn't sign the ball.

It is really very simple: The value DOUBLES with his signature on it.

Dare I say this mope that has the ball had no intention of keeping it?

I expect it to be on ebay or auctioned off somewhere in the next few weeks.

I guess its ok to call others stupid (personal attack ?), and then wonder why someone fires back.

Would you call the person that got that ball a "mope" if it were a 9 yr old kid?

You defend a cheater, and complain if a person trys to make a buck selling that ball?

As far as my education goes...BSEE and 25 yrs of experience including working on many this country's most sophisticated military platforms, but that has nothing to do with this discussion.

I was just glancing at your profile, I'm guessing you would not approve of your son using steriods or HGH any more than I would mine.

Aside from the opinions we have here, Congrads on raising two fine sons. Best of luck to your boy at Princeton!

You continue to miss the point-- the guy you called a cheater has not been convicted of anything---you and those others thinking as you do might want to vist the Foxsports website---they have two articles on Bonds--one on why not to root for him and another on why you should-- makes some great reading, I am with the guy saying root for him

Too bad minds close so quickly regarding Bonds

By the way has MLB stated they would do nothing to publicize the 714/715 HRS for Bonds and not endorse the baseballs hit. Why should Bonds sign them? -for someone whomever he/she is to make money off his name ?

I really don't have a problem with his asking Bonds to sign the ball.

The problem that I have is the media playing up the fact that he's in the if that should have anything to do with his getting the ball signed.

We know he doesn't care about the ball as "baseball history" but rather a way to make a ton of dough.

Heck, I would do the same thing....when you're talking about 6 figures.

Since there were only 2 of us that had commented on the 713 ball, Im pretty sure were the comment was aimed.

Your right my reply was a direct shot, I dont let an insult or foolish comment pass beause it was aimed at group im in as opposed to at me directly.

As far as the terminology being used, my most humble appologies for falling down to the level of the conversation.

It is an interesting article to say the least.

One major ommission it there though....Steroids are illegal unless under a doctors care.

All you Barry Supporters agree with Andy Nesbitt?


Bonds could rub so much steroid cream on his arms that his bat flies out of his hands every time he even thinks of taking one of his awe-inspiring cuts and I wouldn't blink and eye. Just as long as he gets his bat back and is given another chance to launch one into McCovey's Cove.

Is it really that bad for America if an athlete opts to put their body at risk in order to become a better player? Am I really the only one who thinks the idea of a steroid-only baseball league is as attractive as Jessica Simpson knocking on your door at 3 a.m. with a case of cold beer under her arm?


Many of the same people who are quick to call Bonds a cheater are also the ones to call an athlete who admittedly takes a cortisone shot a "gamer." That has to be a little bit (OK, a lot) of a double standard, because without those cortisone shots, chances are that player isn't going to be able to perform up to the level where they are used to performing. I know I only studied journalism in college, but that seems to be a performance enhancer, right? So where's the uproar?


Instead of getting so heated about what a baseball player — remember, Bonds is not a doctor, or a teacher or a police officer; he's an adult playing a kid's game — may or may not do to make himself a better hitter, sit back and just let him do his thing.

As far as whether or not Barry used steriods,...your friend Mr. Nesbitt doesn't dispute it or even care! Hel_l, Like i said before, why not just give him an aluminum bat.

His paragraph about cortisone is interesting, considering sports allows its use, and has banned steriods and HGH.

For the sake of arguement here, TR, if he had failed a steriod test would you have the same opinion?
TRhit said:
---you and those others thinking as you do might want to vist the Foxsports website---they have two articles on Bonds--one on why not to root for him and another on why you should-- makes some great reading, I am with the guy saying root for him

TRhit openly touts this article, calls it great reading and makes sure we know that he agrees with this guy Nesbitt that supports the use of steroids by athletes. From what I understand TR has a direct connection to young baseball players and is most likely in a position of influence with them.

How scary is that?
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
There is a definite pattern here of Barry Supporters stretching their comparisons. Beer and illegal drugs are comparable (well, we all know the very real performance enhancement powers of the hops); now drugs prescribed/administered by a medical professional for injuries are the same as illegal, in that case performance-enhancing drugs obtained outside of the medical field. (No, son, don't bother with that Advil, have a hit of this instead....same thing!) Hoo-boy, talk about your Situational Ethics.

Me, I'm not impressed with any baseball "fan" who would only turn on a game to watch a replay of a hr --- his opinion of anything to do with the game is tainted (to me) because of his worship of the hr. Arm and Hammer ball is for the roto league guys.
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