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We had a scary event at sons high school yesterday. Before school at approximately 7:45, student shoots another student. Hit him with four bullets. We live in a community that is approximately 18,000 people and nothing like this has ever happened. It is kind of a wake up call. The victim is in hospital and expected to recover after 3 1/2 hour surgery. Shooting suspect is 14 and in custody. Our baseball team tryouts began Monday and because of events has temporarily been delayed. It just goes to show you that you never say it will happen at your school. Anything is possible. By the way, three students decided to follow the suspect leaving the school. He turned and threatened them but they didn't even blink an eye and kept following. My son wasn't at school since he has first two periods off but I could just picture him doing the same thing as these boys. Now that is scary.
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It is so sad to think that some of the youth of today feel the only way they can deal with their problems is through violance. Am so thankful that your son was not in jeopardy and that the 3 witnesses were safe as well. Don't know how thrilled their parents were to hear that they followed someone with a gun, but how wonderful that someone stood up for the victim and their fellow schoolmates.

We need to keep praying for our nation's youth ... we can never totally understand some of the problems that the young people face today, tho I am sure there are many of us who had multiple problems in our youth but did not resort to violence to resolve. The only thing ... IMHO ... that will help them is loving parental guidance, which starts with LISTENING to our children.

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