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El gato, i agree completely. However, there is a positive. Which ever two teams do advance from the SED will be VERY prepared to make a strong run through the regionals and hopefully states. Whether it is WB/GB/IR/GF, the SED will be sending two very talented teams

However it's kind of disappointed the first round matches up the SED with the beach. IMO two of the toughest districts around... the Eastern and Pen districts are catching a break this year. If matchups were different, i wouldnt have been suprised to see a semifinal matchup of
1 beach vs 2 sed
1 sed vs 2 beach
Originally posted by luv baseball:
The loser of Saturday's big game could be at a disadvantage on Tuesday in the pitching matchups.

It would be very tough to lose Saturday and come back and lose again Tuesday and your season is over. It could very well happen if GF scores any runs on a #2 or #3 pitcher from either WB or GB.

AND if the loser of Saturday's game happens to beat Grassfield, they might have to beat an Indian River team to win a berth to the Eastern Regionals. That would be 4 games in 7 days. But look at the bright side. If Western Branch had lost to Indian River or Great Bridge had lost to King's Fork last night, Saturday's game could have been to force a tie for regular season and a one-game playoff preliminary to the tournament. Then the loser of THAT game (the #2 seed in the tournament) would potentially have had to play 5 games in 7 days to earn a berth to the Eastern Regionals.
Last edited by WB Reporter
Great Bridge 3 Western Branch 2 making Great Bridge the regular season champion.

Statistically, the game was fairly even (other than the score.) Each team had six hits, WB struck out 6 times, GB struck out 5 times, each team walked twice. But Great Bridge strung hits together in the first inning to score their 3 runs. Justin Lee led off the top of the first with a line drive to LF and stole second. He came home on an overthrow of third when he stole third. The next two batters were retired. The fourth batter, Anthony Stokes, parked a change up over the fence for a solo home run. The fifth batter, Cam Czech, walked; Hunter Higgerson brought him home with a double. That was the only scoring of the day for Great Bridge but it was enough to win the game. Great Bridge did threaten in the seventh. With one out, Ashton Groves reached first on a bunt single and #5 reached on a single to put Groves in scoring position. Lee, though, grounded to third for an inning-ending 5-4-3 double play.

Western Branch was a little slow in getting their offense going. They scored one run in the third; Garrett Brooks reached first on a fielder's choice, Brandon Doggett walked and with 2 outs, Nick Thompson singled Brooks home. In the fifth inning, Brooks reached on a single and advanced to second on a throwing error. Shane Johnsonbaugh singled Brooks home.

Ryan Vanassche pitched the first five innings for Great Bridge for the win, Andrew Flaherty pitched in relief for the save. Thompson pitched the complete game for Western Branch, suffering his second loss of the season.
Last edited by WB Reporter
Great Bridge is a worthy SED winner. Only Cody Cox took their measure all year.

Given that they got very little from Stokes on the mound I think a case can be made for Ryan Van Ashe as POY in SED. I believe he is 9-0 in the district including yesterday. I think he has W's against IR, WB 2, LL 2, KF 2, and OS. I think he had 5 shutout against GF as well.

Without him GB does not win the district and may not have been better than 4th.
GF, i agree. Two of Cox's 3 losses came when he only allowed 2 runs, not sure if they were even earned in both cases. The only time he got hit all year was against IR at harbor park, and then he didnt give up that many runs.. add in the great offensive year he had, he should be a solid candidate.

I'd put Thompson as a close second, great pitching and offensive numbers as well.

I do think that Van Ashe is one of the most underrated players in the region, he really does do it all.. but i just dont think he is the POY

Id even put Ali ( not as strong numbers as last year, but still had a good year, tough losses at the begining though), and Carter ( great offensive year) for IR ahead of Van Ashe

But, im willing to bet Van Ashe would take his district title over the POY award anyday!!! Wink
Last edited by bballday
I have to agree with GF.
I have no problem with you making a case for RV as POY because he is 9-0 (with, IMO, 2 quality wins)and batted .3**; however, justifying his POY candidacy based on the fact that he was an integral part of GB success is not a valid argument. Using that theory, Flaherty and Stokes deserve POY honors, Thompson and Johnsonbaugh deserve POY honors, Cox and Ingrahm deserve POY honors, and finally, Ali and Carter do as well.

IMO, agree a POY should be an integral part of a team's success; however, in high school, major contributions from both the offensive and defensive (both in the field and on the mound) justify a POY.

The players who fit this criteria the best are: Ali, Cox, and Thompson.

Each of these three is a vier for the Southeastern District POY.
Last edited by Cool,Calm,Collected
I am sure that you are all correct and that the most likely POY is Cox. He has delivered many overpowering performances and long balls. That will usually win the award. Ali, Thompson and others are also excellent.

In February who would have predicted Stokes would be 0-2 and GB would win the district? No one. How could it happen?

By my count Van Asche is 9-0 in the last 13 games of the season. I also think he had a save or two along the way for Flaherty. He did what Cox could not which was to beat WB and Thompson with the district title on the line.

There were no bobbles against DC, OS, NR or anyone else mixed in regardless of the reason. He was perfect. IMO That is the stuff that makes POY even though I know he won't get it.
GB is a very solid team both offensively and defensively. They played excellent together as a "team" and when some players were experiencing some tough times, others stepped right in. There are lots of great players on this team that aren't in the spot light but continue to work each AB and each defensive inning with everything they have. A very well-rounded team that practices hard, plays hard and never gives up.

I don’t think that folks discounted the possibility that Great Bridge might be there in the end or thought it would be a surprise. In response to the preseason Virginian Pilot preview which placed GB as 7th in the area, even I posted on March 16: “ Suspect that GB should be higher up on that list. They have strong pitching in Stokes/Flaherty/Vanassche, a solid hitting team and are always very competitive.”

Why do you attribute a record of 0-2 to Stokes? Using the results reported in the paper, I understand the results for Great Bridge’s season to be (hope this posts in a readable fashion):

Date; Away Team; Home Team; GB Pitcher w Decision; Pitcher's Rec per Paper
3/16/2010 Great Bridge 14 Oscar Smith 1 W Flaherty 1 0
3/19/2010 Great Bridge 7 Indian River 4 W Stokes 1 0
3/23/2010 Grassfield 7 Great Bridge 3 L Stokes 1 1
3/31/2010 Hickory 6 Great Bridge 9 W Flaherty 2 0 could not find in paper; per Hickory report
4/2/2010 Great Bridge 15 Deep Creek 1 W could not find in paper
4/5/2010 Great Bridge 2 Chaminade High 1 W
4/6/2010 Great Bridge 2 Highland Christian 3 L
4/8/2010 Great Bridge 5 Nova HS 8 L Suttmiller 0 1
4/12/2010 Great Bridge 9 Nansemond River 0 W Flaherty 3 0 per newspaper
4/13/2010 Lakeland 0 Great Bridge 11 W Vanassche 1 1 per newspaper
4/16/2010 Great Bridge 12 King's Fork 1 W Vanassche 2 0 per newspaper
4/20/2010 Western Branch 7 Great Bridge 4 W Vanassche (last 3 innings) 3 1 per newspaper
4/23/2010 Oscar Smith 6 Great Bridge 12 W Vanassche 4 0 per newspaper
4/27/2010 Indian River 6 Great Bridge 7 W Vanassche (last 2 innings)
4/30/2010 Great Bridge 0 Grassfield 2 L Stokes 1 2
5/4/2010 Great Bridge 1 Hickory 0 W Flaherty 4 0
5/7/2010 Nansemond River 13 Great Bridge 1 W Vanassche per newspaper
5/11/2010 Deep Creek 10 Great Bridge 2 W Flaherty 5 0 per newspaper
5/14/2010 Great Bridge 13 Lakeland 0 W Vanassche per newspaper
5/20/2010 King's Fork 1 Great Bridge 11 W Stokes per newspaper
5/22/2010 Great Bridge 3 Western Branch 2 W Vanassche per newspaper

I don’t understand why you say that Stokes is 0-2. The paper has Stokes with the W against Indian River (the first time) and against King’s Fork (second time.) That would make him 2-2 unless the paper is wrong on the pitcher with the decision.

Don’t get me wrong, I think Vanassche is a fine pitcher and he did pitch five innings to get Great Bridge to a 3-2 win over WB and 2 innings to get the 7-6 win over IR but many of his decisions were not close. I think there is a difference in having to (1) pitch complete games and win close decisions with regularity than amassing a number of wins with results of 11-0, 12-1, 12-6, 13-1, 13-0, (you really don’t think Great Bridge could have won those games with some one else on the mound?) or coming in to pitch the last three innings of game (first WB game) and (2) grinding it through a complete game, without large run support, to win it 1-0, 2-0, etc.
Last edited by WB Reporter
The discrepancies are that Stokes pitched the 1st 3 against IR and was removed from the game for injury and was replaced by Flarherty. If you want to give that W to Stokes OK.

I also think Van Asche start the 2nd KF game before being relieved by Stokes. Either way doesn't matter. Van Asche is 8-0 then.

One close game? Didn't GB beat IR 7-6 in extra's 2nd time. They were down to WB first time and scored 4 in the 6th to pull it out. I am pretty sure he had the save in the 1-0 game at Hickory.

But here is the clincher for me and it should be if you like numbers. In 17 innings against IR, GF and WB he was 3-0 with 2 runs allowed. Breakdown:

WB 2-0 in Eight innings 2 runs allowed LP Thompson & Johsonbaugh
IR 1-0 in Four innings 0 runs allowed LP Carter?
GF 0-0 in Five innings 0 runs allowed WP Cox LP Stokes

So he had the best record and probably lowest ERA in this entire Round Robin.

So the question is what do you like for POY? Numbers or W's.

I like the player who played best in the games that mattered most. And he won the biggest games of the year.

But if you like numbers Cox, Ali and Thompson all lost at least two games in this round robin. Pick at it any way you wish but it is not really that close.

And he still won't win. Smile
Unlike last year when Ali really dominated at the plate and on the mound, this year's POY vote looks pretty close. One camp is lobbying for the player with the most homeruns. Another camp is lobby for the player with the most wins. Another camp is lobby for the best all round player. I wonder if the coaches will allow any nominating speeches by their parents, girlfriends or agents. Let say 10 minutes for each camp.

For me, no one fact or stat should control. I would look at all the factors. Where did he play? How well did he play? Did he play multiple positions? Did he play them well? Did he contribute in the field and at the plate. If he pitched, how did he pitch. Was he the team's number one who faced all the tough opponents? Did he dominate or throw complete games? Was he a product of a system? How many rbi's did he have? What was his batting average? Did he produce against the better teams or just the weak ones? Did he produce in the clutch? Was he feared? Did the opponents pitch around him? Did he field well? How did he run?

I am sure there are many more questions. After all is said and done, it may come down to an eyeball test (or whether he can garner five votes).

Good luck to all the candidates!
Last edited by El gato
El Gato - Agree good luck to all the pitchers based upon the above supporting arguments.

With all of these qualified pitching candidates being seniors, is anyone aware of any up and coming Juniors, Sophomores or even Freshman pitching on varsity in the SED who might have an impact next year? Who should I keep an eye out for? With this season's title finally determined, I can't help looking ahead to next year. Thanks.
El Gato,

You bring up some interesting points. Contribution, those players that have been mention have greatly contributed to the success of their teams. Luv BB used innings pitched as a factor against the top 3 teams. The fact that RV didn’t pitch complete games was a result of coaching decision and the same can be said for leaving pitcher in too long. I know against us the 2nd time, RV didn’t want to come out.

WB “reported” (little humor) that I was a numbers guy. So I will throw some numbers at you. Cody was the primary starter for GF:

1 – 0 win against IR
7 – 3 win over GB
13-3 win over HH
3 – 2 win over top 10 Nationally Rank Wando (last I saw)
1 – 0 win over NR
2 – 8 loss to IR
2 – 0 win over GB
0 – 2 loss to WB (2 runs in the 8th)
0 – 2 loss to DC

With the exception of the Hickory game (u might consider GB also), there wasn’t much offense to support the pitchers. Offensively, I had Cody leading the team in Batting average, RBI’s, home runs, and intentional walks. He played OF and 1b (nice have a tall 1b).

You can also make a case for Ali, Thompson, and RV (for that matter Inghram or Carter) . IMO, the question to ask is which player, if you had to choose one, would you want on your team? Of course, ill pick a kid throwing over 90 (in late innings) with nice off speed stuff, leading his team in BA, and leading the league in HR’s. Just to mention a few.
Originally posted by El gato:
GF, don't confuse draft status with current status. Am sure if you ask Great Bridge, Indian River and Western Branch, they would tell you their respectative candidate let their team in average, hits, rbi, wins, etc. Otherwise, TJ Costen and Deshorn Lake would be players of the year in the beach and peninsula districts.

EL Gato,
Where did i mention draft?? IMO, i stated that i would vote for him, beside I did mention that very fact that a case be made for each player you mentioned in my last paragraph.
Originally posted by earlydawn:
Just a question from an observer: Are most POY pitchers? You could have a great pitcher that doesn't hit well or doesn't hit at all. Just curious about that stat.

Had a situation like that last year in the SED. Cory Inman of Hickory was 8-0 including a head to head win over Ali. He beat every team but Grassfield, and didn't pitch against them, but his offense wasn't as good as Ali's. He made first team pitcher all SED but not POY. For the record I think Ali deserved it last year and I think Cox should win it this year.
Last edited by can-o-corn
Originally posted by Nomadad:
Seems to me you are going after most publicized(Ali) and most velocity(Cox) over Wiley's kid,Van Asch.He quietly performed all year and did so again the other day.I might be wrong,but give a young boy his credit.

RV is definitely worthy of consideration. Coach Lee didn’t start him as the number one at the beginning of the season; otherwise his numbers could have been more impressive. Interesting tidbit about RV, he should be a junior this year. The thing about Cody isn’t just his velocity; he hit for average and for power (had the most HR's in the league). His defense was solid.
Last edited by GF
If Cox doesnt win POY something is wrong.. IMO Ali is the best player in the district, but Cox had above and beyond the best year. You can compare RV's numbers to Cox's, but RV did not mean as much to his team as Cox did. GB still has a shot at the district without RV, and i feel that GF might not even be above .500 without Cody, thats how much of an impact he had on his team.. and if you combine that with his stats, clear cut POY
early dawn, if my memory is not too feeble, I believe Justin Topping (C) won the award in 2007, Gary Ward (P/1B) in 2008 and Dean Ali (P/Utility) won the award in 2009.

GF, I would rather have a 72 mph pitcher who wins every game than a 90 mph pitcher who does not. Per Herm the germ, "You play to win the game".

bballday, is it very difficult for anyone who is analytical or objective (and POY voting is not) to pronounce a winner in this year's SED POY. Each of the candidates has their pluses and minuses. Ali did not play as well as he did last year, but he pitched well despite losing some close games. Cox lost three games, but led the league in homeruns. Thompson lost to GB 3-2, but beat Grassfield (Inghram and Cox) and Hickory (Grauer and Lighton) on four occasions. Van Ashe is not the hitter that Ali, Cox and Thompson are, but beat WB twice (although he needed help on both occasions). Who did you have in the Dewey-Truman election?
Last edited by El gato
A very good case can be made for all of these deserving players. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but how many GB pitchers had complete games this year? The games I've seen GB play, the coaches are concerned with pitch counts, as they should be. Not can he throw another inning when 100 pitches have already been thrown. Looking back at WB Reporter's GB schedule on page 3, the coach pulled RV after 5 innings with the score being 0-0. I'm only assuming this was because RV threw 2 innings in relief against IR 2 days prior. How many coaches would have left their pitcher in this game against GF after shutting them down for 5 innings?
Game time, Did he pull them because of pitch counts or did he pull them, as I believe Blue Marlin alluded to, Coach Lee does not want a pitcher to go through the batting order a third time? I know that in 2 WB/GB games, GB/Nova game, and 2 GB/IR games, no pitcher threw a complete game. Flaherty and Van Ashe both pitched both WB games. 4 GB pitchers threw in the Nova game. In first IR game, Stokes threw 3, Flaherty threw 3, Vanassche faced 2 batters and Bart Gumpert threw the rest of the 7th. In the second IR game, Flaherty threw the first 5 innings, Suttmiller threw innings 6 & 7 and Vanassche threw innings 8 & 9.
Last edited by WB Reporter

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