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Do any of you know if anything was said?  I see a first baseman go over a tarp, land hard on a wall and tarp, extend to a ball that he would have caught and yes, extend into the fan putting him in the seat.  If this was as bad as you guys want to make it, then MLB will suspend Adams.  After the game, I'm sure that this will be a topic of discussion.  Fans on some Cardinal sites are excited at the weight Adams has lost and his effort to go into the stands to catch a foul ball. 

Originally Posted by CoachB25:

Do any of you know if anything was said?  I see a first baseman go over a tarp, land hard on a wall and tarp, extend to a ball that he would have caught and yes, extend into the fan putting him in the seat.  If this was as bad as you guys want to make it, then MLB will suspend Adams.  After the game, I'm sure that this will be a topic of discussion.  Fans on some Cardinal sites are excited at the weight Adams has lost and his effort to go into the stands to catch a foul ball. 

I'm with you...I'm not seeing a push. Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but I'm not seeing one.

Let me clear that if this was some attack on a fan then I want the punishment to be tough.  I don't see it in the video supplied.  At the time, I was listening on the radio and they didn't make a big deal about it at all.  I am a loyal Cardinal fan but there is no game without the fans.  Again, after the game and/or tomorrow, if this was that bad, there will be a suspension.  If not, then ...


Great game and now 7 to 6. 

Originally Posted by Matt13:
Originally Posted by CoachB25:

Do any of you know if anything was said?  I see a first baseman go over a tarp, land hard on a wall and tarp, extend to a ball that he would have caught and yes, extend into the fan putting him in the seat.  If this was as bad as you guys want to make it, then MLB will suspend Adams.  After the game, I'm sure that this will be a topic of discussion.  Fans on some Cardinal sites are excited at the weight Adams has lost and his effort to go into the stands to catch a foul ball. 

I'm with you...I'm not seeing a push. Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but I'm not seeing one.

It's there. Enough to send the fan back and down into his seat. Have to watch initial play closely. The replays won't show it. I'm not saying he should be suspended, but my initial thought was "did this guy really just push a fan after making a foul ball catch... in the stands?".

Last edited by coach3
Originally Posted by CoachB25:

Let me clear that if this was some attack on a fan then I want the punishment to be tough.  I don't see it in the video supplied.  At the time, I was listening on the radio and they didn't make a big deal about it at all.  I am a loyal Cardinal fan but there is no game without the fans.  Again, after the game and/or tomorrow, if this was that bad, there will be a suspension.  If not, then ...


Great game and now 7 to 6. 

As I told Matt, watch initial play and you see glove hand pushing fan back into seat. It will be clear as mud tonight on Sports Center/ Baseball Tonight. Announcers made a bigger deal of fan flipping bird. Adams was in the wrong on this one...


EDIT; Keep you eyes on fan in red sweatshirt holding his glove up, right around the :14 mark. You see Adams glove shove fan on right chest/shoulder area sending him back into his seat.

Last edited by coach3

I saw the push, from one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, and my son's roommate at one time.

Many don't know the rivalry that exists between the Reds and the Cardinals.  Matt was trying to do what he was supposed to do (catch the ball), the fan was doing what he was supposed to do (make it difficult).  Two guys with same colors different teams doesn't work. It happens.


When people don't know others personally, perception is all you can go off of. Considering Adams has not been in the big show long enough for people outside of the Stl fan base to really get to know him, this doesn't come across as "nicest guy you will ever meet" material. Not saying it is on the same level as Albert "Joey" Bell or Milton Bradley type antics, but I believe he may need to answer a couple of questions concerning this particular incident.

Originally Posted by TPM:
Hers is my two cents FWIW.
Stuff happens we werent there maybe the fan cursed in his face.
So calling it classless without knowing the circumstances, never being in that situation to understand it all is just plain classless, IMO.

Here we go with the personal attacks. Is it safe to say that YOUR comment is classless? I never met the guy, therefore I cannot agree nor deny if the guy is "nice" which is relative to begin with. I don't care if he's my best friend or baby's daddy, the act within itself was classless. Will anyone try and dispute that? Did the fan cuss at him? Well, it is tough to tell since four people, including the fan shoved, were all playing the foul ball. I guess the fan could have been mouthing cuss words assuming the nicest first baseman ever was about to go head first into the stands? My opinion is it is highly unlikely. Your nicest guy simply lost his cool and pushed a fan. Can you accept that fact? I bet he can. At least he better be able to do so.

Originally Posted by Bulldog 19:
Originally Posted by The Doctor:

 Adams, A-Rod same thing just bad for baseball, if the fan would of pushed him Adams would of cried and got him thrown out of the park!

If it were at Wrigley Field, the fan would have been thrown out. Remember that tantrum?

Totally different conversation, but A. That tantrum was pathetic. B. That play didn't lose the game for them. I remember a crucial boot by SS Alex S. Gonzalez that turned the fait that night. Prior couldn't regroup after that horrible error.

Originally Posted by TPM:
I just reported the good doctors post as I feel it was done on purpose to flame and that is against hsbbw rules.  I think there is enough complaints to finaly can the troll.

Yeah Im kinda like you I think a MLB player should push and hit fans anytime they don't make a catch! and then complain that people don't agree with you.

Originally Posted by TPM:
I said that I saw the push.  I said that he was a nice guy. I said things happen there is a huge rivalry there. My beef was you calling him classless especially from a coach. 
Thats my opinion and sticking to it.

In what world would a player pushing a fan NOT be classless? You simply can't remove your personal feelings from the equation, can you? If a kid who played for me EVER pushed a fan in ANY manner, it may be his last action he would ever see in my school's uniform. Yes, that coming from a coach. Oh yeah, I may tell him, the team and all the parents how classless his actions were.

Last edited by coach3

Classless was a nice way of putting it! If Adams has any sense at all he knows he screwed up a little bit and right now he is wishing he would of not assaulted the man. A hand shake in between innings, or an apology would go a long ways with those people and that would be the story tonight on ESPN how a MLB player took a couple of balls over to a man he pushed.


 But some people don't see thing's that way, that's not how their mind and heart works.

This thread is an example of what's wrong with this country. An in-the-moment reaction that caused ZERO physical harm is treated like it's a defining moment.


Did he screw up? Of course. Does it define him? Of course not.


I defy anyone on this site to tell me they've never screwed up, and it makes me sick that something as harmless as this gets people (especially MEN) all riled up and on their soapboxes.


Back when men  were allowed to be men, a guy like Ty Cobb would've probably punched the fan in the mouth. And lived to survive.


Today our "Doctors" would call Ty Cobb a bully and run him out of baseball.


Lord, help us.

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