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Son is playing for Martinsville Mustangs in the Coastal Plains league. Currently on the DL mending an ankle sprain he got during the last game of college regional play.

I gotta hand it to him for playing through the discomfort the first couple weeks of the Coastal Plains season giving time for another catcher to show up.

Now praying for healing that can be sustained and not have him tweaking it every couple games.

We really like the whole Coastal Plains atmosphere, the host family is great, and for small towns to provide opportunities for our young men to work at their craft and providing all of the support is just great. The Mustangs franchise is owned by the city of Martinsville and there is a lot of hard work and investment by several citizens that is to be commended. Hats off to you Martinsville folks, you are great!!
Last edited by Backstop-17
This is Jamie's Grandpop again...his Mom & Dad are very low key...even though they keep up with everything and go to EVERY I go again Smile

Jamie has pitched 3 times this summer in Semi-Pro Delaware League, he's won all 3, pitched 14 innings, has 27 K's & gave up total of 5 hits & 2 runs...speed is coming along good, change-up his Best pitch. 1st game box score

2nd game box score
3rd game box score
Having a great summer too down the beach, he loves surfing!
Lost his 1st game, 4 to box score...
5th game, 5th game, no decision

Happy 4th of July!!

Grandpop Bob
Last edited by Bob LaFazia
Originally posted by Bob LaFazia:
This is Jamie's Grandpop again...his Mom & Dad are very low key...even though they keep up with everything and go to EVERY I go again Smile

Jamie has pitched 3 times this summer in Semi-Pro Delaware League, he's won all 3, pitched 14 innings, has 27 K's & gave up total of 5 hits & 2 runs...speed is coming along good, change-up his Best pitch. 1st game box score

2nd game box score
3rd game box score
Having a great summer too down the beach, he loves surfing!

Grandpop Bob

I love your excitement Poppa Bob. You unabashedly enjoy and report what we all likely feel watching our boys but fail to articulate because we don't want to look like we are bragging....

I can sense how much fun you are having and I dig it!

Best of luck to the entire fam damily...
Last edited by Prime9
I wish my dad was alive to see my son play. My dad would love it, as would my son. I wish one of his two grandmas would show up, but one is too old and one isn't that interested. So good for you for going and being active.

Speaking of my son, after a lackluster HS season at the plate, he's found his stroke playing with a wood bat. Really fun to watch these teenagers hit with wood. If you hit a curve ball over the centerfielder's head with a wood bat, you know you hit it well.

And the weather - summer baseball in New England is a blast.
Son is doing the JO's 16 west this week. he got hit in the collarbone by an errant throw and is out for the week. But before it happened he had quite the week. he got in the finals of the home run derby but he missed it because his team was doing the 60 times and mph throws from the infield. It was a great trade off.

He ran a 6.57 60 and was clocked at 94 from the infield. They made him do it again. 92. Scouts were coming out of the wood work to ask about his contact info from his coach including his dream school of ASU. The scout told the coach he has watched him on and off since he was 12( we are local) and loved how he gets better every year and makes college level plays look easy. The two games he played had 10 or so scouts at each game. Or maybe just guys trying to get free tickets by wearing school colors and carrying clip boards and radar guns(as in the latest golden thread).

Quite a start to his Junior year!!
Sure, it's OK to brag. I like the word share rather than brag. Share implies give and take whereas bragging seems like it is all take imho. I have some off the cuff remarks here and fully aware that many disagree with my point of view. I have no problem with people criticizing my take btw...

I wouldn't do it however Why?

In my humble opinion, it has the potential to generate bad karma. Many people do not like to root for the braggar's kid, for example. They say things internally to themselves like "He'll get his someday" Why would you want that type of negative energy in the air?

More specifically, is it really something to brag about when you are the biggest fish in the smallest pond? The best ice skater in Cuba, the best bob sledder in Jamica, or the best high jumper in Haiti?

Something to consider is that bragging here is mostly out of context with the audience imho. I love to hear the stories and that is why the thread was started but how about something like this...

"Hey guys and gals - just wanted to share. My son just got back from a showcase event and he really performed well. Had several college coaches talk to him and we are so thankful he was able to get their attention!" Obviously, a million ways to share things.

The best way to brag is to let people notice on their own. People will notice if they like you. Hard to get them to like you if you are rubbing it in their faces how gifted your child is. There are lots of talented kids here and I am sure your kids are among them. Something to consider.
Originally posted by cheapseats:
Just curious, is anyone else out there glued to their computer each night listening to online broadcasts of summer collegiate league games (or minor league games) for their sons that are playing in another part of the US?

I think I need a night off. Smile

I hear you. I'm watching right now a 15-3 snoozer. I think I'm logging off and heading to the casino. Wink
Absolutely loving listening to our son play summer ball clear across the country.Never had more fun in baseball.Son is having awesome summer.Hes at Fenway tonight taking in a red sox game.

Were leaving to go for ten days next week.cant wait to see the field, and watch son play.

Best fit ever for my guy.Absolutely awesome.
Summer ball is quite unusual for us this year. Son is rehabbing from minor injury suffered during HS ball. Is playing American Legion Ball as rehab prior to returning to travel team. Now we think our travel team is GREAT - but Legion ball has , unexpectedly, been wonderful! Practice and play with a team 6 days a week (travel team does not practice and individual practice gets a little old). Mostly players we know (travel team is from all over east coast) and minimal travel. Son is playing most every inning - batting in middle of line-up. Loving life! Again, we think his travel team is great - but there is something to be said for this experience. Im not happy my son is injured - but I am very pleased to have had this experience. If all Legion Ball everywhere is this much fun - this well coached - and reasonable competition - I think everyone should get to do it at least once.
Last edited by YesReally
[quote]If all Legion Ball everywhere is this much fun - this well coached - and reasonable competition - I think everyone should get to do it at least once.

We loved Legion Ball.My son played the last summer before college, and did nothing else but work out, and play local legion.It was awesome.We had done legion the summer before but he went to showcases etc as he was a junior.The last summer he just did legion and we all had a blast.The teams were overall decent.Lot of JC pitchers, heck one summer my son faced several guys that had signed D1 scollys and just wanted to play legion last summer.
Originally posted by fanofgame:
[quote]heck one summer my son faced several guys that had signed D1 scollys and just wanted to play legion last summer.

My son, a D2 position player, has four D1 pitchers on his legion team: two just finished their freshman year of college and two are headed to college this fall. One of the young guys was drafted by the Dodgers.
My son is with Bum's son in Madison. I to am watching every night on the web. What an awesome bonus to be able to actually watch. I would not miss it for anything. He is having a great time.Playing well and the team is filled with great kids from all over the country. This is an experience of a life time for these guys and sometimes I just want to tell them to stop and for one minute forget about the future (draft,next season,next summer, ect.) and enjoy where they are right now.

For The love of the game....
Last edited by williekc
For the 1st time in 3 years, our son is not playing summer ball due to an injury (the extent to be revealed next week following MRI). As a rising SR, he is convinced that being "off the recruiting circuit" in this important time frame and missing the WWBA in GA with travel team next month makes playing after HS near impossible. Our attempts at easing those fears are falling on deaf ears. Any advice and thanks for listening!
So sorry to hear about your son's injury. I am sure he is concerned. However, as an established player - he will have opportunities. You did not say if your son was looking for a D1 opportunity. If not - next fall may be a perfectly appropriate time to be in the recruiting process. If he was looking for a D1 opportunity he has likely already been in contact with schools/coaches. When you find out the extent of his injury - be sure to update the schools you are talking to with regard to the injury and his recovery/rehab plan. Stay in touch with them through the process.

I know that when my son was visiting some D1 schools last fall - they were still looking for a few kids for their 2011 class. The spots will be out there - maybe not at the most well known schools but some of them are already done with 2012 recruiting class. If he recovers and wants to play college ball - there will be an opportunity for him.

BTW - if the injury only impacts one area of his game (throwing? / pitching?) maybe he can DH for his travel team in order to "stay in the game". If not his travel team there might be a local team he could "rehab" with.

Best of luck. I am sure you will get plenty of good advice here.
Well fan your just being modest. It is a big deal! Its awesome that's what it is. Your son was selected because he has stood out in the league as being one of the best players. I know you are so proud of Matt and you should be. And most of all I know you are just happy that he is having a good time and doing what he loves to do. Yes its a big deal.
A little bragging on one of our longtime HSBBW member's son last night in the CPL.

Eric Grabe went 4-for-5 with five RBI’s in support of starter Brandon Browne, and the Fayetteville SwampDogs defeated the Peninsula Pilots on Thursday night, 9-3, to capture their third straight victory.

Eric is son of Floridafan.

Originally posted by Coach_May:
There is nothing better than seeing a Grand Pa who is proud of his Grand Son. Jamie is a very lucky young man to have such a great fan. Good luck to him the rest of the summer.

Thanx Coach...I really appreciate the nice comments! It seems like some people are getting upset that Grandpop Bob is "bragging about his Grandson Jamie"...well, for years I couldn't brag about my kids, now I have a Grandson that is really extra special and I "CAN'T BRAG about him either???...Coach May, am I doing wrong? Should I STOP what I'm doing and not say a thing? These guys are saying to use a different instead of saying, "Hey" Jamie made this or that and he got this and say, ""Hey guys and gals - just wanted to share. My Grandson's now playing Semi Pro ball and is 3 & 0, 27 K's, 14 innings, 4 hits and 2 earned runs...isn't that basically the same thing? Sorry, I love CD...the other guy...well...sorry I had to vent...if they don't like what I report...then let them tell ME, then I'll just stop BRAGGIN' and find a new site...thanx coach...your a class guy like most on this site...

Grandpop Bob

Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Sure, it's OK to brag. I like the word share rather than brag. Share implies give and take whereas bragging seems like it is all take imho. I have some off the cuff remarks here and fully aware that many disagree with my point of view. I have no problem with people criticizing my take btw...

I wouldn't do it however Why?

In my humble opinion, it has the potential to generate bad karma. Many people do not like to root for the braggar's kid, for example. They say things internally to themselves like "He'll get his someday" Why would you want that type of negative energy in the air?

More specifically, is it really something to brag about when you are the biggest fish in the smallest pond? The best ice skater in Cuba, the best bob sledder in Jamica, or the best high jumper in Haiti?

Something to consider is that bragging here is mostly out of context with the audience imho. I love to hear the stories and that is why the thread was started but how about something like this...

"Hey guys and gals - just wanted to share. My son just got back from a showcase event and he really performed well. Had several college coaches talk to him and we are so thankful he was able to get their attention!" Obviously, a million ways to share things.

The best way to brag is to let people notice on their own. People will notice if they like you. Hard to get them to like you if you are rubbing it in their faces how gifted your child is. There are lots of talented kids here and I am sure your kids are among them. Something to consider.

Thanx ClevelandDad!

I'll try to tone it down a bit...stil proud of my Grandson Jamie!

Grandpop Bob

Originally posted by fanofgame:
Just wanted to announce that my son was chosen form the NECBL league as part of the team that will play Team USA at Fenway Park on Monday.Its not like huge news but i it is a nice thig for My son.

Hey Fan...I just read your post. Congrats to Matt, he deserves it and has worked awfully hard!

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