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This thread has sparked a ton of thoughts and memories, most not worth sharing. But one is somewhat pertinent, while another veers off in a different direction. Forgive the possible hijack.

  • @PTWood's post reminded me of what I think (hope) was the last ugly moment I had as a sporting parent. Son was in 7th grade basketball, was playing against a team with an obviously talented player who was posted up against (less talented) son. When said talented player posted his 4th and 5th foul, I cheered like a madman, standing up in my seat. My wife looked at me like she didn't recognize me. I did a lot of reflecting that night, and luckily found some amazing sporting parent resources to help me see what I was in danger of turning into. Thanks for giving me a moment of reflection.
  • I am certainly not the only parent on this board who had both sons and daughters in the stick and ball sports. But was it as radically different in terms of team cheering for everyone? I'm not talking about HS or travel. I'm talking 8U, 10U, 12U rec, when kids are (hopefully) learning the love of the game. Baseball, the boys are barely able to cheer. Softball, more than a few teams had girls screaming at the top of their voice "WALK HER WALK HER WAAAAAALK HEEERRRREEEE!" I was constantly frustrated by this sort of (best word) ugliness that wasn't stopped by the coaches. It's already hard enough to get youth into sports as it is. Why allow (or encourage) this sort of action that just makes our young players want to give up playing?

Last thought: several brilliant people on here have said/echoed that "you should never be able to tell whose parent I am". Truly inspiring words. I sure as hell feel great cheering for every single player out there on the team.

@adbono posted:

@Senna I have been conflicted as to how to best respond to your last post. I have decided that this was best 🤮

So a reflective admission, my frustrated perception at the state of some youth sports, and a profession of my belief that the best fan is a team fan makes you nauseous? Cool story, bro.

Why don’t we continue this in the PMs so this thread isn’t polluted.

@JucoDad posted:

Late to the party...

IMO the time to address the adult negatively talking directly to your son during the game was when it happened. I’m shocked that nobody spoke up, I’m confident that many of the regulars on this board would have jumped in – I’m certain I would have.

Since it’s after the fact, my thought is to work with you son and determine how he’d like it handled. I’d also cover what he’d like you to do if there’s a repeat performance and respect his choices.


Like most bullying and harassment, this happened in the shadows, while son was out in the bullpen, far from the coaches and other players.

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