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I just had to chuckle a bit,.....was scrolling down through the different forums and noticed that while the woman are having discussions about starting a new prayer list, or welcoming a soldier from Iraq home.....if you take a peek ( & if you are brave enough, I highly recomend you make it a quick-brief- half a nano-second peek ).....the men are having discussions about: Big Butt's, the Queen tooting,...and complaining about no fish under the ice.
God love em'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Grin
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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I know it caught my eye when I spotted this in the Last Topic column...

Re: Tee heee giggle giggle.... (TRhit)
April 15, 2008 12:30 PM
You're going to have to go over the finer points of diplomacy with TR Wink

I'd suggest you start here...

dé·tente (d-tänt, -tät) n.

1. A relaxing or easing, as of tension between rivals.

2. A policy toward a rival nation or bloc characterized by increased diplomatic, commercial, and cultural contact and a desire to reduce tensions, as through negotiation or talks.

As for me and my pal...I think we'll settle in for awhile...and enjoy the show!

I gotta' watch it though...after my pal has had three or four he always tries to swipe the horns off my head.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by FutureBack.Mom:

As for our dearly beloveds ... as 'they' say ... can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.

....nor, alas, can we use them as collateral for a loan.

Manbashing wagon, all aboard!:

Question: What is the difference between men and puppies?
Answer: Puppies grow up.

Question: If you drop a man and a brick out of a plane, which one
would hit the ground first?
Answer: Who cares?????

Question: What's the difference between an intelligent man & a UFO?
Answer: I don't know, I've never seen either.

Question: What are two reasons why men don't mind their own business?
Answer: i) no mind ii) no business

Question: What is the difference between men and pigs?
Answer: Pigs don't turn into men when they drink...

Question: What do you do with a man who thinks he's God's gift?
Answer: Exchange him!!

Oddly enough, these came to me in an e-mail from a man. Obviously, one of the rare ones ---- a secure man Wink.
ssm ...

I am sure you never intended to have this go so far off topic but I guess it is okay to highjack a thread every once in a while for fun.

TRHit ...

Hmmm ... let me see ... women who post in the men's forum have their messages deleted (I know it wasn't you) from day one but men who post in the ladies' lounger are accepted with open arms ... even when they use the word "WAR" in their messages. Hmm ... interesting, very very interesting.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Ok, here is my man story of the day. Now you all know that I love stepdad of 2 catchers dearly, but alas, he is too a man.

We had decided to take the last remaining wallpaper in our home down from the downstairs bathroom and just paint the room for a quick update. nice, easy, cheap, quick.... Unfortunately after we had taken down the paper, we knew why the previous owners had put it up. They had put the wallpaper over some sort of wallboard type paneling with an ugly design on it. So, we decided to just replace the wallpaper and be done with it. (a $25 project just became a $100 project). As we looked around the room, it became apparent that the ceiling needed some trim to connect the wallboard with the ceiling (another $50 ish).

Then, last night I had a meeting to go to and when I came home, he looked at me rather sheepishly and said, "the shower fell out" and kinda gave me the same look my kids do when they are trying not to tell me what they did. I look, and there where the shower used to be were wall studs and a hole in the floor. I'm guessing that when he was removing the caulk, he was possessed by demons who made him rip the shower stall to pieces. Now, granted, the shower was functional but not the sharpest item in our home. But, our simple little paint job has turned into a project which I am hopeful will not cost over $1500 if he does all of the labor himself.

Oh, did I mention the new circular saw he had to have for this project too? He decided that the door to the bathroom needed to be replaced now also and the opening is about an inch shorter than standard doors so he had to have the saw to cut the door. (we remodeled the rest of the basement a few years ago and he hadn't done the bathroom door yet.)

A former neighbor of mine firmly believed that every home project is just an excuse for a man to buy a new power tool. I think she is right.

Originally posted by mom of 2 catchers:
A former neighbor of mine firmly believed that every home project is just an excuse for a man to buy a new power tool. I think she is right.

It's true mom of two catchers. As the home projects become more complex and elaborate so do the tools. Often times the project doesn't quite turn out as expected and frustration and desperation sets in.

When this occurs inevitably this is almost always the last tool they say "use the right tool for the job". This one never fails!

The only problem I had in purchasing this tool was getting it home without damaging my Taurus...I failed.

My next tool? To get my Taurus's a gimme...

Got a great deal on it. Needs just a little work...a door...spare tire...front problem!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
momof2 ...

That is a funny funny story. And the true stories are funnier than any joke or 'male bashing' we could come up with.

Anyone read the thread in Recruiting Questions forum about the marketing (read = recruiting practices) of some of the colleges? I think it is an interesting thread insofar as the male perspective on it all ... I do believe moms would approach the whole thing differently, perhaps preferring a different ratio of males to females.
an all boys school would be pretty attractive to me. Girls are a big distraction. Catcher #1 recently broke up with the girl he went out with for nearly 3 years. I am SO glad. She was influencing where he thought he might want to go to school (pushing a 4 yr so she could transfer there too) and he didn't tell me until nearly too late to find a JUCO that he really wanted to start at that level. Lucky for us, Shortstopmom saved us on that one! (thanks again!!)
You can tee hee giggle giggle all you want but some of us MEN know how to treat a lady---Mamma gets back tonight from a West Coast Business Trip and there will be candles lit and a chilled bottle of LUNA Pinot Grigio waiting---she has been away for the last week but all the dishes are done and the house is ready for her arrival

Like I said earlier, ladies you do not want to start a range war. Some of us are not what you envision

As a cherry on the top of the cake ,two of our players called today to tell me of their college committments--- and the temperatures are near 80---can I ask for more?

Ain't life grand when you learn how to cope with it?
Some of us are not what you envision

TR ...

I don't know about all of the ladies on this site ... some are married a long long time and some are divorced/separated/chose never to marry ... but I can speak for myself when I say that my husband is my hero, and I tell him that at least once a day. He has been with me and seen me through some very rough times, most especially the recent health issues I have encountered over the past 2 years ... cleaning house, doing laundry, grocery shopping, cooking all the meals, schlepping me back and forth to doctors and tests and hospital stays, all the while he tends to his elderly parents who live 30 miles away in separate places (Dad has Alzheimers), helps out with my elderly mom, and still holds down a full time job. I love him to death, would die for him, and cannot imagine life without him. But that doesn't preclude the fact that there are moments that he is NOT necessarily acting like my hero.

This thread was started in slight jest with ssm comparing the different approaches taken in the men only and ladies only fora. I kicked in with a line that I have used for years to describe frustrating situations with my hubby, with my son, with my mother, etc. It is not intended to start a 'range war' ... which I find interesting since you have come into the 'ladies' lounge' and given your opinion and made inference to a range war. (Heaven forbid if any of us were to go into the 'men only' forum and do likewise.) It was intended to be a 'chat' among the ladies about the differences between men and women and their approach to things.

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