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I just had to chuckle a bit,.....was scrolling down through the different forums and noticed that while the woman are having discussions about starting a new prayer list, or welcoming a soldier from Iraq home.....if you take a peek ( & if you are brave enough, I highly recomend you make it a quick-brief- half a nano-second peek ).....the men are having discussions about: Big Butt's, the Queen tooting,...and complaining about no fish under the ice.
God love em'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Grin
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I know it caught my eye when I spotted this in the Last Topic column...

Re: Tee heee giggle giggle.... (TRhit)
April 15, 2008 12:30 PM
You're going to have to go over the finer points of diplomacy with TR Wink

I'd suggest you start here...

dé·tente (d-tänt, -tät) n.

1. A relaxing or easing, as of tension between rivals.

2. A policy toward a rival nation or bloc characterized by increased diplomatic, commercial, and cultural contact and a desire to reduce tensions, as through negotiation or talks.

As for me and my pal...I think we'll settle in for awhile...and enjoy the show!

I gotta' watch it though...after my pal has had three or four he always tries to swipe the horns off my head.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by FutureBack.Mom:

As for our dearly beloveds ... as 'they' say ... can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.

....nor, alas, can we use them as collateral for a loan.

Manbashing wagon, all aboard!:

Question: What is the difference between men and puppies?
Answer: Puppies grow up.

Question: If you drop a man and a brick out of a plane, which one
would hit the ground first?
Answer: Who cares?????

Question: What's the difference between an intelligent man & a UFO?
Answer: I don't know, I've never seen either.

Question: What are two reasons why men don't mind their own business?
Answer: i) no mind ii) no business

Question: What is the difference between men and pigs?
Answer: Pigs don't turn into men when they drink...

Question: What do you do with a man who thinks he's God's gift?
Answer: Exchange him!!

Oddly enough, these came to me in an e-mail from a man. Obviously, one of the rare ones ---- a secure man Wink.
ssm ...

I am sure you never intended to have this go so far off topic but I guess it is okay to highjack a thread every once in a while for fun.

TRHit ...

Hmmm ... let me see ... women who post in the men's forum have their messages deleted (I know it wasn't you) from day one but men who post in the ladies' lounger are accepted with open arms ... even when they use the word "WAR" in their messages. Hmm ... interesting, very very interesting.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Ok, here is my man story of the day. Now you all know that I love stepdad of 2 catchers dearly, but alas, he is too a man.

We had decided to take the last remaining wallpaper in our home down from the downstairs bathroom and just paint the room for a quick update. nice, easy, cheap, quick.... Unfortunately after we had taken down the paper, we knew why the previous owners had put it up. They had put the wallpaper over some sort of wallboard type paneling with an ugly design on it. So, we decided to just replace the wallpaper and be done with it. (a $25 project just became a $100 project). As we looked around the room, it became apparent that the ceiling needed some trim to connect the wallboard with the ceiling (another $50 ish).

Then, last night I had a meeting to go to and when I came home, he looked at me rather sheepishly and said, "the shower fell out" and kinda gave me the same look my kids do when they are trying not to tell me what they did. I look, and there where the shower used to be were wall studs and a hole in the floor. I'm guessing that when he was removing the caulk, he was possessed by demons who made him rip the shower stall to pieces. Now, granted, the shower was functional but not the sharpest item in our home. But, our simple little paint job has turned into a project which I am hopeful will not cost over $1500 if he does all of the labor himself.

Oh, did I mention the new circular saw he had to have for this project too? He decided that the door to the bathroom needed to be replaced now also and the opening is about an inch shorter than standard doors so he had to have the saw to cut the door. (we remodeled the rest of the basement a few years ago and he hadn't done the bathroom door yet.)

A former neighbor of mine firmly believed that every home project is just an excuse for a man to buy a new power tool. I think she is right.

Originally posted by mom of 2 catchers:
A former neighbor of mine firmly believed that every home project is just an excuse for a man to buy a new power tool. I think she is right.

It's true mom of two catchers. As the home projects become more complex and elaborate so do the tools. Often times the project doesn't quite turn out as expected and frustration and desperation sets in.

When this occurs inevitably this is almost always the last tool they say "use the right tool for the job". This one never fails!

The only problem I had in purchasing this tool was getting it home without damaging my Taurus...I failed.

My next tool? To get my Taurus's a gimme...

Got a great deal on it. Needs just a little work...a door...spare tire...front problem!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
momof2 ...

That is a funny funny story. And the true stories are funnier than any joke or 'male bashing' we could come up with.

Anyone read the thread in Recruiting Questions forum about the marketing (read = recruiting practices) of some of the colleges? I think it is an interesting thread insofar as the male perspective on it all ... I do believe moms would approach the whole thing differently, perhaps preferring a different ratio of males to females.
an all boys school would be pretty attractive to me. Girls are a big distraction. Catcher #1 recently broke up with the girl he went out with for nearly 3 years. I am SO glad. She was influencing where he thought he might want to go to school (pushing a 4 yr so she could transfer there too) and he didn't tell me until nearly too late to find a JUCO that he really wanted to start at that level. Lucky for us, Shortstopmom saved us on that one! (thanks again!!)
You can tee hee giggle giggle all you want but some of us MEN know how to treat a lady---Mamma gets back tonight from a West Coast Business Trip and there will be candles lit and a chilled bottle of LUNA Pinot Grigio waiting---she has been away for the last week but all the dishes are done and the house is ready for her arrival

Like I said earlier, ladies you do not want to start a range war. Some of us are not what you envision

As a cherry on the top of the cake ,two of our players called today to tell me of their college committments--- and the temperatures are near 80---can I ask for more?

Ain't life grand when you learn how to cope with it?
Some of us are not what you envision

TR ...

I don't know about all of the ladies on this site ... some are married a long long time and some are divorced/separated/chose never to marry ... but I can speak for myself when I say that my husband is my hero, and I tell him that at least once a day. He has been with me and seen me through some very rough times, most especially the recent health issues I have encountered over the past 2 years ... cleaning house, doing laundry, grocery shopping, cooking all the meals, schlepping me back and forth to doctors and tests and hospital stays, all the while he tends to his elderly parents who live 30 miles away in separate places (Dad has Alzheimers), helps out with my elderly mom, and still holds down a full time job. I love him to death, would die for him, and cannot imagine life without him. But that doesn't preclude the fact that there are moments that he is NOT necessarily acting like my hero.

This thread was started in slight jest with ssm comparing the different approaches taken in the men only and ladies only fora. I kicked in with a line that I have used for years to describe frustrating situations with my hubby, with my son, with my mother, etc. It is not intended to start a 'range war' ... which I find interesting since you have come into the 'ladies' lounge' and given your opinion and made inference to a range war. (Heaven forbid if any of us were to go into the 'men only' forum and do likewise.) It was intended to be a 'chat' among the ladies about the differences between men and women and their approach to things.
Well, if you're gonna stay and sit a spell in here, I'm just gonna have to treat ya like family,'s a broom. We got work to do!
No loafin' allowed and no free maid service.
We all pull our own weight in here.

Ups a daisey big fella,....grab that pinesol,..we got toilets to clean and laundry to hang. Oh and by the way,...the cat gave way to a lovely furball in the middle of the livingroom floor carpet. Ya better grab some gloves.
And while your at it, the HS parent club just called and we have 4 platters of spaghetti to make and 9 promotion signs to be painted by noon. We'll drop those off after we change the oil in the SUV.

Got a double header today too, so crank up that crockpot and make sure the video camera batteries are charged! Call the neighbor to pick up my daughter ( now that you're family, I think that makes her your neice????? ) and see if they can give her a ride home from track.
We can pick up her history project supplies at the 24 hr Walmart on our way home from the ball park around 9:30 pm. Piece of cake.

Its gonna be a good day,....range war or not. I think we're covered! Nice to have an extra set of hands to help, TR.
Leaves a little extra time left to giggle.

( But pssst,'re moving too slow. Hustle hustle mistah! Things to do and life to live. Now let's get a movin!!! ) Big Grin
Last edited by shortstopmom
mom of 2 catchers,....thank you for the laughs!
I can just see your face as you walked in and your husband said the shower fell out! LMAO!!!

It has been my greatest challenge to turn my two boys into DECENT men

We need more of you!!!!!!!

I'm gonna ask again,..please move next door to me,..pretty pleeease!
TR is TR

I dont do work for ladies I do not know

If they are smart they pool their dimes and get a cleaning service in

As for the cooking aspect I use the grille--crockpots are the easy way out and the meat doesn't taste as good---and you cannot do baked taters in the "pot"

SSmom---I do not appreciate the condescending attitude at all---thanx
Last edited by TRhit

You came into the woman's forum and posted. As a matter of fact, if I am correct you boasted about how:
some of us MEN know how to treat a lady

And then you went on and rumbled/mumbled something about a " range war ".

You also, IMHO kinda of messed with a few of the woman and their posts.
Mom of 2 catchers and FBM tried to explain to you the harmless intent of our posts in the Ladies Forum.
I attempted to take it a step farther and stepped out on a cliff to accept you as you are and was willing to treat you like family..
( Probably, because whether you like it or not, you remind me alot of my Father in Law, God love him! )

I simply said that I was going to treat you like family if you were going to be in here.
In my family we all work together when we have get-togethers and pull our own weight. There is no superiority.
I decided in a jokingly harmless way to laugh and take you with me through a typical ssmom day.
I did not say,
" Here's a broom,...get to cleaning while I sit on my superior throne, eat bon-bons, and have a pedicure. " .
THAT would be condescending.

Coming from the man who yesterday posted:
Bottom line: God created baseball for men

....not sure I am the one to be titled condescending.
You are entitled to you opinion though.

Read my bio.
In it I say:
Queen of : " I know nothing- but doin' my darn-dest' to learn something ".

Good grief, wheres your funny bone TR???? I know you have one!
Perhaps you should go check your crockpot! Big Grin
Last edited by shortstopmom
This topic has blown up for several reasons imho...

I am still an advocate of getting rid of the Men's Forum. It is redundant since we have the Unusually Unusual forum to tell jokes. Secondly, the types of topics that appear there are highly predictable. I have never posted in that forum out of protest and will continue to stay out.

Why have the Lady's Forum then?

This creation has demonstrated the creativeness of Bob Howdeshell. It was felt that some women might be intimidated to post or ask questions in the General Forum. Thus, this place gave them comfortable shelter until they could get their feet wet. IMHO, what makes the hsbbweb unique is we have 100% coverage - both Mom's and Dad's whose insights are equally important.

What went wrong with this topic?

The original topic was fine imo. Some of the follow-on commentary was somewhat vexing if not quasi-offensive and it was not funny imho. I don't think either the Men's or the Ladies forum should be used as a shield to throw darts at the other side. I try to follow the site rules and stay out of here for the most part. A few of us (men) have also tried to be good citizens. When someone is sick or in need, we have tried to help and offer comfort.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
It was felt that some women might be intimidated to post or ask questions in the General Forum. Thus, this place gave them comfortable shelter until they could get their feet wet.

And why who exactly would make the woman feel intimidated??

The good citizens and gentlemen are always appreciated and welcome, imho. I'm even ok with welcoming a few of the more gruff ones too. Kinda interesting to see what they have to say.

I did not start this thread to bash men. I had simply noticed for several months the vast difference of topics between the men and woman forum headlines. As FBM said, to me it highlighted
the differences between men and women and their approach to things. It made me chuckle, not in a condencending way,...just a
light hearted chuckle.
Last edited by shortstopmom
And why who exactly would make the woman feel intimidated??

ssmom - I respect your opinions but that question itself is quasi-offensive. Why does there have to be a villain? Why the accusatory tone? Some may be intimidated because their son's have turned out to be pretty good ball players and this is the first time in their lifetimes they have paid even one iota of attention to sports. Linear, rotational, pop times, pitching from the stretch, etc. If someone had no prior interest in sports, isn't it possible they could be intimidated by some of this stuff? Roll Eyes
ClevelandDad,..there is no villian. There's only a villian if we allow there to be one.

I never accused anyone of anything. I was simply responding to and questioning a part of your post, as I am below.

Some may be intimidated because their son's have turned out to be pretty good ball players and this is the first time in their lifetimes they have paid even one iota of attention to sports.

If someone had no prior interest in sports, isn't it possible they could be intimidated by some of this stuff?

Of course it is!!! The HSBBW is a wealth of knowledge and can benefit everyone.

Are you assuming that it is only the woman who had no prior interest in sports?.... because I am not.

ClevelandDad,..I respect you too. I think we may be missing something inbetween the written word here.

( P.S. You keep using the word quasi-offensive and I have no clue what that means. I'm going to go look it up. Maybe I will understand where you are coming from better. )
Last edited by shortstopmom
Well, I cant find a true definition for quasi-offensive,...but I think I found the ironey in all this.

I first made mention of the different posts between men and woman in their respective forums and giggled.
Didnt giggle at men, but just giggled at how different we are.

Truth be told, it was a stressful time at our home. I came to the HSBBW to relax.

I noticed that the woman seemed to be very serious with life matters in the Ladies Forum
( which was exactly the way I was feeling ), and at the same time,... while the men seemed quite serious in the General Forums,... it was my observation that when they stepped out of the sporting world, they managed to laugh and be somewhat care-free in the Mens Forum and the Unusual Forum.

At the time I wished " Darn it,....why cant I just shug off the weight of the world and laugh like them? "
( Please note my 3,000 posts in the karma thread at the same time. Big Grin )
Laughter is contagious. I needed it. Thought some of the woman might need it too.

I agree that ill-willed laughter, at the expense of others is not funny. That would be malicious.
I dont find anything intentionally malicious here.
I hope others do not as well.

This post was originated to spread some light hearted giggles at a time where I thought the gals might need some, as did I.

Good grief,..I have drank 4 cups of coffee with this thread alone this morning.
Who's got the chocolate?????
Last edited by shortstopmom
This topic went south with the mention of war. Roll Eyes And I understand your point of your post.

I do beleive you are correct, Bob created this forum for moms to come ask baseball questions and it developed into an overall women's thread on any topic just like the men's forum developed into whatever. They wanted their own place to post and I respect that. So do most of the moms here.

Regardless of the topic, ssm should NOT have to feel that she has to explain her reason for posting any topic, just like someone posting in the men's forum needs to explain anything. What I like about this forum is that men and dads have always been welcome and that they are very respectful, Fungo, justbaseball, infielddad, FO, gotwood, yourself, and quite a few others and never been asked to not post and always felt welcome. They don't come looking for arguments and insults.

What do mean if she were allowed? She isnt allowed now?

I do not control her and she does not control me !!!!

There will never be a change in my posts, abrupt or otherise , with or with out my wife---

Heaven forbid if she came in here---you ladies might have a problem---ITS has met my wife and he can tell that she stands on her own all the time
Originally posted by njbb:
Just went over to the mens forum and I find it much more offensive to women than this site has been towards men

I agree with that njbb. Thus, I would get rid of the Men's Forum altogether for that reason and others I have noted above.

To answer ssmom's questions about assumptions, yes I do assume women know less about sports than men (in general) and that is why the Ladies Forum seems appropriate. If you (at least ssmom) think that men and women are completely equal in their "general" knowledge of sports, then I cannot for the life of me figure out why we would have a Ladies Forum in the first place

In general, I would put the majority of Mom's opinions I have read on the hsbbweb against any man I know Smile
Wow! So much for tee heee giggle giggle!!

It is my opinion that the ladies forum is kinda like a bunch of girls at the hair salon or wherever we might end up as a group and we are here to support each other, laugh, and sometimes cry together. We love our men, both husbands/sons/or significant others. We also love laughing at their "man-ness" and appreciate the vast differences in the way that they do things differently from us. Similar to the way that men love us but still can't figure out why we all have to go to the bathroom at the same time. It is part of our lives, both online and offline. All women also know that the men in their lives laugh at what we do too.

Unlike our (terrible) years in junior high, there is no competition between us girls. We may not always agree on things, but we don't post to offend.

So, I think that any man brave enough to come here is very welcome. BUT, please appreciate our good natured comical insights into "man world" and don't take things so personal. Most of us have ventured into the men's forum and have chosen not to take personal what we read there. (gotwood caught me last time!!) AND, like my momma used to say, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. If you want to discuss something further with any particular poster, that is what PMs are for. (but remember that PMs is VERY close to PMS!!)

Finally, I hope we can all shake cyber-hands and get back into the peace we enjoy here in the ladies forum.

Bathroom update: The walls to the shower are up, he got the greenboard stuff to make the first layer of the ceiling, and I'm hoping to have that bathroom functional in another week or two. But, he has to start tilling the garden here while the weather is dry so it may slow it down. We finally had a nice day here with no rain and it wasn't too cold either. A beautiful 75 degrees, sunny, and with a nice breeze. I planted a few new shrubs and moved some flowers around in my flowerbeds. Smile
If you (at least ssmom) think that men and women are completely equal in their "general" knowledge of sports, then I cannot for the life of me figure out why we would have a Ladies Forum in the first place.

Perhaps the original intention for The Ladies Forum was for woman to talk amongst themselves about the ins and outs of baseball, but if you go back and read in this forum over the past several years, it is very rare that we bring our technical baseball questions in here.

What you will find is a cozy, supportive spot where woman share common interests, and sometimes those interests branch out away from baseball.
Although we physically live all over the United States, many of us have found that our lives spin in many of the very same directions. It's a unique situation and one that I have found to be of great value.
Friendships have developed and a baseballmom sisterhood of sorts, ( if you will ), has been born. We laugh, cry, cheer, and support one another.

ClevelandDad,...if truth be told, I am truely an old fashioned kinda gal and I appreciate a gentleman any day of the week.
But I also try and make it a habit to make few assumptions these days.
The world has changed and so have the typical gender stereo types.
There are plenty of woman who know alot about sports and there are plenty of men who know alot about cookin'. Wink
As long as we all keep sharing what we know with one another, I think things will work out fine.

I for one am gonna do just what Its has suggested,....gonna go wolf down a ball of mozzerella in a nice balsamic vinegar/olive oil/mustard based dipping sauce - with about 3 big glasses of red wine - and get ready for some more baseball.

Gentlemen and Gals,...there's plenty for all. I welcome the company.
Geez, a girl is away for a few days (to watch 7, yes 7!) baseball games last week, and what does she come back to.....AN INVITE TO A SLUMBER PARTY!
YEAH! I'm in! Seeings how I'm from Cali and all, I feel it my duty to bring the wine, and, eh, (more chocolateSmile

p.s. If TR was not an old timer around here, I am sure I would have mistaken him for a TRoll.
No need to apologize shortstopmom...'you know who' doesn't go for that apology stuff. Wink

And FutureBack.Mom...thanks for the invite. I'd suggest you keep plenty of those Snoreclipse© Hi-Tech anti-snoring devices handy...they'll definitely help cut down on the noise. And I'll need a ride home after folks can't pick me up...may they RIP.

And now I know why ClevelandDad is never around the Men's Forum...I guess we changed the locks for nothing! Wink

Here's what we all need to do to relax...set aside a good half hour or so, grab the sports section or a copy of Baseball America and, one at a time of course, head for mom of 2 catchers' swank, new bathroom and catch up on some reading.

If you think it necessary you might take a book of matches with you just to be courteous or mom of 2 catchers may be able to convince us of the powerful quality of the new ceiling fan making the matches unnecessary.

So let's get reading...make someone proud!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by play baseball:
By the way, wouldn't it be swell if we could have a sleepover for REAL????????

play baseball ...

Several years ago ... trying to remember the exact year and am thinking it was '05 but so much has happened since then I can't remember ... 6 of us from HSBBW got together for a wonderful week-end in San Francisco. Two of the moms had sons playing in a week-end series 'against each other', so we decided to make a fun week-end of it.

I drove up from So Cal, another mom (whose son was on the home team) drove up the next day, another gal flew in from So Cal, the mom from the Bay Area (son on the visiting team) arranged the hotel in downtown San Fran for us and the piece de resistance (please do add the necessary French accent) was the arrival of two good friends ... one from Eastern Pennsylvania whose son was going to be playing in the Fresno area the following week (she came out early to party hardy), and another from the Sacramento area whose son would be entering a So Cal D1 program the following year. We had a blast, to say the least. We all had become good friends on the HSBBW, have a little 'group' we call the LOBBY (little old baseball babes yo), and communicate on a regular basis. I had already had the opportunity to meet the gal from the Bay Area, and had been friends with one of the So Cal moms for years (our sons played ball together in high school etc), so it was wonderful to meet the rest. We were missing three of our LOBBY friends but had a great time nevertheless.

So, it is indeed possible to have a sleep over ... and if anybody snores badly, do as our Bay Area buddy did (since she snores) ... be the one to bring the ear plugs !!! But I must admit, my hubby doesn't mind if I attend a sleepover, however, it cannot be co-ed (sorry CD WOODY) unless the boys have their own room
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom

I have had the absolute delight of meeting actually a fair number of websters, both men and women. What a hoot, as they say. And it's funny, with only one rare exception because I didn't know her at all, it was as if I had known the websters forever. We truly were friends.

I do recall a couple of years ago, someone suggested a webster convention and of course, due to logistics it didn't happen. But wouldn't it be great if it could? I bet that so much of the bickering and nastiness would end because we would actually know that there was a real live person behind the screeen name......And this year, with gas prices and the economy in the condition that it is, probably wouldn't be the time to suggest it..... cry
Do you think that vacuum cleaner has ever been used?
Geesh, they better "pool their dimes together"..bigtime.

No apologies, especially from you. You try really hard and do a great job of trying to make us all happy and feel good, stay that way. I happened to think your topic for discussion was funny and right on!

Originally posted by TPM:
Do you think that vacuum cleaner has ever been used?
Geesh, they better "pool their dimes together"..bigtime.

I did a Google search on that particular vacuum. Turns out that it is called an upright type with a disposable bag. Supposedly it cleans stuff. None of us over at the Men Only forum have been too interetsed in doing much of that.

Mostly we use it to drape stinky wet socks or smelly mildewed towels over before we decide it's just easier to throw them out.

We did pool our dimes together...bigtime. We bought a replacement cannister of compressed air for our airhorn. We use that to rile up the neighbor's three-toed sloth...that guy really doesn't like having fun with compressed air. For as dumb as he looks and for slow as he moves he has learned, after several encounters with us, to convey his feelings with one of his middle toes.


I was up late last night working in the Men Only forum's Claymation craft shop (essentially a cat litter box that we have never, ever cleaned out) and I fashioned a rather lifelike rendition of the neighbor's three-toed sloth giving us his annoyed wide awake opinion.

I couldn't show exactly how he had that middle toe displayed, this is the Ladies Only forum after all, but considering it was only one toe he sure mustered a lot of slothly energy to pack into it.

I don't know much at all about three-toed sloths' communication abilities, but what he gave us was without question what was on his mind.

It's the best I could do...keep in mind that it smells much worse than it looks.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by TRhit:
Be careful of ethinic slurs

Can I please borrow your reading glasses, or your eyes if you don't wear glasses to read, TR, 'cause I see nothing in my comment to imply/infer/whatever anything of a negative nature about any ethnicity. Many of us, especially those of us from back east, have grown up in towns with a great variety of ethnic enclaves and are familiar with some of the more colorful hand and arm gestures of our Italian friends. That is in no way a slur or an insult. And if you are reading that into my comment, then you are presuming a lot about me and my intentions than you should dare presume ... after all, as you so often tell others, you don't know me (and therefore you cannot presume to know what I am thinking when I am posting).

I am beginning to wonder why you make some of the comments you make, other than to stir up a hornets' nest and take over a thread. In one post in this thread, you state
We come looking for good discussion if that is ok
but I do not see where any of your comments in this thread would lead to any good discussion. So it is difficult to understand where you are coming from and why you even bother ... other than to prove that "TR is TR" and the word 'rude' is not in any vocabulary you would apply to yourself, no matter how intrusive and rude you can be. I wonder sometimes if you treat (real) physical strangers the same way you treat some of us virtual cyber-strangers on HSBBW.

And if you were intending to be humorous, as you intimated about your comment on the sleepover and 'sexual innuendo',
Will you ever learn to laugh?--
then I suggest you check your humor at the door 'cause you are just not being funny anymore (if indeed you were funny to begin with). You accuse ssm of having no sense of humor and it makes me think of pots and kettles and the names they call each other.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Hi Ladies,
Back to our Sleepover, Gee, where were we? Oh, yes
I was planning our wine selection, chocolate was mentioned, and I suggest a game of hop scotch. Whenever you encounter a TR, that spot is considered poison. Just hop scotch over it, and we are on our way.
My brother just told me about TRolling. Something that lazy fisherman do (sometimes in addition to legitimate fishing). They give out a line at the back of the boat with bait,lures, etc. the line just hangs from the boat in hopes of snagging a fish here or there, sound familiar???

Oh Yeah, let's get back to our slumber party, as Bum says: Believe, Plan, Do.

Let's do it Ladies, a Virtual Slumber Party.
Let the games begin!

We need to talk about what food we are bringing to the sleepover in addition to the chocolate & wine? Some awesome appetizers to snack on, desserts (we can each just a bite or two of each (no calories are counted if you don't have a whole piece of something), etc.

Also, what favorite gal movies do we want to watch again - some I might suggest "Sleepless in Seatle", "Dirty Dancing" or "Pretty Woman"? Got some other suggestions?
Last edited by curveball07
Hmmm ... what goodies can we all enjoy? I think we should each bring something that is representative of our home environs ... I can bring taquitos, for instance. The chicken ones in flour tortillas (not corn) are the best, served up with salsa/picante sauce, some sour cream (my favorite addition), and perhaps some guacamole (I don't know how to spell it 'cause I can't eat it).

By the way, I like to enjoy my chocolate and my booze in one swig so please chill the Bailey's (original flavor, none of those 'fancy' ones with mint etc) ... I like it on the rocks.

Movies ... hmm ... I'll have to think about that. I am a lover of comedies myself so I will have to think about which ones I like the best. I also love the old musicals and wouldn't mind seeing a good copy of West Side Story ... is it okay if I stand up and sing and dance along with both of the 'gangs'? I love 'When You're a Jet', and 'Puerto Rico' ...
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Am I too late for the sleepover?

I was just strolling by and heard wine and chocolate mentioned...too bad I am on a strict diet.

Oh well, one little glass of wine won't hurt. Mark that down as a fruit serving. I will bring some low-fat microwave popcorn, and I'll try to look up some Mexican appetizer in my lite cooking magazines.

Movies...any chick flick will do. Romantic comedies...nothing that puts a drain on the brain, I think enough all week!!!

So is the sleepover this Friday night?

Last edited by MN-Mom
Yeah! Julie is here!
I am making home made Ravioli. Nope, we don't even use a pasta machine. We use our muscles people!
Neading, and rolling , and neading some more, then we just roll out the dough, put dabs of our secret filling, flip the dough over, and crimp it with this really, really old little rickety crimping roller. We dust with flour, and then pack for freezing - we only make about 500 at a timeSmile
Maybe play baseball will make the gravy???!!
Originally posted by FutureBack.Mom:
Ladies ...

I found the perfect party game for our sleepover ... and you can use either aluminum or wooden bats to break open this pinata ...

And since I think I am the oldest mom here, I get the honor of striking the first blow, okay???

But what is the best way to whack that lil' pink puppy--with a rotational or linear swing?
play_ ...
But what is the best way to whack that lil' pink puppy--with a rotational or linear swing?

Oh dear me, I think we will have to talk to some of the baseball dadsauthorities on this site to determine which is the better approach. After all, what could a baseball mom possibly know about such things. I mean, this is a high school baseball site and since girls don't play high school baseball, I guess we can't have an opinion now can we?

Personally, whether you use wood or a metal, I am thinking a baseball bat would be the best approach.
okay play_ ... and what fabric would that be? I have heard of visualizing things but I don't think I can visualize what you are thinking ... okay, now I see it.

TPM ...
I think I found just the thing for that sweet tooth ...

and look, she comes with her own cookie jar

or perhaps we should try a more appropriate different approach with this cookie jar
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
OK, just back from a long baseball weekend, so all I have to offer for girl's night is what's left in my famous "snack bag"... let's see, I've got half a bag of pistachios and another of peanuts - kind of messy for inside, but we'll be neat. Then there's an unopened bag of M&Ms - the big 1 pound bag. Yum! Always have those in case there's no scoreboard... we've developed an intricate scorekeeping system over the years that involves M&Ms - I can keep runs, balls, strikes, hits and errors, even when I don't have my scorebook. Lucky for us there was a scoreboard so the bag is full! Hmmmm... what else is in here? Twizzlers, of course and some buffalo wing flavored pretzels - those things are tasty! Oh, and here's the rest of the mini Reese's peanut butter cups. Haven't checked the cooler yet, but there's bound to be some Diet Coke left in there.

Glad to see the rest of you haven't been "doggin'" it while I was away and you're all clearly "in the pink"!

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