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Well, another great summer for all the Dallas select teams. I know I have been rough stating my opinion on all topics but always say whats on my mind versus kissing a _ s.

Congrats to all the teams and coaches this summer for a great show in representing TEXAS Baseball.

Here is one discussion for you....Do you all agree or disagree with adding players to a team going to a CMWS or MMWS? Personally, IMO, I think it stinks. You play 40-50 games with your current team then bring in some kids from other teams that did not make it thus making your team stronger. Is that how you got there in the first place? I believe the Wildcats are a perfect example. They are still a good team without those added.

Why not just create an ALL Dallas team and send them to the CMWS/MMWS representing the best of the best and win it all?

Did I just create a new revenue stream for a select program? You can charge big bucks for that exposure!!
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Originally posted by Train:
Well, another great summer for all the Dallas select teams. I know I have been rough stating my opinion on all topics but always say whats on my mind versus kissing a _ s.

Congrats to all the teams and coaches this summer for a great show in representing TEXAS Baseball.
Great. First you embarrass the snot out of the Coppell HS and Dallas Tigers programs and now you want to broaden your scope to embarrass all of us Texans as well. IMO our level of ball can speak for itself without the likes of you trying to be our spokesperson.

Please take that much needed vacation.

And by much needed I'm talking about the rest of us needing you to take it.....
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
Please just take his advice and ignore Steve/Train. You should hear him talk about all this like its some kind of game. I quit posting after my sons summer coach asked me to and I deleted my posts. Was told Train and me were causing a big ruckus and making Tigers look bad. I stopped but Steve just kept on going and now Cameron has been kicked off the team for it. I tried to get Amber to talk some sense into him but he's on a mission to be as disruptive as he can be. Best for all you guys to try to ignore him because he feeds off people getting mad at him. Please don't hold this against the Tigers.
Last edited by Wonder Boy
Posted by PD:
It's good to be reminded about the purpose of the site -- to PROMOTE HS baseball.

Its not a game to me. What is wrong with educating current and future posters on the truth instead of sugar coating everything and making things look so perfect? Bottom Line...things are not perfect as so many posters claim they are here.

Not picking on any organization or school but there are too many people here using different screen names to promote their select program (I don't need to name them do I) or using this site to promote their kid instead of just letting himself perform on his own. I am sure I am not the only one to say this but most of the select programs over recruit (we all know who), lie to the player/parent/telling them what they want to hear, and just do not provide accurate information. I have friends on all of the different select teams and I hear it all the time. The problem is as soon as a person speaks on it most get very defensive to protect its own. That person gets black balled and then the player suffers!!! Right? You know I am.

I discussed several issues on this site cause people bring them up all the time. As soon as it is brought up here....people get shocked with the truth and cannot believe it. A perfect example is Steroids. Too many people on here say there is a problem and some posters (I know 4 for sure) on here their kids are using them but God Forbid if it gets mentioned. Look at Mom and Dad and use your brain/education is it possible for their son to get that big??? Don't think so but "he is such a great player" so its okay.

So again, I say whats wrong hearing the truth IMO? Speaking the truth allows future players/parents the ability to make a good decision versus being lied/sold to.

I am sorry upsetting most of you on this site but those that challenge me time after time are posters that just go with the flow instead of making a difference or at least try to. I try to be a leader and most of you do not like it. I hate butt kissers. Speak the truth even if it hurts. Kids need to grow up instead of making them all believe they are going to D1 schools and then MLB.

Who is promoting their own kid on this site? I don't recall seeing anyone touting their kid. Have I missed something? If the answer is "yes", please be specific in your answer.

Some of the select clubs over-recruit. Most? I'm not sure about that.

Everyone steps on toes occasionally. But a little tact might go a long way, train. Truth can be told in a way to inflame, or it can be told tactfully. Normally, the latter produces better results - and you say results are your goal.

Finally, not all opinions are "truth".
I'd have to agree with Texan. There is a right and a wrong way to disagree with people. I feel the truth is important, but there are limits in how it is expressed. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and even when some people get mad about others forcing their opinions, they turn around and do the same to others (most likely not intentionally).

I agree with Train on the steroid issue partially... meaning I know of kids taking them... now 4 sons of posters on this site... can't say I know that.

Every good guy needs a bad guy... every story has 2 sides. Even if people on here hate Train... he provides both. I am not calling Train a bad guy, but he seems to be the antagonist for most of you (the posters) on this site, and if used in the right way, can prove to be very valuable.

I also agree with how not everything is perfect. I've often said baseball to me is a hope for everything pure (even though itself is not absolutely clean). I think the people on these message boards want to accentuate what is pure and good about the game in hope that it will cary over to all parts of the game and life.
Originally posted by Train:
Posted by PD:
It's good to be reminded about the purpose of the site -- to PROMOTE HS baseball.

Its not a game to me. What is wrong with educating current and future posters on the truth instead of sugar coating everything and making things look so perfect? Bottom Line...things are not perfect as so many posters claim they are here.

Not picking on any organization or school but there are too many people here using different screen names to promote their select program (I don't need to name them do I) or using this site to promote their kid instead of just letting himself perform on his own. I am sure I am not the only one to say this but most of the select programs over recruit (we all know who), lie to the player/parent/telling them what they want to hear, and just do not provide accurate information. I have friends on all of the different select teams and I hear it all the time. The problem is as soon as a person speaks on it most get very defensive to protect its own. That person gets black balled and then the player suffers!!! Right? You know I am.

I discussed several issues on this site cause people bring them up all the time. As soon as it is brought up here....people get shocked with the truth and cannot believe it. A perfect example is Steroids. Too many people on here say there is a problem and some posters (I know 4 for sure) on here their kids are using them but God Forbid if it gets mentioned. Look at Mom and Dad and use your brain/education is it possible for their son to get that big??? Don't think so but "he is such a great player" so its okay.

So again, I say whats wrong hearing the truth IMO? Speaking the truth allows future players/parents the ability to make a good decision versus being lied/sold to.

I am sorry upsetting most of you on this site but those that challenge me time after time are posters that just go with the flow instead of making a difference or at least try to. I try to be a leader and most of you do not like it. I hate butt kissers. Speak the truth even if it hurts. Kids need to grow up instead of making them all believe they are going to D1 schools and then MLB.

way to go>>>>>>>>> i agree 100%. iT'S TIME SOMEONE HAD THE b---S TO SAY IT.
This isn't the place to "out" steroid users. I think it is clear that few here (if any) support their use. Other than the health issues, steroid use is cheating........most here despise it.

It seems to be that this site welcomes disagreement -- as long as the dicussion does not berate specific players, especially by name. Criticizing HS coaches gets old fast too.

And, the notion that parents come here to promote their sons -- I too see little of that anymore. Sure, it happens from time to time, but I think most of that has stopped. Teams are promoted to a degree, but most area baseball fans want to hear how things are going for groups other than their own.

Recent discussions have touched on groups that have misled parents -- even there, it would have been better if the subject was mentioned, then dropped. Belaboring a point only turns people off.

Train, the people here are pretty fair. They will face tough issues and discuss them honestly. But the moderators will do their best to enforce site rules....regardless of the poster.
Sometimes as a leader, a decision has to be made on the premise of "What's best for the majority of the kids, rather than what's best for this kid."
I don't agree with holding a kid responsible for a parents actions....Need to treat em all alike regarless of how Mom and Pop feel about you as a leader.
May be more here than we are reading....I don't know the facts and that makes my opinion worth about 2 Cents.
Train, your opinions are not truth. They are your opinion from your perspective molded by your personal experiences both positive and negative.

Your posting style is offensive to many and I receive many complaints. Your message will never get through if people are offended by the style.

Saying that you "know" of poster's whose sons are using steroids is irresponsible. Those kind of comments need to stop right now.

I would have sent you a pm, but you have that feature turned off, so I will say it here.
Train, I will add that your posts don't generally bother me except for you continuing to mention people by name and be negative. That is never alllowed on this site. Feel free to have your own blog and do whatever, but here you need to adhere to the rules. I am just putting you on notice that you are "officially" on thin ice. If your continued arguing and improper (for this site) posts don't start to adjust, I will take action. Just think before you post. It isn't all about you. Some people are being chased off by your negativity. You call it truth, others call is negativity. That is my opinion and the opinion of others here. Feel free to start your own web site and make whatever rules you want. Understand that here the moderators have sole descretion on what is proper and what is not. THAT is the TRUTH.
To my suppoprters thank you.

Texan regards to your question it was addressed months ago and really has stopped. I called the people on it via a reply and it stopped but their goal was still achieved. (see maybe I am getting better because I was about to actually name the people involved with Texans request and choose not to).

PD and Bighit15 I understand your requests. Yes, I have specifics and dont believe anyone wants me to mention steroid use with a name, intials, team etc. My posting style is style. I have never and will never become a "preacher" on my posts. If that is not satisfactory I apoligize in advance. However; I will try.

PS: I shut the PM's off because my mailbox was getting too full from all my fans!
Train, some can tell you that over the 4 or 5 years I've posted on this site that I too have upset some people on here. It happens.

But, I don't call out kids by name, period. I think when you do that, you go way over the line. Call out an adult or an organization all you want and heck, I might even agree with you from time to time. But calling out a HS aged kid will get you banned in a heartbeat.

GUILTY as Charged............

I do promote (as do others), over and over again.

-That is if you call a CONGRATS to a player that I have read about in the paper or seen first hand do something great promoting.

-That is if you call the fact that I have made it a little, personal mission of mine to try and get some of the names of some of the lesser known BUT just as talented players out there so that maybe more notice will be taken of these players as promoting.

-That is if you call bringing attention to a coach that has gone over and above what they are paid to do with a CONGRATS or KUDO as promoting.

-That is if you call thanking a parent for their KUDO's or kind words, when they happen to take the time to tell me something good my promoting.

Then YUP, I am GUILTY and until I see/hear that it is offensive, or until a parent of a player that I have mentioned asks me not to bring attention to their son or until the passion is sucked out of me then I will continue posting.....and promoting.

Heck I would even take the time to put a SHOUT OUT to Train's son if I read/see something in the paper about him, course not sure who he is Wink

In closing, all I can say is marketing is a HUGE part of the recruiting process and we are lucky to have a site like this to share information about players and their accomplishments.
Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by oldbat-never:

GUILTY as Charged............

I do promote (as do others), over and over again.

-That is if you call a CONGRATS to a player that I have read about in the paper or seen first hand do something great.

-That is if you call the fact that I have made it a little, personal mission of mine to try and get some of the names of some of the lesser known BUT just as talented players out there so that maybe more notice will be taken of these players.

-That is if you call bringing attention to a coach that has gone over and above what they are paid to do with a CONGRATS or KUDO.

-That is if you call thanking a parent for their KUDO's or kind words, when they happen to take the time to tell me something good my son..................

Then YUP, I am GUILTY and until I see/hear that it is offensive, or until a parent of a player that I have mentioned asks me not to bring attention to their son or until the passion is sucked out of me then I will continue posting.....

Heck I would even take the time to put a SHOUT OUT to Train's son if I read/see something in the paper about him, course not sure who he is Wink

In closing, all I can say is marketing is a HUGE part of the recruiting process and we are lucky to have a site like this to share information about players and their accomplishments.

Originally posted by Train:
To my suppoprters thank you.

Texan regards to your question it was addressed months ago and really has stopped. I called the people on it via a reply and it stopped but their goal was still achieved. (see maybe I am getting better because I was about to actually name the people involved with Texans request and choose not to).

PD and Bighit15 I understand your requests. Yes, I have specifics and dont believe anyone wants me to mention steroid use with a name, intials, team etc. My posting style is style. I have never and will never become a "preacher" on my posts. If that is not satisfactory I apoligize in advance. However; I will try.

PS: I shut the PM's off because my mailbox was getting too full from all my fans!

Kudos to the Train for holding his ground!
That is one thing I hate about this site. CENSORSHIP! I have never liked the fact that other people find it their responsiblilty to monitor whether a thread goes on or not. I'm not saying I have agreed with everything Train has ever said but I will give him credit for speaking his mind. I agree that people on this site should never use players names if it is used in negative terms. I DO think it is ok if their name is used to say something positive. Whether it be in the community, academics, or on the ballfield it doesn't hurt to drop a kids name for doing something good.

As of the steroid thread, I guess I missed that one. But it would be wrong if names were mentioned. You could destroy a kids reputation if you were wrong.

Back to the question at hand. I do not agree with picking up players for the MMWS and CMWS. I feel it minimizes the feat if you win it. Especially if those kids play in front of the kids that have been with you all year. To me, it shows a lack of loyalty to the kid that has been with you all year. Don't we tell our boys to be loyal to the team no matter what the circumstance is? I feel the coach/organization should show the same loyalty. As a parent, that goes against what I believe in. It's not the truth but it's what I believe.

Keep on keeping it real Train!!!
Ringer1 -- you talk about censorship but your first two paragraphs show that you agree with the site rules. Most topics are shut down when a poster or group of posters demostrates that they have a different agenda.

As BH15 eluded to earlier, most every forum has a set of guidelines. That doesn't negate free speech. It's not a socker site or a site to discuss religion or politics.

This advice is to all -- and I learned it myself over time by just being here ---- have fun, contribute, try to be positive, and respect opinions that may differ from your own. Oops, don't mean to sound preachy.....

I see both sides to the guest-player issue.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Positive inputs about a kid - Is OK because they are still kids.

Negative inputs about a kid - Not OK because they are still kids.

That type of censorship I agree with. Not the type that you shut down that thread because the majority of the people doesn't agree.

I personally agree with Train on this subject. But that's my opinion.
Ringer1 -- this isn't an attempt to have the last word on a subject, reviewing your objection to so-called "censorship" -- loosely defined (by you) as closing topics down here....

Four topics have been closed since 7/19, out of approximately 135 --- one after mentioning specific players by name, one after repeated warning that a particular line of discussion was offensive to many, and one (ironically) with a final comment from you....

Quote by Ringer1

Posted Jul 19, 10:14 AM
I agree!!! I'm DONE!!!!!!!

I think we can all live with this kind of....censorship. Blame the Homelands Security Act. Smile
Last edited by Panther Dad

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