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as i read your blog entry for valentines day,i thought about my son's tj. he was released before surgery and rehabed by himself. the first time in his baseball life he wasn't a member of a team. it is a difficult thing to grasp, but keep your eye on the prize. you'll be in the game before you know it.
Interestingly enough, I received a text message about a half hour after posting the new entry. The person on the other end seemed not too happy, stating that "I don't appreciate the public slap in the face, no matter how discreet you tried to make it." I politely responded "if you don't like it, don't read it."

Thanks to all for tuning in nonetheless. I'm going to update again this coming weekend with (hopefully) much better news that's much more geared towards the actual recovery process.
Last edited by J H
Josh: Some coaches have some wise words for you...

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. –John Wooden

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. –Vince Lombardi

When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ***! –Bobby Knight
Last edited by slotty
As you know Josh, I have written in the past about my admiration for your maturity and your writing skills.

I have to say though that I am extremely disappointed that you would allow such a wide breadth of standard setting to enter your mind set.

No one knows entirely what you are doing 24/7 and certainly no one can have your entire paradigm when it comes to deciding what is 'working hard enough'. Only you can, and should, do that.

If you try to measure up every spec in the universe you are bound to feel as though you are failing. Measure up to your own expectations; knowing the little I know about you I am certain that you will be, as you no doubt already are, an extremely valuable member of our society.

What did I read in an old book somewhere? Let him with out 'fault' cast the first 'criticism'? Something like that....

Carry on!
Some great quotes from some great people slotty.

RedSox- I am disappointed in myself as well for letting it get to me. I sort of felt as though it was important to put down in writing because I'm sure there are many people that experience similar circumstances. Nonetheless, I agree with everything you said and try to take that exact approach with everything.

Thank you for the kind words from all
Hey Josh I assume you are back at school now. It was a pleasure meeting you and your Dad the other day in the BX. It's funny how I felt like I've known you forever (maybe because I have through these pages).

I just finished reading your most recent blog. Remember, you still have a long process going forward and you'll have many "up" and "down" days still ahead. Don't get too high on the positive days and too low on the negative ones. Keep you eye on the "goal" and be concerned with moving forward and getting there. Remember what you have accomplished already and look forward to when you get there. We are all pulling for you as you go through this journey. Keep up the hard work!
Last edited by birdman14
Through my rehab the hardest part is getting back into game shape. I still am not cleared to play defense but I am getting opportunities to pinch hit and DH every once in a while. Whether it is running bases or standing in the batter's box I would still say that I am slightly uncomfortable on the field. Glad to hear everything is going well and you are still progressing strongly.
"Honestly, you will probably have some type of ache and pain everyday for the rest of your life. It's called getting old brother."

Josh, you're not quite ready for the old folks home...but remember some day in the future when an old geezer told you about how irritating it is when body parts ache for no apparent reason. You get used to it. I went from being a runner to a walker when I reached the point where I put the knee brace on the knee that hurt the worst...and refused to wear two.

Keep plugging and may God bless you,


p.s. be sure and stop by this summer-lots of good talent!
Last edited by hokieone
Originally posted by birdman14:
Hey Josh I assume you are back at school now. It was a pleasure meeting you and your Dad the other day in the BX. It's funny how I felt like I've known you forever (maybe because I have through these pages).

I just finished reading your most recent blog. Remember, you still have a long process going forward and you'll have many "up" and "down" days still ahead. Don't get too high on the positive days and too low on the negative ones. Keep you eye on the "goal" and be concerned with moving forward and getting there. Remember what you have accomplished already and look forward to when you get there. We are all pulling for you as you go through this journey. Keep up the hard work!


New PM

I'm currently killing some time in the school library until my next class at 11:30 and decided to look through some of the stats that come with the blog. One of the features it offers is the ability to see where my page views come from. My blog has been viewed from the following countries in the last month alone (in order from most views to least views):

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Russia
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • Taiwan
  • Spain
  • Bahrain
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Malaysia

    I also can view what site referred each page view to the blog. Nearly 28% of all the views of the blog have come from the HSBBWeb. That's more than any other website in the queue except for Google, which brings in a lot of hits through image searches.

    I don't really have a reason for sharing the above information other than to say that the international flavor is something that I think is pretty cool, and to thank everyone here for continuing to tune in and track my progress. So, thanks!
  • Last edited by J H

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