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I'm very proud to post that Josh indeed pitched last night, starting for the Express against Haymarket going 4 innings, 69 pitches, giving up 1 run, 3 hits, with 3 K's. Josh's parents drove down from New York, then drove back after the game, 6 hours each way. Aren't baseball parents just the best?

It was a very touching scene. Josh's mom was teary eyed in the first inning, saying she had wondered if they'd ever see him pitch again so it was one of those goose bump things.

Not hard to see where this guy gets his character as his folks are just delightful.

...but we cancelled the movie rights as we lost 2-1 in the bottom of the 9th on a walkoff wp/pb .Oh well, still a wonderful night. Smile

p.s. Then to make it a totally imperfect night, Josh hit a deer later on the way to his host family home (lots of deer stirring around here at night), car needs work, gotta get to class at Georgetown Tuesday, insurance company, blah blah... a memorable night with a story that he will eventually enjoy re-telling for years to come.
hokieone- I don't know about all the movie rights stuff...I did walk three batters. Maybe next time when there's no free passes we can ship some stuff to Hollywood Wink

In all seriousness, I can't thank you and all the people in Strasburg enough for everything you're doing for me, as well as for the other players I share the field with. It's truly an incredible experience. And from my personal standpoint, the thought of being able to have my post-surgery debut in the Valley League was a no-brainer, with a great atmosphere at the ballpark, outstanding competition and some of the best people I've ever met in support of's truly an amazing time here.

Just to highlight that point a bit further, I was due to return to DC this afternoon to get some homework and a workout completed. Unfortunately, the deer damaged my car enough that it knocked out the signal indicator and causes some ruckus with the driver's side tire, so it probably isn't safe enough to drive back to the city. Meanwhile to me, that meant I'd be stuck in Strasburg with no method of transportation to my house back in Georgetown. Then lo and behold, I received a phone call from hokieone this morning: He's willing to let me borrow his truck to drive back into the city and get to class tomorrow morning, and then bring it back out to Strasburg next weekend to pitch while my car is being repaired by my host family's friend, a body work specialist!

I think his title should change to: Attorney/General Manager/Fatherlike figure. Awesome.

From the baseball side of things, I'll write up a blog post tonight and put the link up here for everyone to read. I haven't decided if I want to include the whole deer thing...probably not. That way when I look back a few years down the road I may forget about it and focus on the pitching.
Last edited by J H
C'mon JH, you gotta put in a snippet about the deer...."City boy meets country livestock in the flesh" or something like that....LOL.

I listened here on my laptop at every pitch. Every pitch in the beginning I was holding my breath just praying and hoping that all things were a go with the elbow, and fearlessness from the mound. After a few pitches I was able to breath because he got in his groove early and began working like I knew he would! I kept thinking to myself "how is he feeling right now?" as he was "in the moment"....

What a rough way for us to have a loss....a doggone WP in the bottom of the 9th!

I can't wait for tomorrow nights game!
YGD- Where I grew up there are plenty of deer...and plenty more where I spent my undergrad years... but neither place has such dark backroads. When you're driving 50 mph (the speed limit was 45 so no I wasn't speeding!) and with no light besides your own, a deer popping out of nowhere is tough to avoid, as many here know. I'll be getting an estimate on the damage first thing in the morning.

For those interested, YGD's son is starting tomorrow's game as far as I remember. I'm looking forward to hopefully meshing with him and all of the other members of the team as the summer continues. I've made several friendships during my summer ball experiences that have lasted and continued on into the future. It really is a great experience.

For those interested, I just updated the blog with another post, this one about my experience throwing yesterday. I hope it gives everyone a pretty good sense of what I was going through mentally and whatnot.

Thanks, once again, for the ongoing support!

New post: http://joshherzenberg.blogspot...l-second-chance.html
Thanks everyone. Yes, GED10's son was my catcher. I credit him quite a bit for keeping me comfortable and maintaining my composure throughout the entire outing. We also had a detailed discussion prior to first pitch about the approach to each hitter and which pitches I like setting up when. It comforted me knowing that my catcher was thinking along with me in the game and made me have to work that much less on the mound with pitch selection. When a catcher thinks his way through an outing with you and is on the same page, its a lot of fun!

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