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First off my apologies for the delay in writing another post, I have been absolutely bombed with schoolwork in the last week or so. And to add onto that, sorry for the length of this post, being that it is rather lengthy (the longest I've written yet). Nonetheless, I personally feel as though the story outlined is a very inspirational one and I think would be a good read:


Hope you all enjoy!
Last edited by J H
Tonight I threw for the second day and I know exactly the excitement you have. It feels great but you realize there is a reason the program is as long as it is. Good luck. Thanks for writing this, it's nice to have a person who knows the small pains and large excitement over such little things that we've had to experience.
Thanks everyone once again.

Junior5- It really is amazing how much the little things matter. I am hoping that your throwing program goes very well and that you recovery smoothly from here on (even though it takes forever). I know how hard you've worked since surgery and how determined you probably are.
Awesome JH! Congratulations on making the effort to begin the journey back! You had me close to tears. My middle son tore his bicep the summer of his senior year and was offered a walk on spot at his local JUCO but was unable to make it back that season. Now he is working hard and throwing hard looking for an opportunity. I am smiling with you!
Just wanted to post a quick update...the blog is now available in mobile format. Nearly 20% of the views come from a mobile device and I have received feedback from some readers stating that it would be easier to read that way. So for those of you who read along on a mobile device, I hope this launch makes it easier for you!

Thanks again for following along.

P.S. I wrote this from my phone so I am well aware of the convenience
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55mom- Despite my constant egotistical and sarcastic remarks to her saying otherwise I must admit that on most occasions, I do agree with you. Roll Eyes Big Grin

On another note: according to the stats that I have access to with the blog, the past hour since I posted the notice that the post was written has been the single most viewed one hour since I began the blog on July 13. Thank you all so much for following along and supporting my writing.
Last edited by J H
J H your latest blog is excellent. I wish that many players didn't have to go through a significant injury to understand this. My son, Junior5 appears to develop a similar attitude towards preparation as a result of his injury.

As a parent watching my son go through the recovery process, I can say it is a hard lesson to learn but in some respects very gratifying he was able to learn it during his freshman year in college.

For parents/players who take the time to read this latest blog; please take the importance of preparation to heart. Focus on everything you are doing to prepare to the play the game you love.
55mom- To be completely honest the cold isn't that terrible once you're warmed up. It takes a bit more dynamic stretching and movement previous to actually throwing to get that chill out of you, but once you get into the swing of things it really isn't awful. My throwing partner in the video, a junior RHP at my school, stupidly decided it would be OK to wear a hoodie and shorts for this morning's session so I have a feeling he may have felt the elements a bit more than I did.

Of course that's not to say I wouldn't prefer the weather of the Carolinas... Frown
Last edited by J H

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