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To be honest, i never even spoke to the kid before. I don't even go to his school, i attend Chicago Academy but i live close by Steinmetz so sometimes when i'm home early enough i can catch some of thier games when i'm bored. I'm not sure what what summer league he played for or what level of competition he's played at. I'm sorry but i really don't know him like that, but from what i see, the kid got skills and that's why when i saw "Short-Stops for 2006" i would read about him. I'm just letting ya'll know.
I'm kind of new to this whole website thing, but one of my guys was telling me that they were writing about me on this forum. Lol and wow, i guess i can say thanks to OutFielder20 for even coming out to watch Steinmetz play when we have home games. Thanks a lot, i really appreciate it. And to baseball8, umm i played for the Humboldt Park All-Star Traveling Team when i was 13, and last summer i played for the SkyScraper League. Level of competition?? Well, High School baseball is tough enough with trying to keep your grades up and being that Student Athlete, but last year we played Lane Tech and lost 3-2. So it was a pretty good game and i mean, with the All-Star thing and the Summer League i played for, i guess you can say i've done some things.
It was during the season, but once the game finsihed, they had said that the game didnt count because that day our coach didnt show up, Coach McNulty, and they said since we were getting coached by one of the my frineds dad, that the game shouldn't count. So they didnt even give the win to Lane or the loss to us. It was kind of messed up for both becuase Lane didn;t receive a win on their record, and even though we lost we still wanted that game to show in the box score for the simple fact that we kept up with them and lost by only a run. So yeah, it was during the High School Season.
Yeah it sure does suck! but we had a Senior pitch for us who is now a Freshmen at Robert Morris College. (he got a scholarhip for basketball though)..and for Lane?? they had some short kid on the mound, i think he was white, not sure but he did look like a Senior, and awfully good as well. I THINK he pitched in the City Championship vs Clemente, because i saw some pics of the Championship game and he was on the mound, but i'm not sure if he started or came in relief.
Last edited by steinmetzSS#3
is thanks for the update clutch referencing my post?

I can't tell, I was just explaining that short is a hard positon to play. All 3 of those kids mentioned though are very good HS players and will all be college guys for sure. Spark I hope your not getting upset over something I said again. I am not being negative here like some others.
I received complaints about this thread and want to remind you NOT to bring player names into arguments about teams.

My editing above is not intended to paint all of the posts with the same brush. Some of the comments may have been borderline, and other comments may have been meant to defend those players. But when I receive complaints about possible "bashing" of players, or bringing player names into the mix of "bashing" of teams, I will always err on the side of trying to avoid possibly hurtful mentions of players in our forums.

Thank you,

Originally posted by spark-plug:
nice work MN-Mom but you might also want to go after the real bullies on here. Yes coach Steeley you have my PM and no disrespect to you. I am no longer a fan of the Sparks and their loudmouth spokesman SPARKY1. I tried to be a sparks supporter, not anymore, I tried to complement Sparky1 and he has blasted me over and over, the guy is a preening know it-all. Great spokesman for the Sparks? Dave P. must be squirming over the hiring of this guy and his constant presence on this site not to mention disrupting the program with his nonsensical recruiting skills? bringing in players after the roster was set, moving kids out of position to make room for political reasons or to send a message to other teams. You have him and now the biggest bully sultiger soiling the program, good luck! well not all the sparks parents r happy with the direction ole sparky1 is taking us.

Sorry we couldnt make you happy. Hopefully you find another organization to follow. I guess ill sit here with ole sparky1 and go down with this sinking ship we are in.

by the way, none of us are hired, we all volunteer to do this. Sparks are a non profit

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