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My son learned a tough lesson tonight. Things aren't always fair in life. He was the only one of the players on his team not invited to play in Jupiter. He has worked very hard and has been solid defensively but his bat has been off the last couple of weeks. Even though he ended the summer on a high note, two weeks of weaker than usual hitting kept him off the roster. We talked and we both decided he just has to keep working harder than ever before. He happens to be ranked in PG's top 350 2014's but that has no meaning when you play on a team of superstars. If anyone knows of a team that needs a !B, LF or backup catcher, please let us know. He would still love to go to Jupiter.
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I bet this will work out and it will be a positive.

I'd suggest that it is time to abandon the concept of "fair" and "unfair". Really irrelevant. Everyone deals with playing behind someone else at some point. The good ones learn something from it.

That being said, it really stinks to be the only one not going. You are doing a great thing by looking for a team here. My son went to Jupiter last year as a result of a connection here, and had the time of his life playing with kids he had never met.

Good luck!
It tests your faith doesn't it. Disappointment. I left the garage in the truck yesterday in a rain and hail storm, 30 mph gusts of wind and cold. I was going to work. Didn't look too promising. Until I backed up and caught a glimpse of something in the mirror over top of my house. Looking to the east there was a perfect double rainbow framing my home, a gloriously wide and bright perfect rainbow. At first I had been looking in the wrong direction.

I can't help but think of how my father taught me about "tough lessons". I'd complain about one or another thing. Some serious business. I knew what was coming next. He'd break out singing.....

"When you're smilin' when you're smilin.....the whole world smiles with you.....when you're laughin.....when you're laughin......the sun comes shinin through......but when you're bring on the stop your happy again.....keep on smilin.....cause when you're smilin.....the whole world smiles with you."

This is a man who knew disappointment, over and over again. What he taught me was choices. You can look west and see the storm or another direction and see a rainbow.

Billie Holiday
Last edited by PA Dino

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