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cabbagedad posted:
Picked Off posted:

We set up our player with an Uber account that got billed directly to my wife's card. Because she used Uber for work and other outings , it was hard to distinguish  who's was who's. Someone stole her card number and was charging things so she had to identify each charge. She noticed that there were Uber charges in one week for $42.00 & $36.00. When she questioned Junior about the high Uber charges, he had to respond specifically to each. Turns out that here in SF you can get food delivered(UberEats). Busted!

Just waitin' for you to connect the dots here, big boy... you may want to read a few posts up

Dots connected! That's why they call them teammates. Now I know why the Uber headquarters being built next door was redesigned to add a few more floors.

TPM posted:
CaCO3Girl posted:
MidAtlanticDad posted:
PGStaff posted:

Car ended up rolling over into a ditch.

PSA:  Set your children up with a Lyft or Uber account. If possible, pay for it, no questions asked. I have to believe that these services have saved many lives.

My kid is 14 and has an Uber account, how else will he get to Lakepoint for an 8am game on a workday? 


Kids get out of school in May, PG has week long tourneys that can have a game anytime from 8am-1am, I have to work.  My son gets an Uber car from our house to field.  It's actually really reasonable, way cheaper than cabs.  Lots of kids do it around here.

cabbagedad posted:
Coach_May posted:

My son was playing in Nag's Head in the CPL one summer. Two weeks in I get a call from him saying "Guess What?" ...

Hahaha... whenever i get a call from my son and he leads with "guess what?", I cringe.  Either that or there is a lead story and then a pause and then "So,... ".

Yesterday, it was the lead story.  Something, something... have a camp opportunity to make some extra $...  So, I went out with this girl a few times and I realized I have more in common with her roommate... 

And, as if on cue, son just called...  "Guess what!"   He was wondering why I was laughing before he even started.  It was a doozie... cannot even share here.  But continue to watch out for "Guess what".

cabbagedad posted:
cabbagedad posted:
Coach_May posted:

My son was playing in Nag's Head in the CPL one summer. Two weeks in I get a call from him saying "Guess What?" ...

Hahaha... whenever i get a call from my son and he leads with "guess what?", I cringe.  Either that or there is a lead story and then a pause and then "So,... ".

Yesterday, it was the lead story.  Something, something... have a camp opportunity to make some extra $...  So, I went out with this girl a few times and I realized I have more in common with her roommate... 

And, as if on cue, son just called...  "Guess what!"   He was wondering why I was laughing before he even started.  It was a doozie... cannot even share here.  But continue to watch out for "Guess what".

I bet you will get a ton of pm's on this. 

cabbagedad posted:
cabbagedad posted:
Coach_May posted:

My son was playing in Nag's Head in the CPL one summer. Two weeks in I get a call from him saying "Guess What?" ...

Hahaha... whenever i get a call from my son and he leads with "guess what?", I cringe.  Either that or there is a lead story and then a pause and then "So,... ".

Yesterday, it was the lead story.  Something, something... have a camp opportunity to make some extra $...  So, I went out with this girl a few times and I realized I have more in common with her roommate... 

And, as if on cue, son just called...  "Guess what!"   He was wondering why I was laughing before he even started.  It was a doozie... cannot even share here.  But continue to watch out for "Guess what".

Just change the names to protect the 'less than innocent' and post it!


cabbagedad posted:
cabbagedad posted:
Coach_May posted:

My son was playing in Nag's Head in the CPL one summer. Two weeks in I get a call from him saying "Guess What?" ...

Hahaha... whenever i get a call from my son and he leads with "guess what?", I cringe.  Either that or there is a lead story and then a pause and then "So,... ".

Yesterday, it was the lead story.  Something, something... have a camp opportunity to make some extra $...  So, I went out with this girl a few times and I realized I have more in common with her roommate... 

And, as if on cue, son just called...  "Guess what!"   He was wondering why I was laughing before he even started.  It was a doozie... cannot even share here.  But continue to watch out for "Guess what".

Before you started this thread, I was only worried about son leaving a mess at his host family's house.  

DesertDuck posted:
cabbagedad posted:
cabbagedad posted:
Coach_May posted:

My son was playing in Nag's Head in the CPL one summer. Two weeks in I get a call from him saying "Guess What?" ...

Hahaha... whenever i get a call from my son and he leads with "guess what?", I cringe.  Either that or there is a lead story and then a pause and then "So,... ".

Yesterday, it was the lead story.  Something, something... have a camp opportunity to make some extra $...  So, I went out with this girl a few times and I realized I have more in common with her roommate... 

And, as if on cue, son just called...  "Guess what!"   He was wondering why I was laughing before he even started.  It was a doozie... cannot even share here.  But continue to watch out for "Guess what".

Just change the names to protect the 'less than innocent' and post it!


Haha... hits too many PC issues and too many dots that can be connected.  Gonna have to stick with Smoke's PM idea.  

Really, though, the story is that son gave me a "Guess What" story the day after I talked about what happens when son gives me  "Guess what" stories.

CaCO3Girl posted:
TPM posted:
CaCO3Girl posted:
MidAtlanticDad posted:
PGStaff posted:

Car ended up rolling over into a ditch.

PSA:  Set your children up with a Lyft or Uber account. If possible, pay for it, no questions asked. I have to believe that these services have saved many lives.

My kid is 14 and has an Uber account, how else will he get to Lakepoint for an 8am game on a workday? 


Kids get out of school in May, PG has week long tourneys that can have a game anytime from 8am-1am, I have to work.  My son gets an Uber car from our house to field.  It's actually really reasonable, way cheaper than cabs.  Lots of kids do it around here.

What does that have to do with older players getting in trouble?

Second hand story here. Upper classmen in son's HS just before he attended was a STUD.  6'3' 215 lbs , 9.5 PG rated and had scholarship to an SEC program. He had a few run ins in HS but nothing of what i call truly "criminal". Gets to college and steals an IPOD. Puts it on Ebay to sell and someone realizes it's theirs or sees it's the one that was stolen. Gets busted, kicked out and never really reached his full potential after that. Kicked around to several other schools, a Juco , then Atl Sun team...certainly none as prestigious as the first, was not drafted.and is now out of baseball.  Sad.

Last edited by Shoveit4Ks
TPM posted:
CaCO3Girl posted:
TPM posted:
CaCO3Girl posted:
MidAtlanticDad posted:
PGStaff posted:

Car ended up rolling over into a ditch.

PSA:  Set your children up with a Lyft or Uber account. If possible, pay for it, no questions asked. I have to believe that these services have saved many lives.

My kid is 14 and has an Uber account, how else will he get to Lakepoint for an 8am game on a workday? 


Kids get out of school in May, PG has week long tourneys that can have a game anytime from 8am-1am, I have to work.  My son gets an Uber car from our house to field.  It's actually really reasonable, way cheaper than cabs.  Lots of kids do it around here.

What does that have to do with older players getting in trouble?

I'm not sure why I have to connect these dots or why you would call me out on it but okay.

 OP asked about HS and up kids, it wasn't restricted to minors and host families, although the stories have been amusing. Then it was posted about getting an Uber account for your kid. I chimmed in that my kid had one, and it was useful to get to work day games.

CaCO3Girl posted:

HS senior, played on one of the best travel teams in the country, D1 scholarship, very talented kid.  He decided it would be hysterical to "borrow" a goat from a neighboring farm so he could send it up to the girl he liked with a note around his neck that said "Will you GOAT to Prom with me"....farmer saw him take the goat, got the license plate.  Farmer pressed charges, "Theft of Livestock".  D1 offer pulled due to ethics violation, kicked off elite team.

This is actually very funny. Too bad the farmer and team didn't see the humor.  I'd would want this kid on my team any day.

Nuke83 posted:
TPM posted:

Lonnie Chisenhall got in serious trouble at South Carolina.

Never stopped  MLB from giving him a second chance.


For EVERY player, this one truth holds.  The number of chances you'll receive and severity of infraction tolerated will be directly proportional to the talent of the player.

Yep.  If you're good enough, some coaches will let you bring your probation officer to practice. 

I was telling someone via PM that I have some surprising stories with the HS team I coach but, of course, wouldn't put that on a public forum where I (and they) could be easily identified if the effort were made.  I also made reference to the fact that I generally get groups of guys that are above average from a character standpoint.

So, I can tell this one...

I get a call from the AD... three or four students caught on camera, had broken in (jumped the fence) and vandalized the field - no further details yet.  I'm told they are all my V players!  The maintenance department (with which we have had a contentious relationship) wants them suspended and punished to the fullest.   I'm told which players.  I'm thinking no way.  These are my very best leaders, top character kids.  I can't believe it.   Still no idea what they did yet. 

I get calls from each player, apologizing profusely.  Still not clear on exactly what happened.  Finally...  details...  we had a very unusual spell of heavy rains.  They were looking for a place to slip 'n slide.  The local park was closed and locked up.  So, they migrated to their home away from home.  They even made sure they only used foul territory.  Not a spec of damage.  They were literally just sliding on their belly's in the grass.  But, oh, the drama from admin and maintenance.  I had to pretend I was mad.  Probably didn't do a very good job.


Last edited by cabbagedad

Cabbage, we had a similar incident, but it was after a game got rained out by a monsoon, and the laundry guys in the Athletic Department went ballistic when the kids brought their uniforms in.  Physical Plant guys actually watched and thought it was funny.  No damage to the grounds, but I hear, ahem, that it was pretty spectacular.

CaCO3Girl posted:

HS senior, played on one of the best travel teams in the country, D1 scholarship, very talented kid.  He decided it would be hysterical to "borrow" a goat from a neighboring farm so he could send it up to the girl he liked with a note around his neck that said "Will you GOAT to Prom with me"....farmer saw him take the goat, got the license plate.  Farmer pressed charges, "Theft of Livestock".  D1 offer pulled due to ethics violation, kicked off elite team.

"Son, let's have a heart to heart talk. If you decide to involve live animals while trying to get a date, let me know and I'll buy you a damn goat."

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