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Jim Farr -- the current pitching coach and former William and Mary Coach will be a front runner. The program has been second rate in terms of funding, facilities and head coaching....Most Maryland kids able to play in the ACC go -- south. Just an example -- when my son went through the recruiting cycle.....we met Rupp in a trailer behind left field ----- Rupp was not a communicator......
Originally posted by Trepfan:
The job is Jim Farr's to accept or reject.

I dunno...

Tom Walter, formerly of GW and now UNO would be interested, and should be considered.

The hot commodity these days is UVA associate head coach Kevin McMullan, but he may be more interested in the Wake Forest job.

Jim Farr is top notch and his history of turning out terrific players and teams goes well back to his stint at W&M. But MD's lack of front-line pitching (they have had some great arms, but not enough to compete in the ACC) recruitment is a rather troubling phenomena that Coach Farr has had very little success in addressing. Also, why would a seasoned pro like him want to take a job with a 2/3 handicap on scholarships?

I have heard Coach Walter (Arundel) may throw his support toward a more local guy.

Time will tell.
I have a friend that works in Yow's office and they say they are doing a national search, but Farr has the inside track. I find it hard to believe they will get a more qualified guy with a program that is not fully funded.

Anyone know why MD is not fully funded? I heard it stemmed from Title IX violations years ago, but I just did not put much stock in that rumor.
Several points: Coach Mac from UVA is not going anywhere next year....he signed a three year contract last year along with O'Connor and Kuhn. Secondly, unless Yow puts some money into the program, even Coach Farr will have a difficult time recruiting -- remember next to Boston, Maryland is the most north of the schools in the ACC. Traditionally, schools located in warmer climate have a better chance of recruiting top kids. Finally, the facilities are terrible and need to be uplifted asap. I not describe you how ****** it is when a kid meets the coaches in the trailer office behind the outfield......horrible and embarrassing.
I have previously been told that all ACC programs are now fully funded for their 11.7 cap.

What is the source for your information that MD is underfunded?

As to Farr -- underfunding was the big burr under his saddle that left to his leaving W&M. I guess after a few years away he may be looking for a way back to a head job, but I'm kind of surprised he would jump right back into the same sort of situation.

When a program like W&M puts several pitchers into the pros and more than one guy into MLB (Ray, Bray, Brendan Harris), you have to give some credit to the guy who made that happen. The fact is, before Farr, W&M baseball was a joke, never a winner, and always at risk of the program being completely eliminated. He turned them into a team that won 30+ games annually and oversaw the process of their getting Plumeri Park built. I don't understand why it's taking so long for someone to come get him.
Originally posted by TRhit:

You posted that you got your info from 2 Division I Head Coaches and 2 assistants who interviewed in the past three years---

Tom, pardon my poor grammar. My kids have me texting these days.

I spoke to two Division I head coaches.

I spoke to two assistants who have been through the interview process with MD in the past three years.
The program was fully funded this year. I spoke direclty with a Maryland player several weeks ago and he confirmed this.....Anyone that was recently recruited by the University knows that communication was not a strong trait for Rupp -- Farr was doing the bulk of the recruiting but kids were scared any due to Rupp's rap and the facilities. The only other ACC school that comes close to Maryland in terms of second rate facilities is Boston College. Top prospect Kids that RESIDE in Maryland will for the most part look southward for colleges
Originally posted by Trepfan:
The program was fully funded this year. I spoke direclty with a Maryland player several weeks ago and he confirmed this.....Anyone that was recently recruited by the University knows that communication was not a strong trait for Rupp -- Farr was doing the bulk of the recruiting but kids were scared any due to Rupp's rap and the facilities. The only other ACC school that comes close to Maryland in terms of second rate facilities is Boston College. Top prospect Kids that RESIDE in Maryland will for the most part look southward for colleges

Trep...I'm not saying this player misled you, but I can't imagine an athletic program in the land that would share with their players how many scholarships they have to offer? I have had quite a few former players go on to play at MD, Towson and UMBC...and I can't ever remember one of them knowing how many scholarships the coaches had to offer. Strange???

I specifically asked several programs this during recruiting. We wanted to know if the team would be at a competitive disadvantage. This information is usually given out freely to recruits if you ask politely.

That is also how I know how the level of scholarships affected W&M during Farr's years there. I asked him in person, and he told me straight.

It's never right to ask about individual players' deals, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to know the school's level of commitment to baseball. I imagine those kids at New Hampshire and Northern Iowa would've liked to have known more before they went there.
MIDLO DAD -- concur.......hey we are off to the World Series! It looks like Hultzen (Maryand Resident/St. Albans) will be the starting pitcher in Omaha --- He will be a terrific representative of the baseball talent that reside in the State of Maryland - although he was not recognized by the "All Maryland Team".

Any news on the replacement(s) at Wake and where the past coaches are headed.
Last edited by Trepfan
I would think that most schools would answer the question, "How many scholarships do you fund for baseball?" if asked.

Back to the issue of coaching turnover at College Park..and who might be the replacement. Coach Farr may get the job, but (as I posted in another thread), if he is so good a pitching coach and recruiter, why is the Terp ERA closing in on 6 earned runs a game? And, why has it not come down in any year since he has been there? Not saying Farr isn't a fine coach and there may be other reasons. If he were to get the job, this would seem odd to me, that's all.

To not put all the blame on the pitching coach, Terp hitting has not been much better either as I recall.

Terps remain near the bottom of the conference in hitting and pitching, while others are moving up.
Trepfan - Yes! Congratulations are in order to Danny Hultzen and the rest of the Virginia team.

While you are entitled to your opinion and have been making sure we all know where you stand please stop "beating a dead horse" on the subject.

It has always MY understanding that an "All State Team" was comprised of players who played at schools located in a specific state. If you apply your method to basketball for example, the best basketball players who play for Maine Central Institute, Oak Hill, South Kent Prep etc. etc. should be named to the All-City teams from their respected cities where their familes live. Which in my opinion, just does not make a whole lot of sense.

I always linked a player to the HS team/league/state he played at regardless of where he was born/resides.

While Maryland is proud to recognize that talented players reside in MD, the fact is they play for a school another state.

I do not really know what the specific requirements are for trying out for team Maryland, Brooks Robinson game or teh MD All-state team for that matter. Maybe a simple solution would be to make a requirement of the MD All State Team would be that a player must play on a team located IN Maryland but make team MD and the Brooks Robinson game tryouts open to any player residing in MD no matter what school he attends.
Originally posted by baseballguy:
I would think that most schools would answer the question, "How many scholarships do you fund for baseball?" if asked.

Back to the issue of coaching turnover at College Park..and who might be the replacement. Coach Farr may get the job, but (as I posted in another thread), if he is so good a pitching coach and recruiter, why is the Terp ERA closing in on 6 earned runs a game? And, why has it not come down in any year since he has been there? Not saying Farr isn't a fine coach and there may be other reasons. If he were to get the job, this would seem odd to me, that's all.

To not put all the blame on the pitching coach, Terp hitting has not been much better either as I recall.

Terps remain near the bottom of the conference in hitting and pitching, while others are moving up.

Why? Because Rupp was the head coach and facilities sink! Not hard to deduct ---- Farr is total class and quality with a proven track record and William and Mary. He will need to receive certain concessions from the U of M Board of Regents prior to accepting the offer ----
You obviously are closer to the situation and therefore, more familiar than I. So, perhaps you are correct.

On the other hand, from the pitching coach standpoint, I still have trouble reconciling an ERA that never got below 5 and has steadily grown to now near 6 earned runs per game. I would think that Coach Farr specifically could have impacted this one area.

From the recruiting standpoint, I will concede the facilities issue. You are probably correct. Perhaps this is the reason that over the past several recruiting classes, UMD has only gotten a couple of the top 20 (PG ratings) recruits from the state of Maryland. In the meantime, Maryland prep players are going to UVA (your example of Hultzen is a good one), Richmond, Clemson, Wake, FSU, and so on.

You very well could be right...that poor facilites is the major reason that Terp baseball is not mroe successful. But it seems to me that there has to be more to it. But, since you seem more knowledgable, so I will accept what you say.
Typically during the recruiting process, the coaches walk the kids around the baseball facilities. I have seen most of the baseball facilities for teams in the ACC and also West Point, Vanderbuilt, Stanford, Cal-State, Texas, Rice etc. Maryland is at the bottom ---- in terms of facilities --- absolutely embarrassing. For example, when a kid and his parents meet with the coaches -- their office is a small trailer behind the outfield. Compare this setting with other Division 1 schools that have permanent offices, club houses with flat screens - etc. And the Maryland infield -- please --- it is a total joke. The stadium is not much better than some prep schools in the area.
I hope the Maryland situation is reversed. Their facilities are poor compared to their peers. The location of their field in the center of their campus is somewhat unique, and it could be a drawing point as it could pull in a lot of walk up fans.

But, in its current shape, it's a liability. Maryland athletics needs to pay for the drainage systems to get rid of that turf infield, in addition to all of the other improvements (clubhouse, offices, batting cages, workout areas, etc) that are needed.
I am also not a big fan of turf infields, but they are more and more popular.

University of Texas even went that route, so you can't say this is a mark of low level programs.

With the compressed schedule, there's just no time to reschedule games. In addition to saving money, the turf fields prevent some weather casualties on the schedule.

Wake is planning to go this route. It got held up this year because fund raising is off with the current recession. Almost makes me wish the recession would last a couple more years. Unfortunately I may well get that wish granted.

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