I have been around softball for several years and I am just starting to learn baseball. I know somethings are similar, but yet somethings are very different. I was just wondering if the hitting technique that I am about to describe will work with baseball. It basically is just 3 steps, but obviously with little adjustments within each step.
1) When the pitcher is delivering his pitch, the batter steps with front foot and gets his bat back.
2) Squish the bug with your back foot and start bringing the knob of the bat through the ball first and extend the bat to contact having your head and nose on and in line with the bat. The elbows should be above the wrist and the wrist above the barrel of the bat.
3) At contact with the ball, finish turning the hips and follow through. At contact, when the hips are turning, the shoulders should also turn with the hips.
This is how we taught in softball, and have been very successful. I was wondering if this basic technique could also be applied to baseball. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I will be coaching baseball this next spring and I am very big on hitting and want to give the kids the best opportunity to hit.
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