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Coaching truths = You will be hired and you will be fired. Count on it. It will happen to me as well. Who runs the program? Be careful! I know one coach who came under/is under serious fire because he didn't play one kid in a certain game despite the fact taht the kid played in 34+ other games. Wouldn't want to be him. If I'm the coach and I don't run the program, rest assured, I'm headed elsewhere! It's my name on the program. That same last name belongs to my Father and Grandfather. I can always find another place to work.

O'Brady, stay away! I do think that there is a place for "DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT!!!" If you end up with a list of FACTS and not rumor or opinion, then move on it. I think that there are always things that you can do in a positive manner that will help the players. Keep in mind that if heads roll, don't let it be yours or your sons! JMHO!
I guess the reason I latched onto this thread is that there is a theme on all threads that deal with the HS program. It is the "Our coach doesn't know who the best players are and he has an agenda and he plays favorites, etc., etc., etc."

I don't deny there are bad programs out there. And it is unfair to the athletes. It is also unfair when an otherwise healthy person gets cancer. Sometimes it is the luck of the draw. You can move and try another school, or you can be positive with your player and the other parents and attempt to be a voice of reason. Perhaps there are solutions out there, if the concerned parents just get a mindset of soluitions instead of complaints.

Ultimately, the AD is in charge of the hiring, firing and performance appraisal of the coaches. The coach is in charge of the program and the players. The Booster Club is in charge of fundraising and supporting the athletes. Those three roles should remain forever apart.
T-Bird Dad:

Ultimately, the AD is in charge of the hiring, firing and performance appraisal of the coaches. The coach is in charge of the program and the players. The Booster Club is in charge of fundraising and supporting the athletes. Those three roles should remain forever apart.

I agree...they should stay apart.

I just think that if there is a legitimate problem with the program then those that are legitimately impacted negatively should step up and bring about change...correctly. good
Is it me or does seem that every HS baseball team has a group of parents that are angry. Since only 9 boys can start a game does that automatically mean the parents of the other team members are angry. I think so.

Could it be now that so many kids play on travel teams and elites teams where the parents spend big bucks and because of their money they have all the influance and control on playing time,coaching style,players, etc.. So when they are confronted with HS baseball they can't let go and become angry. Possible. I for one plan to enjoy my son's four years of HS baseball no matter of his status on the team. After HS none of us have any guarantee of any more baseball. Lets enjoy what is in front of us.

It appears that you and your son are well on your way to that enjoyable four years...that's the right approach.

My comments here in this thread are not about being unhappy or dissatisfied about playing time or a roster spot, but rather a concern for a baseball program that is not run by a baseball guy...and it could be.

We'll see how it turns out.

And for what it is worth...I do stay away from the angry folks...they almost always will lead you somewhere that you don't want to go!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Poorly run programs deserve to be fixed...and it usually falls to the parents to make the first move. That being said, favoritism toward football players or win/loss records aren't enough by themselves to go after a coach.

Our school is a total football school (4 straight state titles, huge budget). Baseball is little more than a stepchild. Football players received some preference, win/loss was mediocre. I could have lived with this situation but for one fact: the coach was way underqualified and cruelly abusive.

Long story short, a group of parents decided to make a move at just the right time. They spent the season documenting the coach's behavior and went straight to the principal and AD immediately after the season was over. This timing was critical because coaching contracts are renewed soon after the school year.

A new coach (very qualified) was hired and many people were stunned at how fun baseball can be. I swear, some of the players and parents were suffering from Stockholm Syndrome under the fomer coach. Now they understand just how bad things were.

Anyway, bottom should stay out of it unless TRUE incompetence on the part of the coaches is the problem.
What happens when the new coach does play the "boosters" kids, obviously they are the best players and are not playing now.

Or what happens when the booster kid gets sat down.

I think my longest conversation with the coach in regards to a game was "Good game Coach"

You may have a legit concern but I don't think I have ever talked to a parent from nearby schools that didn't say that some parents have an issue with a coach. This includes schools that have had very successful seasons.

The Great thing about being a parent is that I can coach from the top row of the stands and make decisions after the play. Some of my best coaching moves sometimes come after the game, on my third or fourth try!!!! I'm a freaking genius!!!!

I can also umpire through a chain linked fence from the third base stands and see that the pitch was clearly off the plate, or that the play at first was obviously the wrong call. In fact I can make the call before the pitch is thrown or the ball is fielded if I try real hard.

I guess my point is (if there is one) is that yes there are horrible situations out there with horrible coaches and umpires too, but nothing compares to the number of experts in the stands. Too many parents myself included think that we know the game because we played as kids or coached T-Ball or watch it on TV.

I'm just looking forward to the season and enjoying my Son play one last High School season and enjoy that bond of baseball while he's home.

Oh how correct you are and how I wish every HS baseball team would have a true baseball coach. I will confess it does make a difference in practices, games etc. The both summer teams my son was involed in and the one he is presently on have professional baseball coaches. The difference in obvious and well worth the money. Our JV coach is the JV assistant football coach. We were worned that his practices were nothing but football drills. I am pleased to say that he runs a good baseball practice. My son likes him and is happy with the team. sounds as if cool heads prevailed......and that must have been helpful too.....documenting for the season......rather than picking fights all season.....and then presenting the documentation/facts to administration.....

"Hysterical, Opinionated, Biased, Blindfolded Parents" have an uphill battle.....think you all handled it well.......and I think there is something to be learned here.....for all of us.
One school in our area discreetly got rid of their problem coach (he spit in a players face, as an example) by having one of the "booster parents" write a letter of recommendation to a brand new school being built 15 miles down the road.
Of course the parent that wrote the letter was one of the most famous MLB players in the world. It worked.
If your kid gets a failing mark in a class do you ask for the "head" of the teacher--not usually --usually you blame your kid for not working hard enough--do not see too many teachers fired for kids failing the course !!! He is usually termed a tough teacher and his reputation precedes him so kids should know what they have to do to maintain a good grade in his class

So why if your kid is not starting does the parent look to remove the coach ?

Folks ---see the system for what it is and you cannot change it--- no different then the business world--not eveything goes your way at work does it ? Some of you have bosses or supervisors whom you dislike and you see others get promotions when you dont

And baseball is, after all just a game. As PG says so often and I totally agree there are other things in life besides baseball---I might also add that every kid is not a stud athlete--some play the game because the love it and enjoy being on the team, not necessarily the star.

Parents talk to your kids about their feelings and you might get a different story than what you feel and would much prefer you stay out of it and just root for the team
What it sounds like, is that the parents think that they have a chance to be State Champions. But not with this Coach.
So there looking for some kind of excuse. So when they don't make the playoffs, or don't get past the first round they have someone to blame.
It would have to be the coach are the bad Players he keeps playing! Right????
It couldn't be the Negetivite by the Parents, That could cause a baseball program to not succeed!!!! the EH
I see the parents complaining are the ones of the stud players. They have not won because the coach is poor not because they have played poorly. Therefore the parents need to go find a quality coach so they can win. Then they will be winning because of all those stud players not because of the coach. Yeah I can just hear them now. We are winning because we have a great coach. Yeah right!
Obrady......are you getting the drift? Some posters will never acknowledge that a coach is wrong and/or should be removed.....never.....and even ignore the facts as you have order to advance their opinions....."tough it up".....and...."honor the coach".....Amen.

As you have to read it all.....take the good, leave the bad....and come to your own decision.....when the best interests of our sons are the priority....we will act accordingly....but it is up to each parent to determine what is in our own childs best interests.....
Last edited by LadyNmom

Very well summed up! good

Let's all admit it...just as there can be horrible, poor behaving, and misguided parents... there can also be some coaches equally as bad as some parents...this just stands to reason.

Let's admit this also...just as a coach should appreciate good, well behaved, parents...parents should appreciate good, capable coaches...this also just stands to reason.

Personally, I admire and respect greatly any coach that is capable of taking any team and manages to get that team to meet or exceed the team's capabilities...if he/she manages to incorporate the positive support of the parents in this quest, then an even deeper respect is earned.

Conversely, I am disgusted by misguided parents, with their own personal agenda, meddling in the affairs of a team coached by a capable, qualified just should not happen.

And a coach that is incapable of coaching should not be tolerated either. what is know what to do. Be wise. Be careful.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Conversely, I am disgusted by misguided parents, with their own personal agenda, meddling in the affairs of a team coached by a capable, qualified just should not happen.

And a coach that is incapable of coaching should not be tolerated either. what is know what to do. Be wise. Be careful.

You can't have it both ways.
Either you let the coach, coach and stay on the other side of the fence,
Are your Meddling.

And who are you making it better for, Maybe the senior parents are just fine, and the lower classes are mad.
are vice/versus.
You can never make everybody happy.
Thats why you have to just sit back and enjoy the HS season for what it is The HS season. PLAY BALL

I'm not asking to have it both ways...I'm asking it to be just one programs should be run by good baseball people. Hard to argue otherwise.

I believe in letting the coach run his team. If the coach needs to be replaced then action should be taken. Simple.

No meddling should occur. And you are 100% correct in stating that "You can never make everybody happy." But if no one is happy, then there is a problem and action should be taken.

I think we're essentially on the same side of this issue...if we were to sit down and discuss it while enjoying a cold one we would likely be agreeing with each other. dialog
Originally posted by obrady:
I feel the need to clarify the situation again;

The parents that are starting this "up-rising" are doing it for the program, in my opinion. Their kids already start, one has already graduated, and are the stars on the team. So its not about playing time, it's about quality coaching.

If this was your original intention of your post, I understand, don't necessarily agree but understand. I personally don't take the stance of tough it up and honor no matter what.
As a parent what I tried to do was improve the quality of our program by raising funds to improve our fields, batting cages, equipment. I figured that if the coach was not up to school or county standards, that was his boss' job to figure out what needed to be done. As I stated our coach was a Board of Education employee, which you can't just remove because parents don't like his coaching style no state championship. The coaches get a small bonus for coaching after school, it is not their main job. It may be different in other parts of the country, but that is how it is here an dhow I perceive teh situation. And for the record, when we felt our son's HEALTH was at stake, we stepped in, because for us that was the only time to get involved.

I also didn't always agree with his decisions, but we took HS baseball for what it was and still is to me, an extra curricular activity. I didn't ever expect that my son would reach the next level due to a wonderful HS baseball program. Maybe some do.

I read your original post along with everyone else's post and then I reread yours again. And again.

My opinion: I don't think you personally know enought yet to get involved in "the parent revolt." "not sure if its booster club endorsed" and "generally accepted . . . talent . . . to compete . . . but based on . . . history . . . likely not to happen." Are phrases that give me, at least, cause for concern.

And now, a story. I live in a rural part of a rural state. Both of my sons went to a K through 8 school that had less than 40 kids in each grade. No football, no baseball no so****r, only basketball. It was the smallest of 3 feeder schools that merged into our ONE CONSOLIDATED COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL. When my oldest son graduated from the eighth grade I was told by several parents that there was no reason for him to play athletics in High School. There was a prejudice against the children from our middle school. I was told this by many parents, several teachers [in confidence of course] and even one member of the Board of Education. {They are elected officials that are actually responsible for running the schools in West Virginia Counties} In spite of my concerns I let him go out for basketball and baseball anyway. He lettered varsity baseball for three years [elected captain his senior year] and lettered in basketball two years. And his senior year he went out for the golf team and lettered there also. Did I mention that he is an adopted Korean [had him since he was 3 1/2 months old] and was the only non-caucasion on all of these teams?

So, having sort of been there, my take on all this is, closely observe, lay low, go to practices if at all possible, then, when you have first hand knowledge of the facts, act responsibly but quickly. Join the revolt or join the coach but take action only on what YOU KNOW to be true. Good luck to you.
The parents, not sure if it is booster club endorsed at this time, are forming a committee to basically put the screws to the coach. He will be expected to play the “best” players, regardless of class, and win at higher percentage or they will get him replaced (their words).

Just the way you want a baseball program run.

That's one end of the perspective...

How about the other end? Perhaps the coach has all of the talent any coach could ever hope for and either he doesn't recognize this and doesn't have a clue as to how to manage it...or he recognizes it and chooses to coach in a manner that assures these talented athletes no chance of that the way you want to run a baseball program?

Baseball programs should be run by good baseball people...and in obrady's case qualified candidates are already in the program.

I'm with almost everyone else here on this subject...if the coach is capable, and the parents are merely meddling, then he should be supported and he should stay. End of discussion.

If, on the other hand, this coach is truly incompetent, then efforts should be made to find a new coach. Why settle for an incompetent coach? Simple.
The question here is who decides if the coach is incompetant? The parents or the AD? If the parents decide then who is going to want to coach at this school? When the next guy comes in he is going to be very aware of the past situation. Is he going to play the best players or is he going to play the players of the parents that he fears will have him ousted as well? Whos to say that these best players parents will be the parents of the best players next year? What happens if one or two of them are not considered the best players by the new coach? A new committee is formed to get rid of that guy as well? Come on people. Let the AD and the school administration make the decisions on who coaches the team and how its coached. What kind of coach do you think you will get when this guy is ousted under these circumstances? A marshmellow puppett who will without a doubt play favorites. In order to not piss off any parents that might do him in as well.
Coach May:

If the AD decides the coach is incompetent then, that coach should go...and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the parents letting the AD know their opinion on the matter...this is the proper channel for this type of situation to go.

I agree with earlier posts regarding meddling...meddling for the sole purpose of creating problems is wrong and shouldn't be tolerated.

Legitimate concerns about the competency of a coach should be addressed. This is no different than any other job out in the workplace.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Will and TR:

That would be the AD's call.

The problem at our HS is really the is king and baseball is a lowly
stepchild. And, as you can guess, the AD is also the football coach.

I have no quarrel with a good baseball concern is getting a baseball guy to be coach.

When we get that baseball guy coaching then everyone should leave it up to his best baseball judgment to run the team...I'm really defending good baseball coaches here...and looking down on coaches that shouldn't be coaching baseball.

I know there are circumstances that require other than a baseball guy to be the coach, but when the conditions are such that a baseball guy is available, but not utilized, then that is when, in my opinion, the concerns of the parents should be this case all families are affected.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
The AD at son's school (a woman by the way) listened to all parents concerns. I don't think she really didn't do much about meddling parents who didn't like the coach except listen.

As I stated in another post (which was not believed by someone), we called her regarding pitch counts for my son, the next day the four of us (father, mother, coach, AD) sat down and talked together to hear our concerns. I think she thought that was a legitimate issue and and although she WAS not negative toward the coach, she did tell him we had cause and reason to want his pitch count limited so early in the year (all we were asking). She said it was the first time parents came to her because the player played too much. But she knew that my son had a great scholarship and possibly a future and our concerns were legit. It never affected any playing time for my son, no hard feelings at all.

Bottom line, where we live the AD runs the program, she has to answer to the principal and the principal has to answer to the area superintendent and teh areas superintendent has to answer to the County superintendent and the members of the Board of Education. With all the problems we have in our schools, I doubt they would remove a coach because he wasn't the best coach in the county.

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