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From a Baltimore Sun interview with Roberts, who has battled a concussion syndrome for almost a year, and still isn't sure whether he will ever be able to play the game again:

"In the news conference, I had the chance to ask Roberts whether he’s learned anything about himself through the last few months, aside from the constant learning about how to handle his symptoms.

"Things I already knew,” Roberts said. “There's more to life for me than baseball. There always has been, and there always will be. I love the game to death. I do. It's given me and afforded me a lot of great opportunities in life, a lot of great memories, a lot of great relationships, a lot of great moments. But I live by my faith. I trust that God has a plan for my life. I think it goes a lot farther than baseball for me. It put it in perspective for me that I probably haven't had it put in perspective for a long time -- to know that this can be taken away from you every day.

“Tomorrow isn't promised -- to be breathing -- much less to be playing baseball,” he said. “Sure, I've learned some things. If we go through trials and don't learn something, we're not growing. We're not becoming who God has intended us to be, and that's how we become who we are -- and that's through trials. If it all went smoothly all the time, none of us would learn anything in life."
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