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I am curious to read what your experiences/thoughts were the first day your son hit the field/mound as a freshman in college. It can be your memory from a dozen years ago or just this past weekend.

I can say without a doubt that looking back on what it took to get him there, it's been a great ride. Sure there was plenty of stress we all went through trying to help them find the right fit. However now that I've experienced opening day weekend, it was all worth it.

--- It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt - April 23, 1910

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Due to an injury, my son's first start was in the DIII mideast regional championship game last year. He had pitched a total of 6 innings up to that point. I kept thinking, "This is crazy. What kind of coach puts a freshman in that situation?" I was definitely in shock. Coach must have know something though, because he pitched 6 good innings, but got the loss 2-1 to the team that went on to win the national championship. When the game was over, I was still in shock. The whole situation didn't phase my son at all. New season begins in 12 days, and he is raring to go. His 12 innings of experience have given him a world of confidence!
Son's first pitching appearance was about this time last year against #1 Virginia with some of his former travel buddies in their dugout. We'd never seen him visibly nervous like that on the mound EVER. He gave up some hits and some runs, but should have been limited to one earned run as a double play got "mishandled". I might have said a naughty word (loudly) at that point in time.. Lord, for that I apologize.

He got over that Virginia experience, and earned his way to the starting rotation when conference play started. Bottom line....he took his lumps, got over it, and had a pretty decent freshmen season.

I'm looking forward to their season opener in 11 days. We only have to drive 4 hours.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Doubleday Jr got the start at SS vs Georgia Tech last week in his first college game as a Freshman. In his first AB hit a solid line drive single to CF. Ga Tech pitched extremely well and that turned out to be the only hit of the game and they lost 5-0 so that was a bummer, but you only get one chance to get a hit in your first AB! Needless to say his mom and I were very proud parents.

He pretty much ran the gamut as far as emotions and plays otherwise on day one. He made several good defensive plays at SS including turning a DP but also made a throwing error...low and 1B couldn't make the scoop, got thrown out on a swing through hit and run after his single, and grounded out and K'd in his other ABs.
Originally posted by doubleday:
Doubleday Jr got the start at SS vs Georgia Tech last week in his first college game as a Freshman. In his first AB hit a solid line drive single to CF. Ga Tech pitched extremely well and that turned out to be the only hit of the game and they lost 5-0 so that was a bummer, but you only get one chance to get a hit in your first AB! Needless to say his mom and I were very proud parents.

He pretty much ran the gamut as far as emotions and plays otherwise on day one. He made several good defensive plays at SS including turning a DP but also made a throwing error...low and 1B couldn't make the scoop, got thrown out on a swing through hit and run after his single, and grounded out and K'd in his other ABs.

Great to hear about your son's first college game. I'm sure he is still soaking it all in, college life , studies and playing the game he loves.

Keep us posted on his season.
Originally posted by SultanofSwat:
Originally posted by doubleday:
Ga Tech pitched extremely well and that turned out to be the only hit of the game and they lost 5-0 so that was a bummer

Grimes is pretty good, huh?

Yes he is...that's the first time I've seen him as we're from TX and my son is a Freshman, but from what my son said, both he and the reliever that night were very good.
Freshman son came in for his 1st appearance in relief in 8th inning on Saturday with 0 outs and a guy on 2b and 3b...Infield was in..gave up jam shot pop up that landed behind SS..then struck the next guy out..followed by a fly out to center and a week ground out to 2b....while facing 2-5 hitters in lineup.. Son said he was so nervous he couldn't feel his legs when he ran to the mound after being called in..also said he didn't know if he threw 60 or 100 mph...the whole thing was a he earned his wings.
Freshman son came in for his first pitching time bases loaded with two out in the fourth inning. Gets ground ball to third for third out. Next inning ground out-error-Pass ball-walk-double steal-so second and third one out-gets a K-then fly ball to end the inning. So no hits no runs one strike out and one walk....unscathed

Still can't believe he came in with bases loaded for his first time. He said he was more pumped up than nervous wish I could say the same :-)
Freshman son was Saturday starter last week. Pitched good 1st, 2nd, and 3rd inning and pulled in the fourth. They were hitting too good and he was sitting 40 minutes almost each inning. It took 2 hours to play first 3 innings. Gave up his first homerun in the second inning. He said it was totally different experience than high school or travel ball. Loved it and is ready for Friday night this week. I was sitting on the edge of my seat and I usually don't get nervous for him. Team won so he was glad.
Originally posted by justbaseball:
Terrifying (for me)...twice. Eek

It is funny how we all react so differently. I have friends who are nervous wrecks before every game. Some cant watch, others go down the 1st/3rd base lines to watch alone. This despite the fact their kids are good players and typically do well.

Hopefully in your case it got better after they got their feet wet after their first games?
Home opening weekend freshman year. Sunday starter on a regional team...sat in the top row in LF....he lasted 2.1 IP....Mom in tears after 1.1 IP....."everything was just happening so fast.", he said.....little old man from Lake Charles said "Don't worry Mom.....He's gunna be a good one."

He made an all-tourney team in Hawaii three weeks later...his next start.
Last edited by Dad04
It's been an intresting journey. He transfered from a D1 after the spring semester started to a nearby DIII. He got the start against a team that was in the regionals last year. Since he had some issues through the fall, we had no idea how he would do. We were just hoping he didn't get shelled. He ended up having a nice outing. Went 4.1 innings left the game down 1 - 0. It was good to see him back in form. Mom and dad can relax now.
Son's first game was last year in Richmond which is about a 5-1/2 hour drive for me, with no traffic. Well, 8 hours later, I was still driving and stuck in traffic, about 10 minutes from the ballpark, when I received a phone call from fenwaysouth (who I was going to meet for the first time at the game). He was calling to see were I was; then he told me my son had lined the first college pitch he saw over the CF head for a double.

Unfortunately I didn't get to see it live, but I felt like I did. fenwaysouth ended up watching my son play 2 games that weekend and introduced me to some pretty good BBQ in Richmond. I'm looking forward to that again later this year.

My son went on to have a nice freshman year with some ups and downs, like most first year players go through. The next 3 seasons are going to be fun.
Last edited by birdman14
My son had his 1st at bat over the weekend in an NAIA game in Oklahoma. As I live in Arizoan I was not able to attend.
The game was however on a webcast. He didnt' start, I sat anxiously waiting to see if he'd get a pinch hitting opportunity. It came in the 6th inning as a pinch hitter. There was one out with runners at 2nd and 3rd. I was pacing in front of my computer screen. he took the 1st ptich for a ball, 2nd pitch for a strike, and then went 2-1. The next ptich he fouled straight back and then fouled another. Then strike 3 on a foul tip by the catcher.

It was his 1st bat in almost year as he is recovering from labrum surgery.

I have to say it was the best strike out I've ever seen. I was so proud of him.

In talking to him later, he said he was very confortible, recognized pitches ans was just a bit late on everything.

I have to say it was the proudest baseball momment to date. I get choked up writting about as I know how the road back has been for him and it isnt finished yet.

He really needed to part of the team and get on the field.
I'll never forget my son's first college baseball weekend. Four games in a tourney at Baylor University, playing Georgia and Baylor. We were very excited, knowing not what to expect.

His line: 0 for 0, 0 innings played.

It wasn't what we had hoped. College ball has been an incredible growth catalyst for him. Baseball is about adjusting/responding to failure.
My son has been a catcher his whole baseball life but his freshmen year last year coach makes him the closer due to a lack of arms and too many catchers already. My son pitches in the 2nd game of a double header and calls me (very excited) to tell me he struck out his first college baseball player, I then asked him how the rest of the game went, he replied "Dad, these hitters make you pay for every mistake you throw" I changed the subject after that.
birdman14 said....I was still driving and stuck in traffic, about 10 minutes from the ballpark, when I received a phone call from fenwaysouth (who I was going to meet for the first time at the game). He was calling to see were I was; then he told me my son had lined the first college pitch he saw over the CF head for a double.

Actually birdman, it was an RBI double. A great way to start any college career. Wink
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Watched his first game this weekend. Originally he said I didn't need to go and he was not going to play. The night before we heard he would be getting innings in relief. So I made arrangements to drive down to Chilicothe.

I was very nervous and cold. it was only 35 degrees. He went in in the fifth inning with 2 on, and promptly gave up a triple and walked a couple to give up the lead. Another pitcher was sent to warm up and I thought his day was done, But he got the third out.

The coach sent him out for the next two innings and he got 3 strike outs and shut the other team down. He came away with the win.

Talking to my son he was very happy to win. Once he settled down he said he felt real good. I was so proud.

Good to see some baseball.

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